Chapter 13

Today was the day, it was six weeks after Steve had proposed to Bucky and now it was their wedding day, they'd decided to keep their wedding low-key, they were going to get married at a church in Manhattan and invite the avengers and other friends, Bucky was stood at the end of the isle waiting for Steve.

"Hey, you okay?" Natasha asks him, putting her hand on Bucky's shoulder

"Yeah, I'm fine just a little nervous" Bucky says

"Nervous about what? Nervous about getting married? Or nervous about me, Wanda and Val killing you and your future husband for making us wear these dresses" Nat laughed as she motioned to the navy blue dress that she was wearing

Bucky laughed "What do you think?"

"Defiantly the dresses then"

"Obviously getting married, honestly I can't wait to marry him" Bucky said with a smile on his face

"I know you can't wait and after all the shit you guys have been through, you deserve to be happy"

"Thanks Nat"

"You welcome Barnes, now I've got to go sit down, F.R.I.D.A.Y. just told me that Steve, Tony, Clint, Thor and Bruce just pulled up outside and those doors will open in about ten seconds" Natasha said "Bye Barnes, good luck"

"Bye Nat" Bucky smiled, the church doors opened a few seconds later and Steve walked in followed by Tony and Bruce, who were followed by Clint and Thor, They reached the end of the isle and Steve walked over to Bucky.

"Hey" Steve says hugging Bucky

"How you doin'?" Bucky asks

"I'm good, you?"

"Not too bad, how are they" Bucky asks placing his hand on Steve's bump

"Moving around quiet a lot" Steve replies

"Really?" Bucky asks

"Yeah" Steve looks into Bucky's eyes "Shall we get this wedding started then?"

"Yeah, we've been waiting too long already"
