Final Note

Thank you for reading this story based off the internet meme. Some answers to questions that were never asked.

1) Making Bowsette her person: This was based off of the fact that EVERYONE made her a gender-bend version of Bowser that ended up going out with Mario. One, that is weird. Two, why? Just because the original meme hinted at that? It brings up more questions and all sorts of theories that just ruin the joke that was made. So just using the same model as from the meme (the dress, hair and such) I just made it so she was related to Bowser. Now I am not saying everyone does the same thing, but I really didn't want Bowsette to be Bowser.

2) What is her relation to Bowser? Though I say 'Uncle' and 'Aunt", they aren't really brother and sister. Siblings maybe but could be distant. They are connected by Royalty only.

3) Bowsette's personality: So, we see her more serious side through out most of the story. She doesn't like it much because she becomes like Bowser. Then at the end, we see a more cartoony Bowsette. This is how I actually see her. I saw her as a silly person, but she can definitely be dark when she needs to be. But over all, she is a silly, cartoon/anime like person.

4) Her friends: The other Princesses are just Super Crowned versions of the normal enemies you see in the Mario games. I think only Chompette might be the most different from the others have described her, in looks mostly. I am not sure but most of the pictures I have seen don't look how I describe them. I am sure I left more out, but I am sure it is fine.

5) Draco and Kera: When I started this, I thought that she was powerful, silly but powerful. I also read some where that Koopa's were like Dragons. Not 100% where or how (because I am not up to date or knowledgeable with Mario lore [Last game played was Sunshine]) but I also love Dragons. So, who best to par with a powerful woman then a power man? A Dragon King so she would be a Queen. The name is lame, but I suck with coming up with names. As for Kera being a full Dragon...why not? Couldn't think of any other way to describe her. 

6) How tall is Bowsette that she can hold Draco: Bowsette could be anywhere between 6'2" to 6'5". I am about 5'9" in real life so I was kind of basing Draco off me, height wise at least. Again, I am sure Peach isn't to much taller than that so yeah...Bowsette is tall. When Draco turns full Dragon, she isn't that tall, but when he is in in normal state, she is.

7) What is the difference between the states: For Draco, he was born looking like a demon basically. Human with horns, a tail and a line of spike like scales running the middle of his head and spine. That is his normal state. His Dragon state is a massive forty foot monster. Think like the Dragons in Dragon Age: Inquisition's art but using his front two legs as arms. Bowsette was also born looking Human, how ever Koopa's are born...eggs maybe? *shrug* But she was allowed to remain with the Koopa's until the time came for a new ruler to rise. Her Giga state, that was never achieved, would have been one of raw power. Her Human side would have been shed in favor of a more Bower looking one. She would have been just another Koopa but the Dragons would have to obey her because she was still their Queen.

8) Why was Bowsette/Draco kicked out: Bowser was kicked out/left for a few reasons. 1: She was stronger and smarter than Bowser. She would have made a better ruler than him. 2: She was too kind to others. 3: She was a woman. When the time came, Bowser was chosen to rule. He was seen as the better simply because he was male in a male ruled society. This made her mad. She left even before she was removed. She vowed to return and destroy him but her own mother begged her not to. The biggest reason she was kicked out was she looked Human and Bowser thought he had no use for her until he learned about the Giga state. She too learned about it and vowed never to become that. She didn't want to become like Bowser, the very being she hated the most.

Draco was told to leave for a simpler reason. When he began to fight his siblings for years of mocking him, he was a little more violent about it. He almost killed his oldest brother Talon. This wasn't allowed while they were still young, so his father ordered Draco to leave and to find a way to calm down. This was a lie because his father just wanted one of his sons to live and Draco wasn't thought to be pure Dragon.

9) When they met and stayed together, how did they act: It was clam at first but after fighting a few times, other beings of course, Bowsette began to act more hostile(ish)[Competitive most of the time] towards him. Draco on the other hand felt more at peace with her around, though he never showed or acted like it. He mirrored her own anger most of the time. When he said that he had to save her most of the time in fights, he was trying to push her buttons. Both knew a major fight was going to happen but nether of them knew just how strong the other was. After that, they both had better appreciation for each other and began to love. Even now, Bowsette remains competitive. She always wants to prove to Draco that she is better then him in everything. Most of the time, it is pointless as he knows her now, but she still does it.

Any whooo....think that about covers it... Both Bowsette and Draco are about the same personality wise now and will keep living in peace. I do have another story coming up with her being the main focus. I hope you read and enjoy it as I hope you enjoyed this one. PEACE!!!
