
Chapter 47: Four attractive

In order to avoid a long dream at night, Song Yuhe rode a bicycle that day and planned to go to the county with a letter of introduction. Originally, she wanted to take Xu promise and Xu Cheng with her. After all, it just made a scene today, and she was also afraid that the people and dogs on the other side of Xu family would jump over the wall. Even if you can send the child to Han's house, Song Lanshu has a big belly. Han Ang is still a child. If you meet Xu Jianguo and Wang, there will be no way to fight.

As a result, when Han Ang and Xu Cheng both showed their strange power, Song Lanshu also borrowed the two big wolf dogs in the team. Finally, after seeing her goose raised his neck and looking arrogant, Song Yuhe silently pushed the bicycle away.

Forget it, her granddaughter is distressed and can't bear to let a little old lady ride so far with her two children. She should feel intimate. Those two dogs are not good enough. Why don't you bring two puppies this year? Although the goose raised at home is also very powerful, there is an extra layer of protection for dogs.

Previously, the grandson and granddaughter said that she wanted to have a dog, but she felt that dogs would have fleas and were afraid of getting their grandchildren, but now think about it, as long as you pay more attention to the health of the dog. Besides, what is flea compared to safety?

That doesn't matter!

Song Yuhe walked fast on her bicycle. After thinking about her grandchildren, she thought about what to do next. To be honest, she didn't expect that her granddaughter could cooperate so well with her today. Sure enough, her granddest granddaughter was smart, unlike her grandson.

Her eldest grandson, who was washing her sister's hands, sneeze heavily, and then looked up with a confused face, and her eyes seemed to be nagging.

"Brother, do you have a cold?"

Xu Cheng rubbed his nose and said, "No, maybe someone misses me."

Didn't you say that one sneeze is thinking, two sneezes are scolding, and three sneezes are colds? He just sneezed. He must have thought of him.

Promise: "...."

She doesn't know why what she said at the beginning. Now her little brother and the big villain can remember it.

"Sister, the milk has gone to the county. What about our ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum?"

Speaking of this, Xu couldn't help scratching his head. Because she played such a scene with her milk in the afternoon, she had to forget the ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum in the basket. Thinking of this, she promised to run quickly to see the basket they brought back. From it, she found the basket behind Xu Cheng and Han Ang's backs and found out two fat ginseng with few arms and legs and a few Ganoderma lucidum.

Promise: "...."

She covered her chest and didn't say anything. Don't ask. Asking is heartache. Because they ran and jumped, the two ginseng looked even worse, almost disfigured. Fortunately, this is planned to be eaten by myself. If you want to sell it out, I guess it won't be sold at much price.

It's really too burying.

"Brother, bring me here."

Although it has fallen like this, there is still a sense of ritual.

After Xu Cheng brought the sengzi, he promised to carefully divide the ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum into two parts. One planned to give it to Song Lanshu when the Han family was eating and sleeping, and the other would give it to Tang Xue when Tang Xue came back. Originally, it was the best to let Song Yuhe take it to the county seat together, but she forgot about it at all. If it hadn't been for the little brother's reminder, she would have waited to use the basket next time to remember it.

It's a little sad to think of this promise.

Is she old?

Or is the brain not enough because of too much memory?

Suddenly, she weighed her head heavily. As soon as she looked up, she promised to see Xu Cheng rubbing her head with her hand: "Sister, don't be unhappy. People over there will come back in the future. I'll protect you and your milk."

Because he hated the people in Xu's old house too much, Xu Cheng doesn't even want to call his grandfather now. He didn't forget that Mr. Xu and others forced Song Yuhe together today. He had never seen Song Yuhe and Xu promise cry so sadly. If it hadn't been for Song Yuhe's death, he would have rushed up and hit people. However, although he didn't hit anyone, he also knew that the other side of the old house of the Xu family was not settled today.

But even so, he is still so angry that he just wants to vent his anger.


Hearing the little brother calling her, Promise looked up stare and his eyes removed from the ginseng: "Ah?"

Xu Cheng pinched his little fist: "Let's beat Xu Guangzong up."

Promise: "???"

Promise: "...."

She hesitated for a moment and shook her head: "It's not good to beat people. The milk will be unhappy."

And it's hard to get rid of that family, so why get together again?

"I have a better way to vent my milk, brother, do you want to join us?"

Originally, Xu Cheng was a little disappointed when he heard his sister refuse, but as soon as he heard her sister say that there was a better way to vent milk, Xu Cheng's eyes suddenly lit up. He quickly looked at the promise, and he was very curious: "What can I do?"

Promise hesitated again, and finally shook his head: "I have to prepare and show you in the evening."

Xu Cheng was disappointed, but he still nodded: "Well, then you must take me to see it at night. By the way, do you bring Han Ang?"

Promise: "Let's see if he wants to go or not. If he wants to go, let's go together."

"He must want to go." With that, Xu Cheng was about to run to the Han family: "Sister, I'll find Han Ang and come back later."

Promised to wave his hand, stood up and went back to the house with him. He went out to wash his hands again, and finally climbed onto the kang.

As soon as she got on the kang, consciousness entered the manor space. The manor is now full of greenery. Two junior housekeepers and an intermediate housekeeper are busy in the field. There is also a junior housekeeper back and forth between a row of machines and the poultry and livestock in the chicken coop pigsty, and there is also an intermediate housekeeper picking all kinds of fruits that have ripe on the tree.

Now she is almost level 25. In addition to the five housekeepers, there are also patches of orchards and land in the manor. Although it is also a big expense to keep so many housekeepers every day, the daily harvest is even more gratifying. She is now out of her own farming, feeding chickens and picking fruits. As long as she comes in every day to store and sell what is harvested in the warehouse that day, and set up the work that five housekeepers should do every day. If the little housekeeper did the same day as the day as the day before, she didn't even need to set up a little housekeeper to do every day, as long as she asked them to continue what they did yesterday.

Looking at the busy housekeepers, I promised that I was not in the mood to see what I had gained today. She walked all the way to the thatched house and pressed her hand on the door and opened the display screen.

There are two options, [Manor] and [Outside] in the display screen. She used to promise to choose the manor every day. This time she chose the outside world.

She clicked on the [Outside] option, then entered the [Other] option, and finally found the one she wanted in a lot of things.

It was a glass test tube about the size of her fingers. The mouth of the test tube was sealed, and there was half a tube of light blue liquid in the test tube. This is an attractor to pests such as mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and mice. It is specially developed by research institutes in the end of the world to remove four hazards for the foundation. This liquid can take effect as long as it is exposed to the air for ten minutes. She hoarded some curiously at that time. She thought she didn't need it in her life, but she didn't expect it to be useful for a day.

However, this kind of thing is very attractive to the four harms. Just one bottle down, it is estimated that their brigade can be flooded by mosquitoes, flies, mice and cockroaches.

Promised that the fat little fat hand pinched the test tube, thought for a moment, and found a small empty test tube to come out. He carefully poured two drops of it with a rubber head dropper, and then covered the lid again.

Well, it should be enough to deal with the old house of the Xu family. She felt that people in Xu's old house often wanted to fart because they were too idle. When they were busy, they would no longer think about it or bother her family.

Well, she will keep them busy, and they will definitely be too busy to find trouble for themselves.

Promised to smile twice, and then he realized that he smiled a little obscenely, probably like a greasy villain in the movie. She quickly tightened her face and put away her smile, but her big beautiful eyes bent into crescent moons.

She put the four attractants at the front of the warehouse so that she could get them as soon as possible.

If you do all this well, you will be in the mood to do something else. After washing her hands, she turned on the [Manor] option of the display screen and found 20 cherries from it. The cherries produced by the manor are big and red, and the red ones are a little black, and the logos and beautiful, but they look the same as those produced in the same production line, and the size and color taste are exactly the same. The seven brothers of Huluwa still have different skills in wearing different colors of clothes, but there is nothing produced by the manor. No matter what it is, as long as it is the same thing, it will look the same in the end.

This is also good. You don't have to choose the best one to eat.

Promise to wash twenty cherries, and then reconsciously return to your body, and the cherries appear at hand. She couldn't wait to stuff one into her mouth. The moment I bit the cherry peel, I squinted my eyes happily.

It's really delicious. Although their family grows cherries, she also nourishes it with wooden powers every day, but this is not of the same grade as the cherries produced by the manor. Even the cherries of more than 100 catty and nearly 200 yuan in future generations do not taste good.

She ate all 20 cherries in one go and didn't dare to leave it for her little brother. Now that the little brother has grown up, it is getting harder and more difficult to fool. However, there is still fruit on the fruit tree at home, and the little brother is not short of fruit now, otherwise it will hurt her conscience to eat secretly alone. After all, the little brother and Han Ang are so kind to her.

Promised to eat cherries and destroy the fruit nucleus. As soon as she finished her work, she saw the little brother running in from the outside.

Suddenly, he paused and his nose moved: "Hey, it smells so good."

Promise: "...."

Oh, I forgot that this is a snack.

She looked at Xu Cheng with a blank face. After smelling it, Xu Cheng glanced around the room again. After seeing nothing, she left it behind. He ran over to promise to wear shoes: "Sister, Aunt Song is calling for dinner."

"Aunt Song made a lot of delicious food." Xu Cheng broke his fingers and counted it to promise: "She steamed bacon, cooked rice, stir-fried eggplant, stir-fried beans with oil, mixed tomatoes with sugar, and patted cucumbers."

Xu Cheng's eyes were shining. After putting on his shoes for Xu promised, he took her out with one hand and ran out with a son in the other hand: "Rush, hurry up, let's go, let's go, Han Ang and Aunt Song are waiting for us."

Promised to run away by her strange little brother, like a rag doll flying in the wind.

Chapter 48: It can only be cheap

Because of something in my heart, promised that the three of them had eaten and helped clean up the tables, bowls and chopsticks. After talking to Song Lanshu, they left. The three of them held hands with the geese and promised that there was a little squirrel squatting on their shoulders and pressing the road together.

At this time, it was hot. Now there are many people who have eaten out for a walk and talk, adults and children, and all three of them do not seem too abruptly in the middle. However, because of the Xu family's trouble today, many gossip people rely on promises and Xu Cheng's age and ignorant. They always want to inquire about their family. Specifically, they also want to ask Xu Aiguo and Tang Xue how much money they earn in a month, and then ask Xu Jianguo and Aunt Wang to ask Song Yuhe to pay Xu Guangzong a tuition fee? Don't you want much?

Even if I know that gossip is human nature, I can't stand it after being asked all the way. When he was about to reach the door of the old Xu's yard, Xu promised to quickly reach out and say goodbye to the enthusiastic members of the play, and pulled Xu Cheng and Han Ang to run away with the goose.

"This child, why do you run so fast?" A woman said in disappointment that she didn't have enough gossip yet. If there is nothing new in the team now, that is, who has a child and who is going to negotiate a marriage? There has been no 'big drama like the Xu family in the past two years. The last time I encountered such a thing in the team was still the Han family.

"Not all children are like this." A woman smiled and said, and then looked at the three children who ran away with some surprise and sighed, "The Xu family and the Han family are also predestined. Patriotic and Yongjiang have a good relationship. Now the children of the two families are also good. Last time, the patriotic daughter-in-law and Yongjiang's daughter-in-law were about the same time pregnant and have children, and this time they are about getting pregnant. Have a baby."

Some people laughed when they heard this: "They couple can't see each other several times a year round. Only those who stay at home for a long time during the Spring Festival are normal to get pregnant for about the time."

"Well, so what's the use of making so much money? It's not that I can't see my wife or children all year round."

"Wang Mazi, would you like to be a worker to serve an iron job?" When someone heard Wang Mazi's words, he laughed and teased him.

Wang Mazi straightened his chest and looked like I cast glory for the motherland: "Go, of course, go. That's to build the country. How can we grow? Everyone says right?"

The team members who heard his words laughed.

On the other hand, the three promised that the three would discuss countermeasures early, because they were afraid that Xu Cheng and Han Ang would be suspicious of the test tube and wanted to get to the bottom of the truth. They promised to decisively say that the main person in charge of this matter was milk candy. They just needed to pass by the old house of the Xu family while playing. Of course, milk candy must not leave Xu's old house, which is easy to cause suspicion.

Although Xu Cheng and Han Ang know little about what to do, neither of them has ever thought of rejecting the promise. After all, promises are never wrong for them. Promises are the smartest.

The smartest promise talked and laughed with Han Ang all the way. Some of the team members who noticed their movements would smile after looking at it. Then they had a series of discussions about what happened to the Xu family today, and did not notice a little little squirrel between three people and one goose fighting. It's already running away.

"Sister, is milk candy okay?"

Han Ang, the little squirrel who has run away, is a little worried. The main reason is that the milk candy is too small. If you go to the mountains to find something like today, it will definitely be okay, but do something bad - can it work?

"Brother, you have to believe in milk candy." Xu promised to pat Han Ang on the shoulder with a smile and said that milk candy was okay. Of course, it's okay to let the milk candy do this kind of thing. It is produced by the system and has a high IQ. She guess that milk candy is the same as a difference between her little brother. There is not much difference between other hearts.

Han Ang looked at the little squirrel running away thoughtfully. He couldn't help asking, "Nonuo, what did the milk candy take away?"

"It's a good thing." Xu promised's smile was even brighter: "I think Xu Guangzong's family will be very surprised. You will know the situation later."

Han Ang was silent for a moment, and he really didn't ask again.

The three of them waited for the little squirrel to come back while walking. After the little squirrel came back, they promised to look at the empty test tube and smilingly carried it into the thatched house of the manor.

Don't take out this weapon of mass destruction. In case it is leaked, it will be a problem. And now she can make up what Xu's old house will face next. I believe their life will be wonderful next. Originally, she felt that the things hoarded were not very useful in the world, but now when she thinks about it, it is actually quite useful.

Looking at the bent eyebrows of Xu Xu Xu smile, Han Ang and Xu Cheng both looked at each other and saw each other's confusion from each other's eyes.


After walking around the team, he promised that the three would go back to Han's house to take a shower and rest. There are no adults in the Xu family at home. Generally speaking, Xu promised and Xu Cheng slept with Han Ang and Song Lanshu in the Han family. They will go back the next day. After all, there are only two children at home, and adults are not worried.

Promise hummed all the way into the yard. When she saw Song Lanshu bathing her alone, her good mood was a little higher.

She is already a five-year-old child, and a five-year-old child should not take a shower with her brother anymore. She was afraid that Song Lanshu would throw her and Xu Chenghan Ang in the same bathtub. After all, the people here like to help each other rub their backs. In case Song Lanshu felt that the three of them could help each other, wouldn't it be very suffocating?

Promise looked at the bathtub and two buckets of water in front of her, looked up and smiled at Song Lanshu with millet teeth: "Aunt Song, I can take a shower myself. I wash it myself at home. You can go to rest, otherwise my little brother will be very tired."

Song Lanshu touched the promised head: "Then I'll wash your head first."

With that, she commanded promise to lie down on a lounge chair similar to the shampoo of a barbershop in later generations, gently shook the hair to promise: "Did your mother bring this shampoo back for me? Your father helped me bring it from the Shanghai market. Do you smell the fragrance?"

"It smells good." Promised to give a thumbs up: "I also use this shampoo at home, but our shampoo tastes different from yours."

I don't know whether it came from the Shanghai market or not. Anyway, everything her father brought back is strange. Who knows whether he bought it when he was on a business trip or in his golden finger?

After all, his father is a man with golden fingers.

"This shampoo works well." Song Lanshu washed her hair and then flushed the water again. Finally, she wiped her head with the promised dry hair. If she doesn't dry it, it's easy to catch a cold and get old and headaches.

Of course, it's impossible to wipe it all out. Song Lanshu took her clean towel to wrap the promised little head, and then patted her little buttocks: "Nonuo went to take a shower first, Aunt Song went to decorate the charcoal fire, and then roasted your hair before you can sleep, okay?"

Promise nodded, covered his little buttocks and ran away quickly, with a shy red face. She felt that whenever she was ten years old and eight years old, it was all salted pig hands.

Why do adults like to rub children's faces, pinch children's faces, and spank them?

Seeing that she ran to the bathroom to take a shower by herself, Song Lanshu told her to be careful not to fall before greeting Xu Cheng and her son. When facing her son, she was not as gentle as a promise. After all, where did the stinky boy Pi Monkey have the fragrance of a girl?

"Mom, wash it gently." Han Ang came over with a sad face, and a white and tender face frowned into a little bitter gourd.

"I see. Hurry up. My mother is busy."

Han Ang climbed onto the lounge chair and asked his mother to help wash her hair and discussed with his mother: "Mom, can I sleep with Xiaocheng and Sister Nono at night? You sleep with your brother, and we sleep in different rooms."

"Yo, what's the matter? Is it because Xiao Cheng and Nuo dislike your mother and me?" Song Lanshu couldn't help joking with him when she saw her son's appearance. She quickly washed Han Ang's hair and asked him to wait and wipe his hair, and then brought Xu Cheng to wash today's third head.

"I don't dislike it. Even if we want to sleep with Xiaocheng and Nuonuo, we also have our own secrets."

"It's still a secret." Song Lanshu smiled and said, "In the evening, you sleep in another room with Xiaocheng, and I sleep with Nuonuo."



Why did you say two sentences at the same time? Song Lanshu helped Xu Cheng wash his head and eyes without blinking: "Because Nuonuo is a big girl, you are also men. Everyone has grown up and must sleep in separate rooms."

Han Ang: "!!!"

Xu Cheng: "!!!"

"Aunt Song, I always sleep with my sister and milk at home." Xu Cheng tried his best to win opportunities for himself. How could he not sleep with his sister? He slept with his sister every day when he grew up and never separated.

Han Ang helped Xu Cheng speak and did not forget to object: "Then you are so old and still sleep with my father."

"Hey, you and my father are a couple who have a marriage certificate. Why can't we sleep together?" While talking, Song Lanshu had washed Xu Cheng's hair. The little boy's head and short hair, and his shampoo was diligent. Except for sweating, it was actually not dirty.

Han Ang was unmoved by this and gave evidence that he thought was very beneficial: "Then Sister Nuonuo and I also have to get married and have a couple. You two can be together. Why can't I do it?"

Xu Cheng was a little silent about this. He was silent about his friends and wanted to abduct his sister, and that he and his sister could not get a marriage certificate for a couple.

He and his sister are brothers and sisters. They can't be a couple or get a marriage certificate.

Oh, I'm so worried. I can only make it cheaper.

Song Lanshu was amused by her son. She smiled in a low voice, "Okay, I have ambition. That mother is waiting for you to marry Nuonuo into the door and be my daughter-in-law. However, you are still a five-year-old child who has not reached the legal age of marriage. It's not qualified to get a marriage certificate. You can wait in line first.

Han An was stunned on the spot.

So, what legal age of marriage do you get to get a marriage certificate? Why do I have to wait in line to get married? Doesn't the marriage of the two dogs in their team just ask the captain's uncle to take a note to get a certificate in the county?

That's what the second dog said. Why is it different from what my mother said?

Han Ang was told by his mother to doubt life.
