
You are the best thing I have

A month of living together had taught both Draco and Emily a lot. It had flown by and been full of light and happiness.

Astoria wrote a letter to Draco assuring him she was happy that he had followed his heart and didn't blame him for leaving her at the alter.

Draco faced his parents and his mother had forgiven him instantly, his father would take a little more time but he'd been expecting that.

The Weasley clan had been over the moon when they showed up together to family dinner and wrapped the couple in tight hugs and flooded them with support.

It had been a long time coming and neither of them had ever been happier. They were together and it was perfect. No one trying to rip them apart. It felt like they finally had their forever.

They had learnt that the war still haunted them both.

Emily had held Draco as he sobbed in the shower, scratching at the dark mark on his arm and begging her for forgiveness that she promised he never even needed. She knew that he would always be angry at himself for what he had done and that it would takes years of her promising that no one hated him for it before he could even begin to believe it.

Draco held her hand when every week she would go to Fred's grave and cry over it. Placing fresh flowers and telling him about everything that had happened to her. He would wipe her tears as she cried about Sirius. He pressed gentle kisses to the top of her head when she would feel floods of guilt over Lavender's death.

The nightmares though seemed to be the worst for the both of them. They both slept better with the other next to them but that didn't stop them from having night full of terror. Nights that they would wake up in a cold sweat with tear stained cheeks and the other would hold them and promise their safety as they lay in bed.

It was going to be a slow process and their was a chance they'd never heal but it was easier together.

It was late at night when Emily woke up to see her boyfriend wasn't in bed and she immediately panicked. Jumping off the mattress as she realised his pillow was cold.

"Draco?" She calls out, exiting their bedroom and wondering down the hall towards the living room. Her mind is full of all sorts of horrors as she wonders where he could be. If he was hurt. If he was safe.

She feels like she can breathe again when she sees him sat in an armchair with his nose in a book.

"What're you doing up? It's the middle of the night Dray," she speaks from the door way, causing him to look up to see her.

"Could ask you the same thing,"

"I woke up and had a heart attack cause I couldn't find you," she shrugs. He smiles gently patting his lap.

She does as told without a second thought, wondering over and sitting down in his lap. His arms wrapping around her waist, she leans back against him, her back pressed to his chest as his chin rests on her shoulder.

"Sorry, I scared you," he mumbles, turning his head to press a kiss to the side of her neck

"It's okay. What's wrong?"

"Couldn't sleep. I didn't want to take you," he shrugs, she sighs a flutter of worry in her chest.

"What're you reading?" She questions

"Hermione gave it to me. She reckons if their is a way of getting rid of it the answer will be in here," he explains. She knows immediately, he'd tried everything he could think of from desperately clawing to potions. He wanted the dark mark gone from his arm.

"Any luck?" She questions gently

"No," he sighs, smiling gently when she presses a kiss to the side of his head "think the magic is just too dark," he admits. She sighs, her heart breaking at the thought of him going through such a hard time,

"Did it hurt?" She questions, admittedly curious.

"Like you wouldn't believe," he nods

"You could get it covered yknow? Like with a tattoo," she suggests, he nods slowly, he'd never thought about it but he knew she had gotten a tattoo from her friend Luna a few weeks after she graduated.

It was simple, a small black line drawing of a Pygmy puff, it would wonder around her body and make her laugh when she was feeling down. She had gone it not knowing what she wanted and that's what Luna had given her, Emily never asked Luna why, she didn't have to. It was clearly in memory of her brother.

"Never even thought about that," Draco admits

"It's just a thought," Emily shrugs. Draco glances at her, the moonlight making his eyes shine

"Are you ashamed of it?" The question isn't accusatory, it's almost shy.

"No. Why would I be ashamed of it?" She responds instantly, she doesn't have to think even for a second. She was the furthest thing from ashamed of him.

"Because you walk around holding my hand and everyone sees it and they know. They know who I was and what I did. They look at the beautiful girl who they recognise from the chocolate frog cards as someone who hunted horcruxes with Harry and fought with her best friends since they were 11. Then they see me and they know I was too scared to do the right thing. How could you not be ashamed?"

"Draco, that isn't a symbol of you being scared. It shows how strong and brave you are. You lived through something awful and you came out the other side stronger than before. You are a kind man, you are beautiful and you are the best thing I have. I'm never going to be ashamed of you," she assures. Pressing a gentle kiss to the side of his head.

"I know that I don't deserve you-" he begins

"Do not even start Draco," she scolds. He sighs, pulling her a little closer in his arms.

"You think Luna would do it?"

"What? Give you a tattoo?"

"Yeah," he hums

"Sure. I want a couple more anyway, we can go together. I'll write to her first thing," she nods. He smiles gently, pressing a kiss to her jaw.

They fall asleep in the moonlit armchair whispering promises of a happily ever after, a life with no more war and they both know that as long as they have each other they'll truly have one.
