Chapter 21

Location: Wayne Manor/ Time: 2:30 pm

Damian put Jason on the couch and covered him up with a blanket, "This will be fun." stated Damian with sarcastic tone in his voice.

"Damian?" yawned Jason while rubbing his eyes.

"What Todd?" asked Damian in annoyed tone as he roles his eyes.

"Can you sit with me?" asked Jason with pleading eyes.

"No." Damian crossed his arms.

"Please?" Jason begged.

"No." Damian repeated.

"Pretty please." Jason started to pout.

The confrontation continued until Damian gave in, "Fine." Damian sat on the couch and frowned. Jason crawled on Damian's lap. He hurried his face in his "older" brother's shoulder and hugged him.

"Thank you." Smiled Jason hugging his brother.

"For what?" Damian looked at Jason with confusion.

"For kicking the bullies' a**." Jason chuckled and covered his mouth knowing he said a bad word.

A smile snuck across Damian's face, but it was quickly washed away, "This is totally unnecessarily." Damian lifted his arms up as Jason wrapped his arms around him.

"Damian?" Jason asked as he looked into his brother's face.

"What now?" Damian asked trying to keep his cool.

"Do you hate me?" Jason started to frowned. He looked at Damian with a sadden face.

"Todd I...." began Damian. Damian looked at Jason's pleading face. "I don't hate you."

Jason smiled and wrapped his arms around Damian again, "I love you big brother."

Damian didn't try to pushed him off. Instead he slowly wrapped his arms around Jason and hugged him, "I l... lov... Love you, too Jason." For the first time Damian called Jason, Jason.

Jason's head perked up. He jumped off Damian's lap and ran upstairs. About two minutes later he came back with papers and crayons in hands, "Want to color?"

"Sure." Smirked Damian.

Jason just beamed.
