
I'm still yours.

Draco Malfoy is sat in a small room. His head in his hands and his mind running a million miles an hour. He's dressed in his formal robes and the back room of the large banquet hall he's about to get married in feels entirely too claustrophobic.

In his mind he thinks of the quarters in Hogwarts. He thinks of being on the black leather sofa, Emily sat between his legs her back pressed to his chest as his arms wrapped around her. He thinks of how they would talk or read in the glow of the fire.

He thinks about doing that with Astoria.

He thinks about her doing that with someone else.

He only rips his head from his hands at the sound of the door opening. She's standing inside, the door shut behind her quickly. She looks uncomfortable and nervous. Her pjs and messy hair, with bloodshot eyes a stark contrast to Draco in his robes, although she can tell from his face he's been crying too.

"What're you doing here? Molly said you couldn't come to the wedding and well you don't exactly look ready for one," he tries to joke but all that's going through his mind is how much he wants to kiss her. How much he wants to hold her forever. How she somehow looks beautiful in a pair of cotton shorts and a Gryffindor quidditch jersey with Weasley stitched on the back, he doesn't know who it used to belong to. 

"Draco, I can't let you do this," her voice is quiet barely even a whisper.


"I can't let you marry her,"

"I don't have a choice-"

"Draco, I need you. I need you every single day. I don't function without you. I cry and I mope about in bed and I drink more wine than is healthy. I need you,"

"I need you Emily, of course I do. It's more complicated than that though," he's pacing now, in the small room and she stands in the corner like a child who's been scolded by their parents.

"She doesn't make you happy. She's kind and she's beautiful but she doesn't make you happy. When you cast a patronus what do you think of?"

"You and I besides the lake in fifth year. The day we jumped in and you made me a stupid flower crown and I got the daisy's dried and pressed and I never even told you," he recites. She smiles gently at him

"I think of fourth year, the Yule ball, you pressed me up against a wall and you kissed me and you told me I was yours and you were mine. I'm still yours Draco,"

"What are you asking of me?" He's stopped pacing, he's in front of her, gentle hand caressing her cheek and he wonders what would happen if right now someone walked in but the look in her eyes he can't pull away.

"Draco, you and I have been through so much. We got ripped apart time and time again. But we come back together like magnets. I can't think straight when I'm not with you. The past few months, not seeing you was fucking torture. After everything that's happened to us we deserve to be together. We deserve a life in a cottage by the sea with our three kids Fred, Molly and Lavender and our dog Dobby,"

"Christ, darling you know that I want that more than anything else in the world but I don't have a choice-"

"You do. You had a choice that day at Hogwarts. You could have joined him or you could have picked what you believed in. You picked the school, you picked yourself and- you have a choice everyday. You wake up in the morning and it's your life. You can't live your life for your mum or for your dad or for Astoria or for me. Draco Lucius Malfoy, you deserve to be happy. I want you happy. You tell me right here, right now that she makes you happy. That you feel how I feel for you for her then I swear I will walk away.  I will let you live your life with her and I will hold no grudge. But I don't think that she does. You get to decide this Draco, you get the future you want because you fought for it,"

"I'm scared. I'm scared everything will go wrong all over again. I'm scared to let my parents down. I'm scared you'll get hurt, I'm so damn scared you'll get hurt I still wear the ring that beats with your heart just so I know you're alive," He's speaking quickly. With tears streaming down his face and she has tears of her own as she pulls at the chain around her neck, her own pendant beating to represent his heart.

"Draco, please, please tell me you want her and then I can walk away,"

"I don't. I want you. But I can't, I can't do that to her Emily,"

"She spoke to George at the shop. She told him that she thought I would pick you and we would deserve each other. She told him to tell me where to find you,"

"What are you saying?" He questions, his hands wiping the tears from her cheeks gently.

"Draco Malfoy, I have tried to be supportive. I have smiled along while you were with her. I never once hated you for it even it when it hurt me, even when I cried myself to sleep I didn't blame you. I wanted so badly for you to know I was okay with it. I can't do that anymore. I know I'm unbelievably selfish to do this but I never once asked you the question. I let you know I was available and I wanted you but I never asked you to choose. So I am asking. I am asking you to leave the beautiful and kind women you are supposed to marry in twenty minutes. I am asking you to apparate right now with me. I am asking you to move into my apartment and be my boyfriend and live your life with me. I am asking you to marry me in the future. I am asking you to father my children one day. I am asking you, Draco, to choose me,"

He doesn't hesitate even for a second. He grabs her hands in his and with a click of his fingers they've disappeared from the room.
