
The battle was over and the group were still on the floating platform. Bowsette sighed and looked ashamed. "Princess Peach, Mario...I am so sorry for what I did." She bowed. "I beg your forgiveness."

Peach smiled. "It's fine." Bowsette looked up in shock. She wasn't expecting that so fast. "Bowser is so much worse. He is always trying to make me marry him. You were actually very kind, so I forgive you."

Mario nodded with the others. "Yeah and we understand why you did what you did. You fought for you friends. Never thought a Koopa would ever do that."

Booette floated up to Bowsette. "Well, she isn't any Koopa!" It looked like she was bouncing on her feet. "She is so kind and thoughtful of others. It was, in my opinion, the reason mean old Bowser kicked her out. I have never found such a wonderful person before!" She hugged Bowsette who in turn hugged her head.

Chompette nodded. "I agree. Sure, she can be rude." Bowsette glared at her. "But she is such a great friend! She even takes care of my babies when they come here."

Yoshi nodded. "You really do seem nice. Now that things have calmed down, you honestly seem like you really care about others."

Chompette hugged Yoshi. "She does! It is so cute like you!"

Draco was still petting Kera. "Well, now that things have calmed down, how about we take this back down stairs?" The platform began to lower and then touched back down. "So, now what?" He looked at Peach. "Are we enemies?"

"No." She airily said. "All is forgiven, and we can now be friends."

Bowsette smiled. "Thanks." She then frowned. "But all of this has made me miss my birthday." She sighed. "To think that I missed my favorite day of the year."

"Birthday?" Toad asked.

She nodded. "The day of the attack. When we attacked you was my birthday."

"Mine too!" Peach smiled. Both Bowsette and Draco were shocked. "That was the reason for the party."

Bowsette then slouched. "Oh man...I ruined your birthday too..." She slapped her face and pulled it down. "I am so ashamed."

Kera then perked up. "How about we have one big party?" All eyes went to her. "As a way to make up for the ruined ones and a way to unite our two Kingdoms!"

Draco smiled and scratched her head. "And you got your mothers brains as well I see." Kera purred in joy. "I can set it all up if Princess Peach agrees with it." Peach nodded. "Then let the party begin!"

*A few days later*

Dragons, Toads, Chain-Chomp's, some Bloopers and even three Thwomps along with all the Queens and Princesses were at the Mushroom Kingdom celebrating two late Birthdays. Peach was talking to some of Draco's sisters. Kera was being chased by some smaller Toads for fun. Draco himself was eating and talking to Booette about what happened while he was captured.

But Bowsette was with a group of others staring each other down. With a cocky grin, her eyes went back and forth between them all. "Right...on your call Mario." She chuckled. The others swallowed.

Mario eyed them all and raised his hand. "Ready?" The competitors lowered a little while Bowsette still chuckled. "GO!" He dropped his hand.

The five all grabbed their fuzzy drinks and chugged. The large glasses were bigger then what the Toads were used to, so they had a little trouble. But Bowsette had no issue and slammed her glass down. "I WIN AGAIN!!!!" She slammed her foot on the table and flexed. "Nobody can beat me!"

Toad glared sideways at her. "Because the mugs are too big." He softly complained.

Bowsette shot her face into his. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Toad fell onto his back out of shock.

Draco bounced his meat in his hand like a pointer. "Bowsette." She glared at him, smoke puffing from her nose. "It isn't necessary to win right now."

"Says you." She looked annoyed. "I will win at everything." She grinned and laughed. "Just like I do at home." It seemed like she grew in height and lighting flashed behind her as she laughed.

He glared at her before rolling his eyes. "Fine. But could you not yell at them? Please?" He asked as he walked away.

"Ok." She raised her hands up into a shrug. "I will try to play nice." Then a gleam shined in her eye. 'Maybe.' She rubbed her hands together as the drinks were refilled. "Next up!" She yelled with joy and a big smile.

A short time later, Peach and Draco were in a small room in the castle making terms. Bowsette was with Booette and Chompette. "So Yoshi really agreed to stay with you and your Chomps?" Bowsette asked with concern. "How will that work?"

"Oh, he isn't staying at the castle." Chompette corrected. "He will visit when he can, and I will be able to come to the Yoshi Village once a month." She beamed with joy. "All those cute little Yoshi's to play with! Oh, I am so happy."

'Rrrrrighhhhhtttttt.' Bowsette thought with a twisted look. "And how about you Booette? What will you do after this?"

She was in thought. "Well, I want to come back and see the world. Maybe work on my jumpiness." She blushed. Then someone said hi and she squealed and hid behind Bowsette. "Help." Bowsette waved the Toad away and Booette peeked out again. "Sorry."

Bowsette patted her head. "You're a Boo, it is natural." Was what she said, but on the inside... 'COWARD!!!! STAND UP AND GROW A SPINE FOR ONCE!' She smiled at Booette. "Well, if you really want to come out into the world, then start here. The Toads are nice and will work with you. And Peach can too."

Booette lit up. "And Luigi?" She floated up to Bowsette's face with her own hands up to her chin. "Will Luigi be here?"

Bowsette shrugged and wondered why Booette cared about him. "Don't see why not. Both brothers live near here." The two were basically the same in the fact they jumped at so much. "Plus, I may be coming here once in a while." She looked around and smiled. "It isn't as bad as I first thought. I might like it here." Then she got a glimpse of Mario talking to a Dragon. "And I still have to prove to him I am better." She grinned.

Chompette and Booette looked at each other with worry. "Right, we think you did that a few times now...right?" Booette asked with care.

"Once, then twice our fight was stopped by an outside force." She made a fist and smiled with it in front of her face. "I want to make it official!" Then she sniffed and stopped. Blinking a few times, she looked and sniffed again. "Cake." She drooled and ran off like a cartoon. "CCCCCAAAAAKKKKKEEEEEE!!!!"

Booette and Chompette laughed and walked. "Her only weakness!"


Bowser and Bowser Jr. sat on an overlook, staring down at the party. Bowser sighed and looked down. "Sorry son." Jr looked up. "I shouldn't have brought your Aunt involved. Now she is mad at both of us."

Jr scratched his head. "Actually...she is just mad at you." Bowser looked at him. "She says I am welcome to come visit her whenever I want."

Bowser moaned. "Well, at least she is that forgiving." Then he saw Kamet walk up, shaking. He turned mad. "And what happened to YOU!?"

Kamet pulled his legs up to his chin. "Boo...Boo...Boo..."

Bowser saw his face was pale, he entire body was shaking, and he wasn't talking much. He knew what happened. "Oh..." The three looked at the party. "Well, when you are better, we need a new Keep."


Kera was flying ahead with the other Dragons as they were leaving the Mushroom Kingdom. Draco and Bowsette were behind them all and Bowsette was hunched over. "Urgah...." She moaned as her tail dragged in the dirt.

He eyed her. "Too much cake?" She nodded, her lips tumbling and eyes watered. "Told you to slow down, but you said 'No Draco! I know what I'm doing!'" He mimicked her voice pretty well.

"You were right, ok?" She begged. "You know I go crazy when it comes to my birthday."

He smiled and stopped. "You want a lift?" She looked at him as he grew a little. She nodded and got on his back. She laid her head down and smiled. "Rest up. I am sure it will be a smooth walk home."

"Thanks." She rubbed her face on his back. "Kind of wish that I could have a Mario like adventure sometime." She then drifted into sleep. "I will destroy you." She snored.

He eyed her. "Sleep well my Queen."


(Sometime later)

Deep in an old fortress, Bowser walked into a dark room. ""Ummm...Dark Lord." He bowed. "I failed my mission."

A shadowy figure barred it's teeth.
