A New Tabby Stripe

Firestar: Oooh! A stick! *takes Jayfeather's stick*

Jayfeather NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *Takes stick and goes to bed laying on it* MY STICK

..................... One Hour Later......................

Firestar: *Sneaks into den* Ima take the stick and fix it. *Hot glues sharpies all over it and gives it to Jayfeather*

Jayfeather: Sticky! *grabs the stick and rolls all over it*

Firestar: heh *runs away*

................................In the morning.............................................

Jayfeather: *Walks out of den, mad* WHO PUT SHARPIES ON MY STICK?

Firestar: You have new stripes, Jayfeather

Jayfeather: WHERE!?!??!

Firestar: Can't you see them? You look like you are a child of Crowfeather.

Jayfeather: I. can't. see. any. thing. I. am. blind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Firestar: ah, well
