
You swear to me that you're okay?

The atmosphere inside Weasley's wizard wheezes was practically electric. The bright colours and loud noises the only spot of joy left on Diagon Alley.

"You aren't with the girls looking at love potions?" George quips, popping up from behind Emily and resting an arm casually on her shoulder.

"Who are you kidding Georgie? We all know she's got Malfoy wrapped around her pinky finger," Fred teases, arriving at the other shoulder and mirroring his brothers stature.

"How is the boyfriend?" George asks casually

"Not the best. Dads in jail so,"

"As he should be,"

"Not denying that. It's just been hard on Dray is all," Emily assures, gesturing with her head to the display in front of her "what's that?"

"A Pygmy puff," Fred shrugs

"It's cute,"

"All the girls think that," he grins

"Can't breed 'em quick enough," George adds casually

"You don't fancy manufacturing something to help with getting to sleep do you?" She questions, turning around to face the boys properly. Unsurprised to see concern on both faces.

"You having trouble sleeping?"

"Since Sirius," she shrugs.

"We'll see if we can come up with anything," George smiles gently, reaching out to give her hand a squeeze. It's then that she sees him.

Outside the joke shop, on the damp and desolate street stood her own personal ray of light.

"Thanks. I gotta go- be back in a bit," she explains, walking away without hugging the boys. They're confused for a second, before following where she's gone and seeing her boyfriend lingering outside.

"Dray," she smiles, he grabs her hand, pulling her down an abandoned side alley.

"Hi," he smiles

"Hi," she grins back. After that it's instant. He presses her against the wall kissing hard, she's slightly taken aback, he's clearly taking out frustrations in the kiss and she can't help but be worried for him despite enjoying the moment.

"You're so beautiful," he murmurs against her mouth, lips working down her neck.

"Dray," she moans out, pushing him away slightly with her hands. He immediately stops when he senses her pushing him away.

"What's wrong?" He questions gently, stepping away to leave a respectable gap between them. She immediately hates the distance, reaching out to pull him back close to her, arms looping round his neck.

"Haven't seen you all summer, just want a good look at you," she sighs contently, he blushes a little under her gaze. She hates the tired bags under his eyes and plays with his hair comfortingly.

"How've you been?" He asks, hands running up and down her sides casually.

"Okay. Haven't really been sleeping. You?"

"I'm okay," he nods

"Draco, it's okay to be hurt or upset or angry. You can tell me,"

"I'm okay," he reiterates, voice sharp, he immediately regrets that. The one good thing he had left. His whole world in his arms. Yet he's being snappy and hurtful.

"Okay," she nods "what are you doing here?"

"Mother needed to go to Gringotts, didn't want her to have to come here alone. Then I saw Ron in the window at the joke shop and figured you'd be there too. Sent her off into the bank and lingered in the hopes I'd see you,"

"Could have just come in,"

"Merlin knows I'm not welcome in there,"

"The twins wouldn't turn down custom. They're very business savvy," she shrugs

"Every other person in the store would leave." He comments, she sighs gently, leaning up to press a peck to his cheek.

"Things are about to get a lot harder aren't they?" She questions.

He wants so badly to tell her. Tell her what has been forced onto him. Tell her what he has to do.

But he can't. He's scared she will hate him as much as he hates himself and he couldn't take that. Couldn't handle it.

"I should think,"

"You and I though, right?"

"You and I," he nods, leaning down to press a kiss to her lips. He wished so badly all he had to think about was her. If nothing else mattered he could pick her, could pick what he knew was right.

But his parents would die for his decision.

"Draco?" Narcissa's voice calls out into the dark street

"I've gotta go," he smiles quietly,

"You swear to me that you're okay?"

"I swear," he assures, pressing a final kiss to her lips before heading back down the alley.

She waits a minute or two before following. Too lost in her own thoughts and worry. When she re-enters the Main Street Hermione, Ron and Harry are already on it.

"C'mon," Ron grunts, grabbing her arm and pulling her along with them

"Where are we going?"

"To spy on your boyfriend," Harry responds

"No," she states sharply. Stopping dead on the middle of the street.

"He and his mother are creeping around all sketchy-" Ron starts

"They went to the bank!" She protests, looking to Hermione for some support

"There's no hurt in seeing where they go next. His father was involved at the ministry," Hermione's point is a lot more diplomatic than the boys and their personal vendettas.


"If you want to wait at the joke shop, sit this one out, no one would mind. We understand it's a conflict of loyalty," Hermione suggests

"Seems to me like I'll have to come just to debunk Harry's ridiculous theories. Got that look in his eyes," she cuts, storming off in the direction the Malfoy's had just gone in and leaving her friends to follow after her.
