Boo's Mansion/Tale of the Past

Rosalina's gate opened up and they walked out. "Wow...that is useful." Luigi said. "So where are...are...are..."

Mario looked at his brother who was now shaking. "What is it?" He looked at the wooden structure. "What is this place?"

"My...mansion...where the Bo...Boo's almost killed me..." Luigi stepped back. "They made this their home?"

Mario put his hand on his shoulder. "It's ok Luigi. We can do this." Luigi swallowed and nodded. "We can just see if Booette is here and leave. We don't have to stay long." They walked up the stairs and looked around. There was no Boo around, but the Brothers were on guard as there was a lot of rooms. They searched the whole house, minus the basement, before meeting in the main hall. "Where are they?"

Luigi looked around. "Could they have moved, and Rosalina not known?"

They were talking to each other, not paying attention as a small creature on a broom floated down in front of the grand stairwell. It stopped and floated there until they stopped talking and faced it. It grinned and then waved its wand.

Kamek then cast his spell, knocking the Brothers away. Kamek flew away tossing spells as he flew around. "You will never beat me!"

Mario ducked under a door frame as Luigi did the same. Kamek only laughed as he went in circles, waiting for the Brothers to come back out. Luigi peeked and went back as Kamek fired another spell his way. Luigi looked at the room he was in and came up with a plan. He signaled Mario what it was and ran out of sight.

'Buy him time.' Mario thought and appeared.

Kamek snapped to face him. "You came here thinking that you could do what you want, but you will not leave here!" He cast another spell.

Mario moved and the spell hit the floor. It cricked. "Bowsette wants us alive! You stop us and she will be mad."

"But I don't work for Bowsette!" He dashed and fired off serval spells. "Bowser wants you two out of the way!"

The spells missed and the floor began to show signs of it being ready to give out. But Mario didn't worry about it. He tossed a piece of wood at Kamek. It hit the flying creature. It reeled and fired off more spells. All missed as Mario bobbed and weaved to get closer. Luigi still wasn't ready. Mario chased the broom flyer like a dog chasing a treat.

Kamek looked back once in a while and fired a spell. He tried to keep Mario at bay by going all over. 'Strange that he hasn't used any items to power himself up.' He stopped suddenly and flew backwards. Mario slid to a stop and turned. When he did, a spell hit him right in the face. Kamek laughed as the Human shrunk down. "Now to end this!"

A Mushroom hit Mario, who grew back. Kamek looked at where it came from and saw Luigi come down on top of him. He unleased a fury of punches and kicks. Kamek cried out and fired off spells in all directions.

With a final attack, Kamek fell with a last spell that pushed Luigi off of him. However, the floor gave out from underneath the Brothers and they fell into the dark basement. The hard ground hurt as they moaned. "Ouch..." Luigi grabbed his shoulder. "I think I dislocated it..."

Mario nodded and gave him the last of the Mushrooms to heal him. They now had only one item left and they needed to use it now to see. He looked up at the only light coming into the basement, but it wasn't too much, not helpful at all. It had to be a ten foot drop, if not more. He was lucky that he landed just fine. "Ok, not sure if Kamek is up or not but we need to get out of here. I think that Booette isn't here."

Luigi rolled his shoulder. It was better. However, he didn't see the large hands making their way towards him. They moved slowly and with care. They were above him when he used a Fire Flower to light the place up, no more items. The owner of the hands was visible as the hands stopped moving. They waited to see if the Brothers were looking but they weren't yet, so they lowered some more. Mario then looked around for the stairs when he looked back and saw her. He jumped and Luigi snapped back as he screamed in horror....

...And so did Booette.

She shrunk down in size, covered her face and hid in the shadows. Luigi calmed down but was shaking. He took a step and she was cowering, hiding her face. "No! Don't look at me!" She said, her white hair shaking with her white dress. It also looked like she was wearing white gloves on her pale skin. "Don't hurt me!"

Luigi got closer and she was now fully in the light. 'Is she really that scared? Like how I am?' He thought. He reached out with his non-flower hand. "I am sorry. We didn't mean to scare you."

She moved her hand a little to see his hand near her. "You...didn't?"

Mario stepped up slowly. "No. We only wanted to see if you were here. We were making sure you were fine."

Booette took Luigi's hand and let him pull her up gently. Her eyes were red but not in an evil way. Not now at least but they imagined that if she needed to be scary, she could. The bottom of her dress looked like it wasn't really there. "You only needed to see if I was here?" She looked at them. "Why?" They told her the story of Bowsette. "You ran into Bowsette?" She lit up and smiled, bring her hands close to her face. "How is she?"

"Besides kidnapping Princess Peach and attacking us a couple times?" Mario mocked. "She seems fine."

"Sorry." Booette touched her fingers together. "I just get happy to hear that Bowsette is around. She never really leaves her castle after becoming Queen." She then looked at Luigi. "So, why are you here again?"

"We wanted to see if you were missing."

"Not missing." Booette said. "She knows how to find me. I am her best friend after all."

"So she would no reason to think you are in danger."

She smiled and closed her eyes. "No. Sorry."

Mario sighed. "Then who would she be losing her mind over?" Booette looked at him with confusion. "We checked all the others and none of them were missing."

"Wait, Bowsette really has gone mad?" Luigi nodded. "Sorry, I am sure you said this but you two showing up has messed me up."

"We are very sorry." Luigi said with care.

"No, it is fine." She smiled. "Anyway, the only person who I can think of who she would snap over is her love, Draco."

The Brothers looked at each other. "Who?"

"Draco, King of the Dragons, ruler of the Land of Dragons. He and Bowsette are married." She then floated like she was sitting. "Years ago, Bowsette was exiled from the Koopa Kingdom for not looking like the others, even though she was better than most of them in just about everything. It was Bowser himself who exiled her in order to keep himself on the throne. So, for a time she wondered to find her place." She looked up. "We met one day and we became close friends. We knew that we could relate and talk.

"Soon afterwards, she ran into a person who was being attacked by wild animals. This person was losing so she helped. Afterwards she asked who he was..."


She looked down at the slightly shorter man. Her tooth stuck out over her lip and she placed her hands on her hips. He had lizard like eyes, like hers, and dark horns on his head that curved with his mostly bold head, a line of scales ran down the middle of his head. He wore simple clothes with a bag hanging over his shoulder. "Thank you for the help." He bowed. "I am sorry if this caused you to alter your path."

She raised an eyebrow. "I help you and you are sorry?" He held her hand out. "Why? I just helped out, don't be sorry." She put her hand back and looked to the side. "Not like I had much else to do."

"Still." He looked at her, picking up his staff. "You came to help when you didn't have to. Why?"

"Because I had nothing else to do!" She repeated. "Just wondering around while trying to find out my place in this world if not as what I was born to." Her tail whipped around, and she looked around. "Though I don't think you would understand."

"Are you a Koopa?" He asked when he looked her over, seeing her horns, shell (not spiked yet) and tail. She wasn't in a dress yet, but in simple clothes like his own. She nodded. "Are you one of the Royals?"

She breathed out of her nose, small amount of fire followed. "Not anymore. I am just an abnormal Koopa." She tilted her head down while looking at him. "What about you? What are you? Never seen a Human look like you before."

"I am a Dragon." He stood tall but was still a head shorter than her. "I am Draco, a Prince of the Dragons."

She raised both of her eyebrows. "Wow. Do they all look like you do?"

He chuckled and smiled. "No. I guess I am like you. I am abnormal, born looking more Human. I can change into a full Dragon, but this is how I normally look. Dragons are bigger than any other being when not using magic to be seven foot tall."

She was now in shock, imaging what they might look like. "Wow! So what are you doing out here?" Then she remembered that they had powerful magic.

"Guess like you too, I am wondering around to find out my place. My father told me that I am not meant to take the throne. But once more..." He bowed. "...thanks for helping me. I hope your own journey turns out just fine." He turned to leave.

She watched him go. She noticed that his own tail was wrapped around his waist. She could tell he was hiding so much, and he intrigued her. Or at least the thought of the information he might have in his head. She began to wonder what he was hiding and she wanted to find out. She could become even stronger and finally beat Bowser to take over, her rightful place of Queen of the Koopas. "Wait." She stopped him and walked to him. "I am sure you are a fighter but you seem to be holding back. Why?" She began to form plans on how to get that info out of him.

"I didn't want to fight them. I had hoped that they would run after smelling me. I was caught off guard." She watched him and he looked at her. "What else do you want to know?" His eyes seemed to pierce her soul.

She rolled her eyes. "Nothing but I think you could use someone who will fight. Come on." They began to move towards a forest.

"How long do you think you will stay?" He asked her seemingly reading her mind. "You don't look like you want to do this for long. I have no issue protecting myself." He caught up. "And you only want more power." She stopped and he looked at her. "You think you are the first one to do this to me?"

"How..." Bowsette blinked.

He tapped his head. "Dragons are masters of magic. And like I said, you are not the first to want what I know. Koopas have always tried to get our magic. You think just because you helped me that I will tell you? Maybe if we travel together for a while, I might feel the urge to talk about it?"

She snarled. "Fine! Yes I want to know that magic!" She faced him. "I WANT TO TAKE MY RIGHTFUL PLACE AS QUEEN!!!" She yelled with closed eyes and pushing her arms down.

When she opened her eyes, she was puffing smoke out of her barred teeth. He grinned, and his own tooth popped out. "See? Not so hard to be honest." He turned to walk. "Follow on if you want but don't expect me to tell you anything."

She fumed as he walked away, steam coming off of her as the rain began. 'How could he already know? All he did was look at me.' The rain soon got heavy and her hair covered her face. She felt deflated and slouched over. 'Crap...well there goes my plans.' Her tail dropped to the ground and she followed him. 'So much for beating Bowser.'

Six months later, they sat around a fire with some meat cooking. Bowsette could hardly believe she was still around. She should have left months ago but Draco had proved he was a fighter, a monster AND a peace maker. She was impressed with him but she still had only wanted to be a Queen. He said he wasn't going back home yet and he wasn't telling her about his magic. She wanted to leave, but she stayed because of something deep down. She was leaning on her hand, her tooth peeking out and her tail laid on the log. 'Why can't I leave?'

He handed her a leg. "What is wrong this time?" She eyed up at him as she took the meat. "You act like this when you are mopping about something." He sat down and took a big bite of his own slab.

"Trying to figure out why I am still here." She looked at the meat. "I should go back home and destroy Bowser with own hands. I can do it." She grinned and flexed her hand. "I could before and I know he is losing to the Mushroom Kingdom."

He swallowed. "Then leave. You know I am not going to help you and as you said, you have no reason to be here." He took another big bite.

She snarled and pointed. "Maybe I do and I haven't told you!" Her anger grew. "I don't tell you everything about my feelings or what is on my mind."

"Good. I don't need to know. So why don't you just say whatever you want to."

She seethed and stood. "You are such a JERK! You act like nothing bothers you and that you are better than everything!" She leaned down a little. "How can you act like this!?"

He bounced his meat a little. "Because I have my own issues." She calmed down a little. "Being the youngest of a litter of ten and the one who looks different, I was the target of their hate and jokes. I held back for as long as possible but soon I began to fight back. When it got too much, my father kicked me out."

"So you only listened because he was your family?" She snarled back at him when it hit her. SHE did the SAME THING! She had to power to beat Bowser and take her place but she left only because he was her family. "Oh..."

"Yeah...I listen because he was my father. I have spent years wondering around to find how to contain my anger, but I don't know what does." He ate. "What you see is only a shell."

She looked at him as he looked as deflated as she did when she left. Maybe she was wrong about him. He wasn't making peace to avoid fighting, he was trying to find peace within himself. She understood that, but she made peace with who she was. "Maybe you should just accept what you are." He looked at her. "I can see you are trying to fight your own nature. Just stop it and be who you really are. I did." She smiled and pointed at herself. "I made some nice friends because of it and I know that I can go on."

"Then why didn't you ever go back home to beat Bowser?" He angerly shot back at her and she lost her smile. "Clearly that is all you want. Take your friends and over power him. You brag all day long how much more powerful you are than him and his armies. Oh wait." He leaned forward. "I had to save you HOW many times now? Every time we fought something! You think I am weak, but I don't lie to myself. You think you are so powerful? THEN LEAVE!"

She shot up. "NOT UNITL YOU GIVE ME YOUR MAGIC POWERS!!!!!" She flared fire from her mouth. "IF I HAVE TO BEAT IT OUT OF YOU I WLL!!!" She pushed her arms towards the dirt and closed her eyes as she yelled at him. "I DESIERVE TO BE A QUEEN!!! IT IS MY RIGHT!!! GIVE ME WHAT I WANT!!!"

He stood, tossing the meat to the ground. "Fine, you want what I know? How about this? I win, you leave and never look for me again. You win, I will be your slave." Bowsette was taken back at first but then she smiled darkly. "Don't think I will go easy on you because of who you are." He got ready, almost mirroring her stance. The stance of an animal. "I will not hold back."

"Good." She growled. Five minutes later, the area smoked a little, her shell had holes in it and they both were barely able to stand up, wavering back and forth, out of breath. "I will...will not...lose..." She stumbled towards him as she fell onto her back.

He couldn't even grin as he barely chuckled. "I...wi..." Then he fell face first into the dirt, close to her.

Her eyes snapped open when she smelled the cooking meat. She saw Draco was still there and she was on her back 'How did I end up...' Then she recalled that she fell first. "Fine, I will go." She rolled over to push herself up when his hand appeared in front of her. She looked up at the smile he had on.

"It was a draw." He gently pulled her up. "I knew that you were powerful but to over power me, a Dragon?" His smile was kind and sweet. "I can see why you want to be a Queen. You would make a fine one."

She blinked in confusion but then smiled while looking away. "Thank friend." They had begun to be good friends as they continued their journey. He had begun to teach her his magic even though he said he wasn't going to and she began to trust him more. And they became very close. Years passed when the day came when he had to go back home. "Why are we here?" She asked as the eyes of the Dragon folk in town stared at her, making her feel once more like she didn't belong.

"It is a family matter." He said. "One that will determine the future of the Dragon people." He took her hand. "And I think you should be here with me for it."

She nodded and followed feeling a little better knowing he was still here. 'Strange to feel this way. No matter how close we are I still think I shouldn't be in this position. I feel so weak.' She hardened up once more and pulled her hand from his. He tilted his head up but understood. 'I am stronger than you think.' She snorted some smoke out and he chuckled.

They reached the castle gates and two seven and half foot Dragon guards stopped them. "I am Prince Draco, I have returned upon the call of Royal Rights. Stand down now." One of them pointed to Bowsette and said something in their language. "Then I will kill you and your family. Stand aside...NOW!" The guards jumped a little at the sudden surge of power from Draco and moved with a bow.

She looked back as they passed. "What did they say?"

"Said you couldn't enter and that if you tried that they would be forced to kill you." He didn't smile. "But I made sure they understood that you are not to be touched."

"Thanks." She said softly. She never had anyone protect her like that before. "You are a great friend. More than I deserve."

He stopped and made her face him. "We deserve each other." He then kissed her cheek. "Unless you want to go at it again."

She smiled her toothy smile and felt a tear fall. "No, my friend. Thank you."

He led her to the throne room and asked her to wait by the door. She had her tail on the floor calmly as she held her hands in front of her. She hoped that all was well. Draco reached the bottom of the throne and kneeled. "Father, mother, I have returned."

The father nodded. "But why? Have you done as I asked of you?"

"Yes. I have accepted what I am thanks to Bowsette." He motioned to her. "But I would have stayed away anyway until I heard the call." He looked up at him. "Talon has beaten my five other brothers and needs to beat me to rightfully take the throne."

Bowsette breathed in fear. 'What?'

Father nodded. "I had hoped that you wouldn't have felt it, but it seems that you really are pure Dragon after all." He smiled. "Then welcome home son. I am glad you found yourself." He stood and took Draco off somewhere. "Now tell me what you have been up to." They vanished.

Bowsette didn't move but she didn't know what to do. Then the Queen came over. "Hello there." She smiled and bowed her head. "You must be Bowsette."

Bowsette got stiff. "Yes!" She bowed hard at the waist.

The Queen giggled. "You may relax." She waited for Bowsette to get back up. "You must be very special if Draco brought you here. Koopas are not welcome here and yet here you are, with him ready to lay his life on the line for you."

She felt herself burn up with embarrassment. "Well..." She touched her fingers together. "We...ummm...been traveling together for a few years now. And I guess we...ummm...."

"Love each other?" The Queen leaned in. Bowsette glowed red now. She hadn't felt this awkward for years. The Queen only smiled. "Well, as a guest of the Royal Family and as a Royal yourself, you should look the part." She held her hand out. "Please come with me.

Bowsette took the surprising soft scaled hand. She was led through the place that was inside a volcano. "Is this all by the magic of your people?" She asked. "I have never seen such a large volcano that wasn't active before. And so cool on the inside."

"Yes. We made it dormant centuries ago. And you may call me Helen." Helen said as she opened a door. The room was fitted well for any woman of class. Or not, depending on how the woman wanted it. "You may bath in there. Clean your self up and call for Roan. She can fit you with better clothes."

Bowsette looked at her tattered shirt and pants. They fitted her well and still were held together despite how worn they were. 'But I like this outfit.' Helen began to leave when Bowsette turned. "Wait...please." Helen looked. "Would it be...out of line for me to ask....for your help?" She was looking down to hide her shame. She hated asking for help.

Helen smiled and followed her into the bathroom as Bowsette unclothed and got in the tub. Helen helped her get clean. "What is on your mind dear?"

Bowsette grabbed her tail. "So, what is this Royal Right thing?" She eyed Helen with Bowsette's tooth peeking out. "Who is Talon?"

"Talon is Draco's oldest and last brother. See when a Royal Family has a family, we have a large number of children. Draco had nine siblings, three being sisters who will become advisers. The males of Royal Blood must fight when they all reach of age." Helen put her hands on her lap. "We Dragons are ruled by the strongest. Only the last standing male can be King. It may seem cruel, but it is how we live."

"And his father hoped that he wasn't pure Dragon so he could live?" Bowsette asked. Helen nodded. "So...he lied about why he wanted Draco to leave." She pulled her legs closer. "And now he is here. He could die."

Helen nodded. "It was bound to happen. This is our life and the fact that you feel this way tells me that you two were meant to be together."

"What will happen to me if Draco loses?"

"You will be able to leave safely."

Bowsette nodded and stood. "Thank you." After she dried off, a rack of dresses was waiting for her. "Really?" She had one eyebrow raised. "A dress?" She faced Helen with disappointment. "Can't I wear something like I had?"

"Sorry. This is what we have." She walked to the door. "Draco will fight tomorrow. He will not see you until then. Please remain in here until Roan comes here to take you to the arena. Food will be brought to you." She left.

The door closed and Bowsette pulled out a black dress that had a tight upper half. 'Not bad.' She pulled out some spiked bracelets and knew they were right for her. 'I guess this will do.'

The next day, the King waited for Bowsette to come to the arena. Today would decide the fate of the Dragon people. If Talon won, it could be war. If Draco won...who knew. He pushed Draco out to save him but he came back because he was a true Dragon. He mulled in his thoughts.

"Sire." A quiet voice brought him back. He looked and saw Bowsette in a black dress that seemed to fit her just fine. "Sorry if I am late. Roan said my hair wasn't...appropriate." She touched her still messy looking ponytail. "Not sure why."

He chuckled. "You are fine young Princess. The fight will start shortly."

She sat and seemed out of place. "Does he really need to die?"

"Sadly, yes." He looked down. "I thank you for helping him, but this is his choice now." He patted her hand. "Just watch." He stood and walked to the edge of their sitting. "My people!" They cheered. "Today we find out who will be your King! My last two sons will fight and the winner will be your KING!" The cheers were deafening.

The gates opened and Talon came out. He was in his full thirty foot Dragon state while Draco walked out as his Human. Talon raised his arms (he had four legs and no wings) as the crowed called his name. "You think you can win brother?" He taunted. "You will die now." Talon charged and went for a bite. Draco jumped up as Talon slide in the dirt. Draco turned Dragon as he fell. He was massive and very powerful legs held his muscular body up. His wings could cover the whole ground. His horns were massive and his arms seemed small but powerful.

"Come brother." He growled as Talon glared. "See how much I have learned."

The fight was fierce, and Draco was holding his own. Bowsette stood up a few times to cheer him on. But then he began to lose and got pinned. Talon was smashing him and was getting ready to end the fight.

Bowsette saw this and ran to the edge of the sitting. "GET UP!" She yelled and Draco looked. "GET UP YOU MORON!! I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THIS! HOW DID YOU EVER BEAT ME!?!"

Draco snarled at her and punched Talon in the face. He whipped his tail and the end turned into blades. He then hit them into Talons neck. Talon cried out as he got off and Draco began his own attack. Talon soon could no longer move and Draco stepped off the body. He returned to his Human state to a hushed crowd. Bowsette was the only one cheering...until she heard herself and stopped with a 'Yay...' *chough*.


The crowd finally cheered. Draco held up his fist and smiled. Bowsette jumped down and ran to him. They hugged and she spun him around in the air as she cheered. She was still taller than him and could hold him like a child. "I am so glad you lived." She almost cried. "So happy you are alive."

He kissed her. "And now you got what you wanted." She looked at him with confusion. "You are now a Queen." His tooth poked out with his smile.

She smiled with her tooth out. "Thank you, my friend."


"It was a few months after that when they married." Booette smiled at the memory. "Shortly after that Kara came along and they were never happier."

Mario nodded. "They both got what they wanted. But if they are married, why call him her friend?"

"That is just how she is." Booette smiled. "Never one to admit that she was defeated by him in that respect. But I can tell you that only he could make her snap like this. The strange thing is, he couldn't simply be stopped by a normal person."

Luigi was thinking. "Who could do this?" Then it hit him. "The sudden surge of Koopa's. Kidnapping Peach...could all of this be planed by Bowser just to get Peach?"

Booette then floated over. "And if Bowsette was despite enough, she would send the Dragon Army out! She might be convinced to listen to Bowser! He would win!"

Mario swallowed. That would be very bad if Bowser won and ruled the world. Not only could he force Peach to marry him but could begin to invade other worlds again. Maybe he could make Bowsette use the Dragon Army to help him. "So where could Bowser keep Draco?"

Booette thought on it. There wasn't many places to hide a Dragon King who could control powerful magic. But the Brothers been almost everywhere else... "Koopa Keep." She said. "The magic there is very powerful. And one being knows it better than most." She pushed the Brothers into the shadows and put out the fire in Luigi's hand. "Please be quiet." She put her finger to her mouth when she floated back. "OH Kamek! Please come down here!" She sweetly called out.

Kamek came down on his broom. "Are you ok?" He looked around for the Brothers. "Where are they?"

She smiled sweetly. "Don't worry about them. I want to know where Draco is. Can you tell me?" She closed her eyes. "Please?"

Kamek looked around. "Wh...who? I don't know who are talking about." He was shaking a little.

"Really?" She puffed her checks out. "I know you do." She flattened out while floating. "Please just tell me."

"I...I can't. Lord Bowser will...."

Suddenly Booette grew in size, six times what she was. Her tongue snaked out, her face became twisted, and her finger nails sharpened. She screamed out and Kamek shrieked as he fell off of his broom. "TELL ME!!"

He backed up as she kept close and slowly reached for him. "He is at Koopa Keep!" He covered his face and cried. "Bowser captured him while he slept and put him in the Keep with very powerful wards to keep him asleep!"

Booette returned to normal with a big sweet smile and closed eyes. "See? Wasn't that easy?" She turned to the Brothers. "So, now we know where he is. Can you get him?"

"That is on the other side of the world." Luigi sounded deflated. "We need to get to the Land of Dragons tomorrow or Peach might get hurt."

Booette faced Kamek. "Give me the spells." She ordered in a very airy voice while holding her hand out. Kamek gave her a paper with ancient spells on it. "Now you are my guest and you will only leave when I say you can. Enjoy yourself!" Kamek was confused until several Boo's grabbed him and pulled him through a wall as he cried out. "I can get there and get him out and you two can distract Bowsette long enough." She began to leave.

"Wait." Luigi touched her hand. He felt something once more. "You shouldn't do this by yourself. Let me help you."

She looked at him and felt her cheeks warm again. She looked into his eyes and smiled. "Alright." She took his other hand. "But I will need to teleport us there. It may hurt."

He nodded and faced Mario. "You stop Bowsette while we get Draco." They vanished.

Mario nodded and tapped the pendent for a portal to open for him to leave. "Right...time to fight a Queen."
