Chapter 27

On an Island....

"Are we almost done?" Nagged Joker

"Yes!" Frowned the Scientist

"Yay! Let's go home!" Smiled Harley

"Hold on Harley we still have to test it out on something." Said Joker facing the scientists

"No if it breaks you might need me." Said the scientist

"True I know Harley get me one of the hyenas."

"Ok Mr. J." Harley, "Babies!" The hyenas came. Harley grabbed one of the hyenas by the collar and dragged him in front of Joker.

"Stand back kitty!" Yelled Joker he turned on the gun and a yellow light appeared from it. It hit the hyena. At the end there was nothing left but a baby hyena..

"Aww Puddin look a baby baby." Said Harley picking the baby hyena up.

"It works doctor!" Smiled Joker

"Yes but this one is temporary the first one was permitted." Explained the scientist

"Doesn't matter can still get the Bat."
