Chapter 34

Pepper started giggling as she took Carter out of his highchair and showed the little boy his sister pulling his Dad's hair, Carter joined Pepper in laughing at Bucky.

A few moments later Steve, Natasha, Carol, Sam, Valkyrie, Thor, Bruce, Wanda, Peter, Loki and Tony all came back inside, covered head-to-toe in snow, Steve saw Becca pulling Bucky's hair and threw his gloves onto the floor and took the child from him.

"No, Becca, we don't pull Daddy's hair" Steve scolded, but in the least threatening tone ever.

"Thanks Stevie" Bucky said as he stood up from his stool and placed a kiss on Steve's lips and then pulled a hair tie from his pocket and put his hair into a man-bun. "I'll take her back, if you want, and you can go and change into some clothes that aren't covered in snow" He offered

"Okay, fair enough" Steve looked at the baby in his arms "Becca, Don't pull Daddy's hair, we don't do that, cause he doesn't like it"

"I'm sure he likes it when you do it" Sam Yelled as he was walking to his room

"Very funny Wilson" Steve said and handed the baby back to Bucky, grabbed his gloves off the floor and ran down the hallway to catch Sam up and slapped him in the back of the head with the gloves and ran in front of him.

"Nat, how come you're not covered in snow?" Carol asked as she came back into the living room in her soft grey pyjamas

"Simple, Danvers, Tony's to scared of me to throw snow at me" Natasha explained

"That's true, Tony will deny it at all costs, but he's petrified of Nat" Pepper chimed in

"Thor is too nice to want to harm me"

"Yes, unfortunately, my brother's undoing is his kindness" Loki said, appearing from seemingly nowhere

"Loki, where'd you come from?" Carol asked

"My room, no one noticed tho, cause the all black and I move like a ghost, according to Val" they said

"It's true Larky, you do move like a ghost," Val said as she walked into the room wearing white and gold pyjamas with a teal robe

"Thanks" They said sarcastically and went to boil the kettle to make themselves some tea "Does anybody else want tea?"

"I'll have a cup" Val replied as she sat down on a stool at the breakfast bar next to Pepper and Carol wrapped her arms around her and kissed her on the cheek

"Does anybody want hot cocoa?" Bucky asked

"Yeah, I'll have some" Pepper replied

"I'll have some as well" Carol added and Peter came into the kitchen

"Do you want some hot cocoa, Pete?" Bucky asked, catching Peter off guard

"Y-y-yeah, sure" Peter replied

"Shall I just make a load?" Bucky asked

"Yeah, you might as well make loads, Bucky, everyone likes the cocoa you like" Carol commented

"Well, if I make the cocoa, you can hold Becca then" Bucky said as he handed Becca to Carol and went to make the cocoa

Carol looked at the baby and gently bounced her in her arms "Hi Becca" She said, Becca smiled and started to giggle and reached out for Carol's long blonde hair and started to pull it "Barnes, help, your kid is trying to rip my head off "

Bucky giggle "Pete, could you take Becca from Danvers, please" Bucky told Peter

"Y-yeah, sure, I'll take her" Peter said and went over to Carol to retrieve the baby from her

"Thanks, Pete" Carol said and Peter went and sat down at the dining table "How come only Becca grabs people's hair?" She asked

"I don't know, Carter likes to grab stuff like jackets and shirts and so does Becca, but he doesn't grab hair. I was gonna get my hair cut anyway" Bucky explained

"How short?" Carol asked

"Like it was in the forties" He explained

"So pretty short then?" Loki asked

"Yeah, my hair used to be like what Peters is now" He said and pointed to peter

"Seriously?" Peter asked

"Yeah, it was just a little shorter" Bucky replied and went back to making the hot chocolate

"I was thinking of getting my hair cut" Carol said

"Wait, what?" Pepper said looking at her

"I was thinking of getting my hair cut, I think it's too long and I just want a change" Carol mentioned

"Why don't we go and get our hair cut together then?" Bucky asked

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, I was thinking of donating my hair as well"

"So, why don't we go into the city next week with Steve, Val and the twins, you and I get our hair cut and Steve and Val go to central park or something" Bucky said

"What do you think of that babe?" Carol asked

"Yeah, I think that's a pretty good idea, I've never been to the city and I wouldn't mind hitting up a few bars with Steve" Val said in a joking tone and everyone in the room looked at her with and confused expression "I'm kidding, me and Steve can hit up some shops and go to central park whilst you guys get your hair cut and then we could get lunch somewhere" She suggested

"That's a good plan and here is the hot cocoa" Bucky said and placed a large tray with mugs of hot cocoa in onto the dining table Peter was sat at and took Becca from the teen, so he could have some cocoa

Steve came into the room, wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a grey t-shirt, instantly he was handed Becca by Bucky and Carter by Pepper.

"Why have I just been given the babies?" He asked

"Well, me and Bucky were just holding them, but now you're holding them" Pepper said and walked away in the direction of her and Tony's room

"Sorry babe, I'm just going to put my pyjamas on, I'll be back in five min" Bucky said and kissed Steve's cheek and walked away, towards his and Steve's room, leaving Steve stood in the middle of the room holding both of the babies

"Give me Carter" Loki said and Steve obliged and handed the little boy to them

"Thanks Loki" Steve replied "wait, why'd you specifically want Carter?"

"Becca grabs people's hair" They explained

"You not coming with me and Bucky to get a hair cut?" Carol asked sarcastically

"No, I'm not ready for that yet, I want to confuse people for the rest of my miserable days" They said sarcastically, causing Peter to snort and accidentally spit hot cocoa on the table

"Wow Peter" Val said

"Shit" Peter said and rushed to the kitchen to get a cloth to clean it up, he quickly cleaned it up, took off the hoodie he was wearing, revealing a white t-shirt underneath and sat back down at the table, Steve went and sat down next to him and Loki sat at the end of the table. Everyone who was in the snow ball fight came back into the room wearing their pyjamas and everyone drank hot cocoa and talked till the babies need to be put to bed and sleep was needed for them all.
