
Chapter 25: The uncle boy is far away

Neither brother knew Tong Ziyuan's embarrassment, especially Xu Cheng. He happily led the boy into the room, and Han Ang had already quickly called the promise.

The boy followed Xu Cheng into the room and glanced around the house. In fact, he hasn't been to the house here yet. He knew that the location was told by his mother and his brother when he wrote to him. However, in his imagination, his brother and sister's house must be very warm, full of warmth everywhere, which is different from the other side of the old house of the Xu family.

Now I really see it, and it's not much worse than I imagined.

His eyes fell on the promise that had just come out again. When he saw his little niece, the boy's eyes were much softer. He waved to the promises them: "Come on, uncle, give you candy."

Promised to run over and shout at the uncle in his arms with Tong Ziyuan's thigh. It's not that Tongziyuan's sugar was greedy for Tongziyuan's sugar, but that this uncle was really much better than the uncle on the other side of Xu's old house. At least the first feeling was completely different.

Sure enough, the feng shui of the old house of the Xu family is not good, and Mr. Xu will not teach the children. Look how popular and how much she loves the child. In addition, I think about Xu Jianguo, who often asks Xu Guangzong to come home to fight the autumn breeze...

Pooh, I really hate having to know him.

Tong Ziyuan picked up his little niece and weighed it. He felt quite oppressive. It seemed that it was really the same as what his brother said. Both children were little fat babies. It's really not easy to raise the child so whitely these days. At least since he got on the train until now, he has only seen the three children in front of him. He has good children in his army, but because of the large family, they don't seem much better than their little nephew and niece.

He touched Promise's head again and promised to subconsciously raise his hand to cover his head. Her big uncle is a little strong, and she is afraid that she will be bald by him.

The boy looked away, covering his head and looking at his niece pitifully, rarely a little embarrassed. He put the man down, carried the luggage he brought back and began to take something out of it.

In this way, the three little beans looked at the boy and took out the military coat, military kettle, two bags of milk powder, several cans, three cans of wheat milk essence, and a piece of oily and slippery skin from his luggage. I didn't see what Pi Xu promised that piece of leather was, but it looked very warm at first glance.

Then, Tong Yuan took out a lot of snacks from another bag, including biscuits, candy, dried meat, peach pastry, rice noodles, chicken cake, and even a box of chocolate. This is really rare. At least at this time, you can't buy it without bills and no way.

So the question is, what level is his uncle now?

Song Yuhe and Xu Aiguo never said Tong Ziyuan's level in front of her. Tong Ziyuan's clothes obviously took off the shoulder badges. Anyway, the promise could not be distinguished, but this did not prevent her from seeing Tong Ziyuan continue to take out things.

Two bags and one bag. Now the two bags in my hand have been hollowed out, leaving the last bag.

Tong Ziyuan opened his luggage, took out two bottles of wine from it, and promised to stare at it whether it was Maotai or the 'golden wheel.

This is a good thing that can appreciate in the future.

In addition to the two bottles of golden wheel Maotai wine, Tong Ziyuan also took out two clothes that were obviously children from his backpack, but one was military green and the other was bright red. He casually put the clothes on the chair, took out a dark red dress from his bag, and promised to estimate that it was bought for her milk.

Soon the boy took out a few bullet cases, and then he opened the sugar and promised three people to grab a large one and stuff it into their pockets, and stuffed all three people's pockets.

Promise: "...." BaN

Han Ang: "......."

Xu Cheng: "!!!"

There is a lot of sugar.

Xu Cheng was not happy before he saw his sister looking at him blankly and stretched out her hands.

Xu Cheng: "......."

Do you know that one hand can't be finished, so do you want two hands?

He pressed his pocket in horror and reluctantly: "Sister--"

"Milk said, two sugar a day." Promise to be indifferent and ruthless. Her little brother is a snack and loves sugar the most. If she hadn't taken care of letting the little brother brush his teeth and rinse his mouth, his teeth would have broken early.

There is no special dentist now!

Xu Cheng looked at Han Ang next to him for help.

Han Ang is now Nuonuo's sister who is right to say everything. The child's cool face was more indifferent than promised. He stood aside with his hands around his chest. As a good brother, he still persuaded him, "You'd better give it."

What if Grandma Song comes back and she will be beaten.

And what if I don't give it, Sister Nono is angry?

Tongzi looked at the three children's eyebrows lawsuit with interest. Although he saw the three children for the first time, he strangely felt that his eldest nephew should not be stubborn as his little niece. Sure enough, he soon saw his lively and cheerful nephew shouting 'sister' while taking out the sugar he had just given him from his pocket and putting it in his little niece's hand. His big eyes were wrapped in tears and his mouth was tightly squeezed tightly. Looking at the sugars eyes were full of reluctance, and he was about to cry if he didn't agree. .

Promised to confiscate the little brother's sugar and took a small cloth bag of plain fashion snacks and packed them: "These are given to you by my uncle. You can keep them and eat them slowly, but the milk said that you can only eat two sugars a day, and you can't eat more."

Xu Cheng also knew that his sister would not want his own sugar, but the sugar given by his uncle seemed to be more delicious than the orange candy bought by his father and his mother. He still saw the big white rabbit in it. He said that the big white rabbit is a high-end product.

But even if my sister doesn't want her own sugar, she can't stop him from wilting.

In fact, in fact, he brushes his teeth. Eating more sugar a day won't ruin her teeth. Why doesn't his sister know that she is distressed and loves her brother?

He doesn't want to play with his sister.

The boy didn't know what his eldest nephew thought. When he saw his little niece take away his eldest nephew's sugar, he also heard her that his mother only asked them to eat two sugars a day, so he didn't insist on them to eat more, but opened the chocolate box and took out three pieces of chocolates from it to share the three little beans in front of him.

"Come on, try this. This is called chocolate. My uncle bought it from the capital. We don't have it here."

With that, he also thoughtfully opened the chocolate and stuffed them into their promised mouths one by one.

As soon as chocolate entered the promise, she felt bitterness, but she just frowned like an ordinary child who suffered bitter things, but said nothing. Han Ang also felt a little bitter, but his performance was calmer than promised. Only Xu Cheng felt a familiar taste when chocolate entered his mouth.

His sister ate this for him!

However, his sister said that this is their secret and can't be told to others, otherwise they would not have eaten it in the future. He is a good boy and can't talk to anyone.

"Is it delicious?" The boy asked with a smile.

Promise: "It's a little bitter."

Hearing her answer, Tong Ziyuan smiled twice, and he touched the promised little head again: "Chocolate is like this taste. In fact, I don't think it's as delicious as our maltose here."

It's not as sweet as maltose.

However, this child named Hanang is really a good seedling. He was neither surprised nor other to say anything when he ate chocolate. It seemed that this little bitterness and the novelty of chocolate were nothing to him. In this way, he will not tilt and join the army in the future, and maybe he can go to them.


Because Xu Chengzu's family was doing a happy event, Tong Ziyuan didn't want to come to Song Yuhe at this time. Anyway, everyone else had come back, and he was not in a hurry for a while. He simply played with the three children to play with the ball, and then watched his little niece successfully pour herself tired on the kang.

Even his own niece, he couldn't help laughing when he looked at the promise that fell on the kang.

Although it is a little weaker than two boys, the girl is supposed to hold it in the palm of her hand, but it can't be better than the brother. It's nothing. Moreover, he felt that his little niece was very clever, and his eldest nephew also loved his sister. So the sweet sister took it out even if she was reluctant to give up, and she was reliable in the future.

Xu promised to be paralyzed, but Xu Cheng and Han Ang were still energetic. The two of them jumped and played with the boy. Even if they knew that they couldn't play, they didn't care. Tong Ziyuan also let them go. Anyway, it's not a serious game, just playing with children. There is not much difference between winning or losing.

By noon, several people in the yard heard a short burst of firecrackers. Tong Zi knew from afar that Xu Chengzu's family had already opened. Instead of playing with Xu Cheng and Han Ang, he went to the kitchen to prepare for cooking.

When he arrived at the kitchen, he followed the promise that had already recovered. His uncles and nephews were washing vegetables and the other sat on the stool watching the vegetables.

Promised not to light the fire. She is still young now. The ignition is too dangerous for her. She used to help add firewood after her milk burned the fire. Not enough, she is not idle now, but conscientiously 'talks' for her uncle: "Uncle, what should we eat?"

She doesn't know her uncle's cooking skills. If not, then there are steamed buns steamed with her milk in the morning at home, which can be eaten when it's hot.

Tong Ziyuan will not ignore her because he promised to be young, but has a lot of discussion with her: "I think there is still oil. Can I make you a hot and sour cabbage, a stewed vermicelli, and then heat the steamed bun?"

"Okay." Promised a little little head and discussed with the boy: "Uncle, can you have another soup?"

I'm afraid of choking just eating steamed buns.

"Okay." The boy picked up the washed cabbage from the basin and put it on the chopping board. He chopped and chopped it with a kitchen knife and began to cut vegetables.

Then he went to the stove to make the fire and went to stir-fry. He promised to sit in front of the stove to help burn the fire. Tong Ziyuan said that if she wanted to have a big fire, she would add a few small firewood, and if she said that if she wanted a small fire, she would add a few fire. The firewood is easy to dry, and it is convenient to burn.

Promised to look at his uncle's cooking movements and felt that her milk would really teach her children. Neither of her sons would be helped if she fell into a soy sauce bottle. Instead, he would take the initiative to do housework and cook. He was simply a peerless good man.

I don't know what kind of uncle will find in the future.

I'm curious.

Chapter 26: The milk cried happily

Song Yuhe came back from helping to finish his work and saw his chimney smoking all the way. She was shocked and now pulled out her leg and ran home.

Today, she and Song Lanshu are both helping at Xu Chengzu's house, but she and Song Lanshu have agreed that she is a cooker. When she finishes dinner, she will come back to cook for a few children. Song Lanshu has to be responsible for washing dishes and cleaning those, and she is still busy.

Both of them are busy, and there are no extra people at home to help take care of the children. If they want to take the children there, they are afraid that they will be bullied, so it's better to leave the children at home and close the door and wait for them to go back to cook.

As a result, before she went back, the chimney at home had already smoked.

It's not that the cubs at home are hungry and making a fire to cook, right?

Song Yuhe ran home with a hurry. As soon as she arrived at the gate of the courtyard, she found that the door of the yard was not closed, and her heart was hung higher. Fortunately, the next moment, she saw Xu Cheng and Han Ang playing with small balls in the yard. Seeing them sweating, she was relieved.

"Milk." Xu Cheng also saw Song Yuhe. He threw the ball and ran in the direction of Song Yuhe, trying to tell her uncle he had never seen before today. Unexpectedly, as soon as others ran to his tits, he looked up and saw that his eyes were red.

Xu Cheng was a little stunned. His cheerful voice lowered: "Milk?"

Song Yuhe had no time to leave him alone at this moment. She looked at the tall man in a military uniform who came out of the kitchen, watched the other party stride towards her, and then knelt in front of her.

"Mom, I'm back."

Song Yuhe's tears rolled down. She hugged the boy far away and patted the boy on the back with one hand: "Yiyuan, it's my son."

She couldn't cry by herself. Tong Ziyuan, a strong man, also blushed his eyes at this time, and the mother and son hugged each other and cried together.

Xu Cheng was completely stupid at this moment. He looked at his milk and his uncle. As soon as he opened his mouth and wanted to talk, his mouth was covered by his sister, and then Han Ang pulled away.

Promised to watch her little brother hate that he couldn't make steel.

At this time, don't let her little brother ruin the scenery, let her milk talk about the past with her uncle.

Three little beans quietly returned to the kitchen and gave up the space to Song Yuhe and Tong Ziyuan, mother and son, who had not seen for several years. Look at the three children who returned to the kitchen. Look at me and I look at you. I don't know what to say for a while. In the end, Xu Cheng was even more out of breath. He looked at the yard with his little head and quickly withdrew his head.

"Why did the milk and uncle cry?"

In fact, both Xu Cheng and Han Ang have seen each other for the first time. Although Xu Cheng has an uncle who doesn't go home all year round to work as a soldier, Tong Ziyuan came home for the first time in his memory, so this scene was the first time he saw this scene. Although Han Ang also has a father who can only go home at most once a year, because his father is not close to his father, he is also the first time to see such a scene.

But Xu Cheng and Han Ang saw such a scene for the first time, and promised to see more in the previous two lifetimes. When she first lived, the end of the world came too suddenly. Many families separated from each other and went through thousands of hardships to meet. At that time, they cried far worse than Song Yuhe and Tongzi.

Because no one knows whether they are still alive before they see each other.

When she lived for the second time, although she also reminded the end of the world, not everyone believed it, so in the end, there were people who were not prepared in advance.

Her first two lives have been used to this kind of reunion after a long separation, and even the end of the world is coming. I don't know how many people don't even have a chance to reunite for a long separation. Some people may have the opportunity to see their relatives, some people watch their relatives mutate into zombies and finally have to deal with them by themselves, and others are hard to see each other in the end.

It's very lucky to be like Song Yuhe and Tong Ziyuan.

Promised to add fire to the stove with his lips, and his mood was a little complicated for a moment. Then she felt that her hand was warm. She looked down and saw that Han Ang had held her hand. The little boy is still a cool and cold face. His little mouth squeezed and didn't say anything, but his eyes were a little worried.

"I'm fine. I'm just a little happy." Promised to know what Han Ang meant. She smiled and explained to Han Ang very seriously, "My milk misses my uncle. Now that my uncle is back, my milk must be very happy."

"Of course I'm happy." Xu Chengfei quickly came over and grabbed his sister's other hand, and then grinned at his sister: "The milk is crying happily."

Promise: "...."

That's true.


After a while, Song Yuhe and Tongzi came in far away. Promise observed her milk and her uncle. Seeing that although their eyes and noses were a little red, they showed little different from peace. She also felt that her milk was worthy of being an 'old actor', and her uncle was worthy of being out of the army.

Knowing that the boy was cooking, Song Yuhe was unambiguous and took it directly. In addition to the sour and spicy cabbage fried by Tong Ziyuan, Song Yuhe also cooked the oil stewed vermicelli and egg soup that Tong Ziyuan ordered: "Now you can eat it first. I'll make a good meal in the evening."

Adults and children are still hungry. How can you do so much time doing this and that? It's better to deal with one night before doing a good meal.

"That's good enough. Nono said steamed buns or big meat buns." The boy smiled and thoughtfully put the fried dishes in the kitchen table first. Most of the Xu family eat in the kitchen when it's cold, because the fire in the kitchen is warm, and the room and kang will not be oily and salty. Anyway, eating for so much time will not freeze.

Besides, it's not too cold now.

Before the meal was served, I promised that the three of them had taken the initiative to wash their hands and set up dishes and chopsticks. Knowing that her milk and her uncle were going to chat, she promised to put an extra pair of chopsticks to let her eat two more mouthfuls of milk. Although she went to eat milk, she really didn't blow it. Nowadays, the mat is really not as delicious as your own food.

She must not have enough milk.

In fact, Song Yuhe was indeed not full. At that time, he was busy cooking. Later, she opened the table and took two bites randomly when she thought about the children at home, and she still grabbed vegetables with others. Song Yuhe lives a hard life, and he also knows that it is difficult for people to eat flesh nowadays. Most of those who go to other people's weddings want to eat back. But even if she knows, she can't compete for the good taste at home now, which makes her completely inability to grab others when she eats.

Fortunately, she didn't care. She put down the bowls and chopsticks and went home. When she came back, she could still cushion.

There was a meal on the table, and Song Yuhe wanted to get the wine and said he wanted to take a drink with his eldest son. Tong Ziyuan quickly connected to her: "Mom, I brought wine. Try the wine I brought back and see if I bought it. If so, I will buy this again."

Song Yuhe didn't argue. She was happy when her son came back. How could she argue with her son? She responded happily: "Okay, drink what you brought back."

Tong Ziyuan went to open the Maotai he brought back and poured a cup for Song Yuhe, and then poured himself another cup.

Xu promised to watch a bottle of golden wheel Maotai open and drink like this. After that, she was stuffed with a steamed bun into her little brother. Xu Cheng waved his little hand and shook in front of Xu Xu's eyes. Seeing her come to her senses, he looked very serious: "Sister, Ni said, we can't drink. Don't be greedy. Let's eat steamed buns."

Promise: "...."

Whoever is greedy, I am - yes! Point! Heart! It hurts!

You know, she has never drunk Jinlun Maotai in her life. In the past, she had money and a way out, but she didn't like this thing. The degree of liquor is high. Even if they go out to socialize, they rarely drink liquor. It's not good if they drink too much to bring some scandal to the family.

And she promised not to drink. Although she had no inheritance rights to the property of her family in the first two lives. When she grew up, her grandfather gave some shares to give some private property or something, she was at least the only 'eldest son of her grandfather, and she was her grandfather's 's most painful' child. At that time, some people wanted to follow her path. With the expectation of achieving the goal of less than ten years.

Unfortunately, whether it hurts or not, no one can defeat the end of the end.

She thought and looked at the wine in her milk glass again, saw her take a sip of milk, and then commented, "It's not as strong as our own."

The boy laughed far. The degree of liquor here is really not low, but the Maotai he bought is also very good. I didn't expect his mother to have such a sharp mouth that she felt it with a lower belly.

"Actually, there is not much difference, only a few degrees."

"A few degrees will be very big." Song Yuhe took another sip: "Look at our boundary, is there a big difference between the temperature above zero and the temperature below zero?"

The boy was so weird that he thought his mother's words made sense.

Not only did Tong Ziyuan, but Xu also thought that what she said was very reasonable. In fact, even if it is only a few degrees of temperature difference, the human body's perception is still very strong. But now she didn't interrupt, so she ate quietly with her little brother and Han Ang.

They all knew that Song Yuhe and Tongzi had a lot to say, so they just listened and didn't bother. If it comes to the promise, it is actually very curious about Tongzi's experience. If it is put in the novels of future generations, her uncle is the hero of the novel. When I was a child, it was miserable. When I grew up, I counterattacked. Many people liked to read this kind of ancient novel before.

Han Ang also listened carefully to Tong Ziyuan talking to Song Yuhe. He planned to join the army like his father in the future. Now it's right to listen to these more. Although he may not remember when he is young, it's not bad to listen to it more.

Compared with promise and Han Ang, the little brother is much more lively and adds steamed buns to Promise and Han Ang from time to time. Fortunately, he was sensible and didn't interrupt casually. Although he listened much less than promised and Han Anglai, it did not prevent him from worshipping Tong Ziyuan.

At the afternoon dinner table, Song Yuhe and Tong Ziyuan's mother and son talked while drinking and eating. From time to time, a little bean diced raised his head and had to pick up vegetables from time to time. The other two little beans listened very carefully.
