
Chapter 87: Why?

That night, she promised to get into the manor space. Now there are many housekeepers in her manor, so she doesn't usually need to worry about it, as long as the housekeeper should do every day.

She looked at the busy housekeepers, the fruit trees, and the endless fields, and there was infinite satisfaction in her heart. You know, although she has planted this manor for three lifetimes, she starts from scratch and slowly accumulates every life.

Promised to stand next to the ginseng land and look at it for a while, then went to sell everything that should be sold again, and finally set up what the housekeepers should do the next day. She now has a lot of valuable things unlocked in the manor, but there are very few things she can take out. That is to say, Ganoderma lucidum ginseng is more taken out. In addition to taking action for Xu Aiguo, there are also chicken stewed in water.

Sometimes she will think that her family is so kind to her, and maybe she can tell them about having a golden finger. But in addition to the manor system and the wooden powers, her other golden fingers have almost been exposed. Even if her good luck and milk candy skills, her family will subconsciously help her hide it. They know the truth of sins more than themselves.

Promised to wash some strawberries and some cherries, sat on the stone bench while eating and writing manuscripts. Maybe she was bathed in the fragrance of birds and flowers, promising to always feel that she was in a better working condition in the manor.

The manuscript on hand now is two young teenagers to protect their families and the country. The prototype is her uncle and Han Yongjiang next door. After all, they are ready-made good materials. Referring to her uncle and some things that Han Yongjiang told them that can be written, plus some other lines, without tampering with history, it is actually very popular with readers.

Especially... those readers who have military dreams.

Promised to think of the 'the rabbit' of future generations, and she also watched it and contributed a lot of tears and tissues. But that kind of thing that is so popular should be left to its original creator. She already has 'textful thinking' and doesn't have to make money by plagiarizing other people's ideas.

She doesn't have much ambition, so she makes more money now. In the future, she can buy and sell a house. She will buy a house, land, and be a landlady in the future. How nice it is for the landlady. She is idle and rich. If she is busy, she can ask someone to help see the house. Besides, she is not willing to watch her father coldly. When she can do business, she may still rely on her father to be a rich second generation.

Xu Aiguo, who promised to mend his brain in the manor. Xu Aiguo, who was talking to Song Yuhe in the room next to him, sneeze twice fiercely, and even burst into tears. He rubbed his eyes and nose with a confused face, and felt that his whole soul was about to be shaken away.

"Who is talking about me!"

Song Yuhe smiled happily, "Your father and children are all virtuous. If you sneeze, you will feel who is talking about you. What if you have a cold."

"That's impossible. I'm in good health." Xu Aiguo shook his head and rubbed his nose again: "I guess it was Nuonuo talking about me behind my back, so she kissed me. Usually, she misses me when I go out."

Song Yuhe: "......."


She looked at her stupid son and couldn't help patting him: "Speak well."

Xu Aiguo quickly straightened and recited: "Mom, say, I'll listen."

Song Yuhe: "......."

Song Yuhe is not in a mood to talk, but he still has to say it. She changed her posture and sighed, "Although our family has broken the marriage with that side, the girl who takes care of my brother... This kiss is really a little bit. A good big girl married an old widower in her forties as a continuation. Her eldest child is bigger than herself.

Now the team is also rich, and it's really not enough to sell children. For example, the practice on the other side of the old house of the Xu family is really to bury people. Xu's younger brother is only 18 years old. Is he going to be a stepmother for a person in his more than 20s? This is not afraid of being poked on the backbone.

"Mom, don't worry, I won't do this to my daughter in the future." Hearing this, Xu Aiguo almost swore that he had been optimistic about his son-in-law for a long time. At least so far, Han Ang has not been crooked. The only thing is that his daughter is not enlightened yet. When it's enlightened... I don't know if he is willing to.

Thinking of this, Xu Aiguo was melancholy. As a result, he was slapped by Song Yuhe in less than two seconds: "Who told you this?"

She looked at Xu Aiguo now as if she wanted to stuff him back into her stomach and give birth again: "I'm telling you about Xu's brother's marriage."

"What's there to say? It's all broken." Xu Aiguo waved his hand and didn't take this matter seriously. Although Xu's younger brother is different from the rest of the old house of the Xu family, he really doesn't want to have anything to do with there. It's not that it's not that you can subsidize Xu Dian in private, but Xu Dian's younger brother's character... Maybe as soon as his front foot is subsidized, Xu's younger brother will sell him.


Whenever she is tough, she will not be indifferent, but unfortunately, she really can't support the wall with her younger brother. She is too soft-tempered.

Song Yuhe sighed and didn't say anything. The two of them were silent for a moment. Xu Aiguo took out a pile of money tickets from his pockets and gave them to Song Yuhe. As he paid for him, he said, "Mom, during this period, I went out of the sports car and found that there was a lot of noise outside, and some lay people began to rehabilitate. I looked coldly. I'm afraid those people will be bad. During this period, you should stick to Nono more and let her not go to the county casually, so as not to be inexplicably implicated.

"I know that." Song Yuhe nodded: "The longer Nuonuo grows, the better it looks. I won't let her go far away casually. She always said with words when she goes to the county."

Besides, her granddaughter is smart. She guess she can't bully her head when waiting for idle people.

"It's you. You should be careful outside. Now it's a lot of trouble. Just stop what you do first. It's okay to make less money. Our family is not short of chewing. Safety is the most important thing."

"I know my mother." Xu Aiguo laughed again: "You are not sure about my work. So where I have done anything unreliable in the years, just receive your heart."

Song Yuhe sighed again, "You just know it."

When the child grows up, she has become a father. She can be a grandfather in two years. Can she still take care of it all the time? Besides, her two sons and a daughter have been sensible since she was a child and have never stabbed the basket. She is old. Just enjoy the blessing at ease.

"Mom, I will let you live a better life in the future. I'll ask a babysitter to serve you."

"Go ahead. There is no door on your mouth." Song Yuhe's eyes smiled with wrinkles.

Ask the nanny to serve herself. On such a good day, she only lived a child when she was a child. Later, she was used to her current life. She went to work and worked to earn points to earn rations. Her previous life was like a dream.

Xu Aiguo gave the money to Song Yuhe, and then pinch her shoulder and back with a dog's leg: "Didn't my eldest brother say that I would pick you up when it stabilizes? He said that you haven't seen my eldest nephew yet. I heard that the boy of Stone is particularly pleasing, and he will be a good soldier in the future.

The boy got married a few years ago, and not long after his daughter-in-law gave birth to a big fat boy, but the child was too young before, so neither Song Yuhe nor Xu Aiguo and Xu Hong Makeup had seen the child. Xu Aiguo estimated that if the boy had a holiday this year, he would bring his wife and children back. His daughter-in-law is also in the army, and the two of them have the same language. They have seen them when they got married. Not to mention that they are very beautiful, they are really heroic and valiant and elegant.

When it comes to her unfaced little grandson, Song Yuhe's smile on his face became more brilliant, and she smiled with wrinkles on her face: "That is, there is no chance, otherwise it's time to see him."

The eldaughter-in-law is left alone in the family. If it really comes to her family now. However, she thinks that there are still fewer children in Xiaoshi. It's better to have one after two years. Whether it's a man or a woman, you can also have a companion with Xiaoshi.

"Well, there will be many opportunities in the future. What are you worried about? You can live with your eldest brother every day."

"That won't work. I have to stay with my Nono."

Xu Aiguo: "..."

All right, as long as his mother is happy. To be honest, he also wants his mother to follow their family. After all, he has been here for so many years. Not to mention whether he is used to it, he is also willing to raise his mother to be with his mother. However, the eldest brother has been leaving home for so long. If he has a chance in the future, if he wants to live with his mother, he will not stop him.

At worst... At worst, I will buy another house near his eldest brother's house and try to be a neighbor. In that case, his mother can live in whoever she wants to live in. It's convenient for the two families to be close, and you can get there by raising her feet. However, I hope that the house assigned to him by the army will not be too biased in the future. He is afraid that even if he buys a house next to him, it is inconvenient to do something else.

His mother has been tired for so many years for them. When there are conditions in the future, she has to be relaxed anyway.

"According to past practice, your eldest brother is about to hear that he will come back. Maybe he will bring his daughter-in-law and children back this year."

"That's a good relationship. At that time, our family will get together, and then ask the master of the county to take a family portrait of our family, and then frame it and hang it." Xu Aiguo has planned this matter for a long time. Although it is a little troublesome to ask the cameraman to take photos in winter, it has to pick it up and drop off anyway, and the cost is also high. But money is not a problem. Now taking photos to record their family is also a precious memory when you get old.

Hearing this, Song Yuhe almost smiled. She patted her thigh: "Okay, I'll pay this money."

"How can I let you come out? I have money. I can do it." Xu Aiguo smiled and had the posture of colorful clothes to entertain relatives: "At that time, we will not only take a family photo, but also have to take a picture with you, so that the children can also take more photos."

"Not only this year, but every year in the future, we will take pictures and frame them all. I thought that in the future, it would have to be hung all over two walls.

"It's just your heart." Song Yuhe was amused by Xu Aiguo, funny and angry. She poked Xu Aiguo twice and sent him away: "Okay, let's talk about these things when your eldest brother sends a letter. I'm not in a hurry now. It's still far from the Spring Festival. Go back and rest first. The kang will be hot, and I should go to bed.

"Okay, you take a break. I'll go back to bed first. I have to get up early tomorrow."

Whether he or Xu Cheng don't have a few days at home in a month, he has to help him work when he comes back when he has time. Now it's getting cold, and they have to continue to hoard firewood, otherwise it's so cold in winter and firewood is not hot enough. I'm afraid the kang will frostbite people.

Song Yuhe came down from the kang and sent Xu Aiguo out. When he left her, he bolted to the door and turned back to the kang and sat on the money and tickets that Xu Aiguo had just given her.

She counted quietly for a while and suddenly laughed.

"In my life, I was rich and beautiful when I was a child. Later, the country broke down, but I also married a good family. Unfortunately, my life was not good. The man died and the child fell ill, and he married again. What did you suffer at that time? Fortunately, they also survived. All three children have filial piety, and now they have become a family and children. When I see the little stone, my life will be perfect, and I will only enjoy the blessings of the children in the future.

Only she whispered in the quiet room. When she looked up again after she said that, there was a water light in her eyes, but the smile on her face was brilliant. From her smile, it is not difficult to see how elegant she was when she was young.

Chapter 88: Su Su and Han Ang

Promised to go to bed late the first night, and when she got up the next day, she was left at home. Not to mention the family, not to mention the big black rhubarb, even the milk candy disappeared.

She scratched her chin silently and knew where the milk candy was going.

Sure enough, when she ran to the mountain after breakfast, she saw her father and brother squatting together, looking strangely not far away. Why is it strange? They are obviously angry and curious. They still want to beat people, but their rigid restrained appearance is generally particularly complicated.

The footsteps of the promise paused, and I didn't understand what was going on. Normally, their family is quite talented for acting. They should not be so exposed outside. After all, it's really unnecessary to waste their expressions when they need to act.

However, when promise looked at Xu Aiguo and Xu Cheng's eyes, she instantly understood why they were eager to roll up their sleeves and run over to beat people.

Because not far from them, Han Angzheng and Su Su are talking face to face. I don't know what they said. Han Ang turned his back to this side again, but promised to see the bright smile on Su Su's face at a glance.

Promise: "...."

The smile on her face slowly converged down, and at this moment, she understood the thoughts of Xu Aiguo and Xu Cheng very well. After all, even if she and Han Ang really have no confirmation of their relationship, Xu Aiguo and Xu Cheng have unilaterally regarded Han Ang as their son-in-law and brother-in-law. His son-in-law's brother-in-law talked and laughed to other girls. It's strange that Xu Cheng and Xu Aiguo, as sisters control daughter slaves, did not explode.

Promised to look at Han Ang and Su Su, the villain and heroine in the book, there was an inexplicable fear in my heart.

Will Han Ang become the umbrella of the heroine like in the book, and then be killed by the heroine and the heroine?

She didn't understand why everything was different, and Han Ang had a relationship with Su Su in the end? Is Han Ang's death unsolved? But the previous plot has been changed. She is not dead, and there is nothing wrong with the Han family. Even their two families have Tang Yan and Han Chen, two people who do not exist in the original book.

She almost thought that this book had its own consciousness and formed a small world.

But now the heroine has appeared, and the heroine has stood with Han Ang and talked.

Promise's lips moved and almost stood still.

She didn't want Han Ang to go to the plot in the book, and finally a sad person died. Why? Why does the supporting role have to make way for the protagonist? Why does the supporting role have to sacrifice himself for the protagonist?


A gentle call pulled the promise back. She looked at Xu Cheng in a daze. Seeing that he was looking at him worriedly, she promised to come to his senses.

She just... seemed to be stunned.

I don't know why, when facing the more important plot in the book, she can't help but be nervous and afraid. Sometimes she knows that all this is different, but it's an instinctive fear. It's the kind of fear that you know what will happen next, and then the people around you will die, how you will die, but there is nothing you can do.

After Han Ang's story happened, after she was not taken away by traffickers when she was five years old and died of illness, she actually felt her life, Han Ang's life, and the lives of their supporting roles had been changed for a while, but when Su Su and Han Ang stood face to face, she promised that she would always remember the plot in the book. .

Han Ang took good care of Su Su because he was abducted since he was a child like the original owner. Later... he died.

In the ice and snow, he was alone, not even a person who collected the body.

Xu Nuo looked at Han Ang and Su Su again. She still couldn't see Han Ang's expression, but she saw Su Su's mouth open and closed his mouth and said with a sweet and obedient smile on her face. For some reason, she always feels that she and Su Su smile, which seems to be quite similar.

The next moment, the harmonious scene in the distance changed. Xu promised to turn away when he saw Han Ang turn around. Su Su's originally sweet and obedient smile stiffly on his face, which looked particularly funny. Xu promised even saw a rare impatient expression on Han Ang's always indifferent face. Obviously, he is very irritable now.

Promise: "...."

I don't know why, she suddenly felt that her worries were superfluous.

That's right. After all, Han Ang has never intersected with Su Su, and Han Ang's current life is not like what is written in the book. In addition, there is... He is living well now, and Han Ang does not need to empathize.

He promised to 'tt' and scolded himself a fool.

She figured it out, but Xu Cheng standing beside her was scared. He thought that his sister was stimulated by Han Ang and the female educated youth talking and laughing. Although he is not smart, as an outsider, he understands the relationship between the promise and Han Ang better. He didn't say it just because he didn't want his sister to be arched by Han Ang early. You know, his sister doesn't know that she is interested in Han Ang. If he says it, isn't it cheap?

This must not be done!

But now looking at his sister like this, Xu Cheng is a little strangely regretful. He felt that he might have misread his little friend. Unexpectedly, only Song Lanshu and the promised woman born around Han Ang, would now laugh with a strange female educated youth.

He cleared his throat and didn't want to speak for Han Ang, but looking at his sister like this, he had to comfort him and promise, "Sister, maybe there's something wrong with that educated youth comrade looking for Han Ang. You also know Han Ang's stinky temper. If someone hadn't asked him, how can he be patient to talk to others."

Promise looked at her little brother with a confused face and didn't know what he wanted to express for a moment.

Xu Cheng felt embarrassed to death. He was really too difficult. Why do he have to talk for the pig who wants to arch his cabbage now? He blinked, gritted his teeth, or said, "Sister, don't be angry with Han Ang. He is brainless. He doesn't understand those things at all."

Promise: "...."

Han Ang, who just came to them to say hello: "..."

Listening to Xu Cheng's words, he glanced at Xu Cheng faintly, and then said to Xu, "The educated youth said he knew you. He said something inexplicable to me." He hesitated for a moment and continued, "Nono, I don't think she is suitable for dating. If she comes to you in the future, you should beware."

Promise: "???"

Xu Cheng: "???"

Both brothers and sisters think there is something wrong with the plot, but it seems to be Han Ang's style.

Somehow, Xu Xu suddenly wanted to laugh. Although she didn't know what the heroine had said to Han Ang, when she heard Han Ang tell herself like this, she couldn't help sympathizing with the heroine for a second.

No matter what the heroine wants to do, it seems that she is really miserable now. Why can't you think of coming to Han Ang?


Promise paused, and his pupils contracted unconsciously.

Why did Su Su be the first to find Han Ang? And she remembers that when these educated youths first went to the countryside, she also saw Su Su in the Han family. She didn't think about this before, but now at a glance, Su Su seems to be trying to have something to do with the Han family, or with Han Ang.

Why is that?

Does she know Han Ang's future achievements and that he is the big villain in the book? If so, what Susu did will make sense. Because she knew Han Ang and knew that Han Ang was the villain in the book and would make great achievements in the future, she went to the countryside a year ahead of schedule, so she found the Han family as soon as she came, so she came to talk to Han Ang after Han Ang came back and would say something 'inexplicable' that Han Ang didn't understand.

So the question is, is Su Su crossing? Or was it reborn?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help looking up at Su Su's standing position just now. Sure enough, she was still standing still, but her eyes fell on their side. Looking at Su Su's unwillingness and fear in his eyes, Xu promised to squeeze his lips and smiled at each other badly.

She looked at Su Su and stepped back two steps as if she were scared, then stared at herself fiercely, turned around and left.

Well, it seems that either the time traveler or the reborn has not run away, but the specific one needs to be confirmed again. Now Xu promised to almost understand why Su Su was afraid when she looked at him, because whether Su was time-traveled or reborn, she should be dead in her memory. She is still alive. It is a variable for Susu. All variables may change Susu's fate.

"What did she say?" Xu Chengmu looked at Han Ang with his face and felt that this kind of 'cousband' that would take the initiative to confess is still qualified.

Han Ang looked at Xu Xu and Xu Cheng again, and finally shook his head: "It's quite inexplicable. I don't even know what to say."

Xu Cheng: "......."

"Forget it. It shouldn't be a very important thing." Xu promised to wave her hand with a smile. She moved out and changed her posture. After finding Xu Aiguo's position, she planned to go over and tie wood with him. Xu Aiguo was so angry before, but now he saw Han Ang walk away impatiently, and then walked towards his daughter with bright eyes. His heart in his throat was put down.

Don't worry about this. Of course, let's continue to pick up firewood. Let the children solve the children's affairs, but it's not easy for adults to interfere. And even if both families have ideas about promise and Han Ang, if promise and Han Ang disagree, they won't force it. They always have to look at the child's own meaning.

"I'm just a little curious." Xu Cheng followed Xu promised. He was in a much better mood and laughed: "That educated youth looks out of his eyes. Sister, stay away from her in the future. I'm afraid she will tire you. However, you don't usually go out, and you should not meet her. It seems that it's good for you to stay at home all the time.

"That's different." Xu Nuo rolled his eyes: "Who can't see her if he can't go out. Recently, he can always hear the team members say her."

Although the team members took into account that they usually wanted to draw and write manuscripts and would not make noise in their own homes, those women liked to come to her house to run through their doors, so she could still hear a lot of gossip about Su Su.

They said that Su Su was a poor man. Her mother didn't get early. They married another one behind her father and gave birth to two sisters and a younger brother. If you have a godmother, you will have a godfather. Her father doesn't like her. I heard that she was almost sold by her godmother when she was a child. It was her own clever and ran out of the trafficker. She also said that Su Su came to the countryside at a young age, because her godmother wanted to marry her to an old bachelor. She really couldn't stay at home and went to the countryside just to find a glimmer of life.

When the team members are hungry, they like to listen to gossip, not to mention eating and wearing now, they don't have to worry about life. Su Su and his group of educated youths have just gone to the countryside for so long. Their situation in their family was more or less gossiped by the team members, promising to hear a woman laugh and wetting the bed when he was seven years old. She knows these things even if she doesn't specifically inquire about them, especially Su Su is the most special of these educated youths. She is a little poor person in need of protection in the hearts of the team members, and she usually hears the gosip promises about Su Su Su the most.

Maybe the heroine's counterattack article is like this. It's a terrible family, a tragic experience, and finally a counterattack. It's all happy to see.

But if this thing falls on you, you won't feel well.

Xu promised glanced at the direction of Su Su's departure, wondering if he would try her one day to see if she was time traveled or reborn. It's really risky. It has to be discussed in the long way.

But soon Xu promised to know whether Su Su was time-traveled or reborn, because Xu took his brother to escape, and Su Su was simply in the limelight in this matter.
