Chapter 1

It all started with a google search, at first Steve laughed, he thought it was fucking hilarious. He entered his symptoms into Web MD :fatigue, vomiting, nausea, mood swings, sensitive breasts and food aversion.

Then it hit him all at once like a freight train, nausea, vomiting, mood swings, sensitive breasts, unprotected sex before the fight in Berlin. Shit, Steve didn't think that was possible for pregnancy to occur while taking testosterone. Suddenly, his stomach fills with dread and his heart races with panic.

Steve tries to take a few deep breaths as his stomach rolls with waves of nausea. He's quick to sit his Mac book aside and rush into the bathroom. Steve knows he's going to throw up, and leans over the edge of the toilet letting himself be sick. When hes finished being sick, Steve rinses his mouth out and takes a few deep breaths to avoid from getting sick again.

He is quick to find a hoodie, glasses, and a hat to go out. Steve puts his keys and wallet into his pocket before sitting and pulling his shoes on. Its just a quick walk around the corner to the drug store, Steve scans the shop, trying to avoid the public and remain discreet.

He is quick to find the pregnancy tests and puts a handful into his shopping basket. Steve moves like a man on a mission, fast walking to the counter to pay for his items. He pays cash and avoids the cashier's eyes, afraid of being made and having his private business on the front of trashy celebrity tabloids.

It takes him exactly three minutes to run back to his apartment. Steve knows because he counted each second under his breath. His heart races in his ears as Steve quickly locks the front door behind him.

He grabs a bottle of water and waits until he has a pee. Steve is really careful to take multiple pregnancy tests and now he waits. He even sat a timer on his phone, and tries to ground himself. Damn, Steve wants so badly to cry and he doesnt even know if hes pregnant or not yet.

He curls knees to chest, leaning against the bathtub. Steve closes his eyes, and focuses on counting each breath he takes. He startles when he hears the phone timer go off, and quickly turns the alarm off.

Steve takes a breath, Its now or never, pal.

His mouth feels drier than the Sahara desert, and his stomach flip-flops. But thankfully, he doesnt puke again. Steve tries to calm himself and read the back of the pregnancy test box to be able to read whether or not his tests are positive.

He flips the tests over, all three of them and glances at their little window with the results : positive , positive, positive. Steves eyes fill with tears, and he sobs, falling to his knees totally upset.

He hasnt been back in the states for long, and Steve knows he cant live out of a shitty apartment with a fake ID forever. Steve is so afraid, his entire body shakes. Hes really pregnant. It means hell have to tell Tony everything, thats hes back in America and ready to stop running. Even if hes not sure if Ross will ever stop hunting him

The truth will all come out that Steve is a bisexual transgender man who is pregnant with his boyfriends baby. Oh, and said boyfriend killed Tonys parents.

Tony probably hates Steves guts, but Steve doesnt know where else or who else to turn to. To be fair, Steve hates himself right now. Hes so much smarter than this. He knew better than to have sex with Bucky, especially while they were on the run and the winter soldier was still in his head.

Steve leaves behind the mess in his bathroom in favour of climbing into his bed. Its not much of anything just a mattress on the floor and a warm comforter. He cries until he feels all cried out, like his body cant produce any more tears.

Clutching the burner phone in his hand, Steve dials the only contact in the phone. He has a nice Stark phone, security encryption and all, a private network. But Steve is afraid if he uses the phone tony sent, that the genius might not answer. Instead, Steve uses the burner phone, the twin to the one he sent Tony about two and half months ago.

He listens to the line ring, connecting him to a familiar voice. Steve hears Tonys voice, and lets go of a breath he didnt realize he was holding.

"Hey, Steve."


"Whats up?"

"We need to talk", Steves voice cracks, damn it, he didnt want to cry. Oh shit, hes gonna cry. Stupid pregnancy hormones.

"Are You Alright?", Tony sounded a little panicked as his words ran together.

"I don't want to tell you over the phone", Steve says as his voice cracks again.

"Just tell me when and where, Cap".

"I'll text you the coordinates".

"Steve, please, tell if you're hurt".

"I'm not hurt, Tony. I promise".

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Look it was good to hear your voice, but I have to go".

"Steve, Steve?"

"calling you was a mistake".

"No,don't go".

"I'll see you".

Steve ends the call, and closes his eyes feeling the warm tears rolling down his cheek.He's pregnant with Bucky's baby. Shit, and tomorrow he's going to see Tony for the first time since Siberia. His heart can't take anymore hurt, he hopes so badly that Tony doesn't hate him for what he did.

God, it hurts, Steve never thought he would have a baby. Let alone while his boyfriend is half-way across the world in cryo-freeze with a deadly brain-washed assassin in his head. A family, two people loving each other and raising their kids. The American dream, the ticket home from war.But the man who wanted those things gave them up when he went into the ice. Or did he?

The images flash across his closed eyes, almost like memories, except he never got to live them. Steve remembers clear as day the vision he saw when they were fighting Ultron and Wanda bested him. Before he knew Wanda, when Wanda was a scared kid, working for the wrong side, and used her powers to bring the entire team down.

"We can go home now, Steve.", Dream Buck says to Steve.The vision will haunt him forever, the sight of Bucky in his best suit at the dance hall. The life they never got flashing before his eyes. An apartment in New York City, a baby with Buckys grey eyes and dark curls. Steve and Bucky at the altar putting gold wedding bands on each others hands. It was just a trick, Wanda trying to throw Steve off course.

It doesn't mean anything, Steve tells himself, but he wants it.


so if you haven't worked out Steve is a transgender man, he transitioned before he became captain America and he got pregnant by Bucky when they were on the run.

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