Chapter 23

At the charity party...

Jason was pushed shoved and tossed everywhere he went. He accidentally got separated from his brothers. Jason wasn't paying attention and bumped into a tall man with a goatee and blonde hair.

"Hmm?" The man looked down and saw Jason who fell on his behind leaning against the his legs, "Are you ok son?" Asked the man, bending down to put Jason back on his feet

"I think so. Sorry I didn't mean to bump into you." Apologized Jason brushing himself off

"No harm done. I'm Oliver Queen but you can call me Ollie."

"I'm Jason you can call me.... Jason."

Ollie chuckled his GF walked over to him bending down to meet Jason, "Jason this is my Girlfriend, Dinah."

"Hello." Smiled Dinah with a warm smile. She held her hand out and Jason shook it. Dinah wore a long silver dress with high heels and her blonde hair in a fancy braid.

"Hi." Said Jason shyly

"Where's your parents?" Asked Ollie

"I don't know some people pushed me away from my daddy and brothers."

Dinah picked Jason up and smiled, "I'll help you look for them."

"Thank you." Said Jason

Dinah and Ollie smiled they never met such a polite kid before.

Somewhere in the party....

"What do you mean you lost Jason." Snarled Dick

"I swear I was holding his hand and then some woman pushed me and that's when Jason got lost." Explained Tim

"Well we have to find him if Father will get angry." Stated Damian

"Your right Damian I am upset that you boys lost Jason." Said Bruce who was standing behind Damian

"Bruce I can explain." Piped up Tim

Before Bruce could say anything he heard his name being called.

"Daddy." Beamed Jason in Dinah's arms

Dinah set him down and Jason ran to Bruce's arms.

"Brucie baby." Smiled Ollie

"Oliver Queen." Said Bruce holding his hand out for Ollie to shake

"Hello Bruce." Smirked Dinah

"Hi Dinah."

"They helped me find you Daddy." Said Jason hugging Bruce with both arms around his neck

"Did you say thank you to them?"

"Thank you."

Bruce smirked he gave Jason to Dick and gave him a warning glare, "Don't lose him again."

Dick gulped he took Jason and vanished in the crowd of people.

"You were right Bruce Jason did turn to a 3 year old." Frowned Ollie

"I'm sorry for what happened to Jason." Sighed Dinah, "Is there anything we can do to help?"

"No I have it covered." Stated Bruce

"Mr. Wayne." Greeted Commissioner Gordon walking up to Ollie, Dinah and Bruce

"Hello Commissioner Jim Gordon." Said Bruce

"Hi Mr. Wayne." Smiled Barbra who followed close behind her father

"Hi Barbra, Dick is by the punch bowl."

"Thank you."

It wasn't long for the adults to struck a conversation.

At the punch bowl...

"Dickie can I have some punch?" Asked Jason

"Sure warning it's pretty strong." Warned Dick

Dick put some punch in a plastic cup and gave it to Jason. Jason to big gulp before sputtered.

"*Cough* Too strong." Complained Jason handing the cup back at Dick

Dick chuckled he took a napkin and started washing Jason off a little.

Tim got Jason some plain grape juice. "Here this isn't strong try this."

"Hey boys." Smiled Babs as she walked over to the Wayne Brothers

"Hey Babs." Smiled Dick

"Barbra." Beamed Jason he gave his cup to Damian and ran over to Babs

"Hello Jason." Babs bent down and pick Jason up and put him on her left hip.

"Babs you look nice." Complemented Tim

"Thanks Tim, any luck on finding the suspect?" Whispered Babs placing Jason on the floor but still holding his hands

"No." Sighed Dick

Then all of a sudden gun shots were heard. It was Rupert Thorne and his gang.
