Thirty Four


I popped another chip in my mouth as the woman on the tv screen explained the injuries that the victim endured on this episode of Forensic Files.

"He chopped her up?! That's disgusting.", Lux said in disgust.

Kai and I were too invested in the show to respond.

Turns out this woman's husband killed and dismembered her because she found out about his affair and he might've gotten away with it if she didn't scratch him during the murder.

"How can you two watch that?"

Kai and I looked at each other and shrugged.

"Ooh, forensic files!", Gio said excitedly as he sat down. He placed his books down on the coffee table.

I heard Lux sigh before she got up and went to the kitchen.

"Hey, we're almost out of everything! Who's turn is it to go grocery shopping?!", Lux yelled from the kitchen.

Kai and Gio pointed at me as I raised my hand, none of us took our eyes off the tv.

The three of us gasped dramatically as the tv suddenly turned off. We all turned and looked at Lux.

"What are you doing? We were watching that."
"Groceries. Go. Now.", Lux told me as she pulled me up from the couch.

I rolled my eyes at her. She patted my head playfully.

I groaned and grabbed my jacket. Kai stood up and grabbed hers.

"I'll go with you.", she told me.

We put on our mittens and hats before heading out the apartment. We quickly made a grocery list before we made our way to my car and hopped in.

Kai placed her hand on my knee as I drove to the grocery store around the corner.

"Have you ever had sex in this car?"

I looked at her and saw her looking in my backseat.

"You are the only person other than my brother, dad and Lux that has been in this car."

I saw her smile sweetly.

"Why'd you ask me that?"

She looked at me as she moved her hand higher on my thigh.

"I don't know. It's kinda roomy in here. It'll be easy to have sex in here."

I smirked at her before placing my hand on hers.

I took the opportunity while the light was red to pull her into a deep kiss. We pulled away just in time for the light to turn green.

We pulled up to the grocery store and went inside. We were met with stares from the cashiers who didn't have customers in front of them. I knew exactly what they were staring at.

Even though we had on heavy jackets, the hickeys and bite marks on our necks were still visible from yesterday.

I smiled proudly and waved.

"Uhh..I'll get a buggy.", Kai said before walking off.

What in the fuck is a buggy?

She came back with a shopping cart. She pushed it to the first aisle.

We began knocking things off our list and soon we were almost finished.

"Babe, can you grab the sriracha? I can't reach it.", I told her as I pointed to it on the top shelf.

She was about to grab it when someone called her name. We both turned around to see that it was Kai's ex girlfriend, Sam.

"Hi, Kai. We haven't talked in a while. You look good.", she said as she walked up to my girlfriend.

"That's what happens when you leave me for someone else. What? Was I supposed to fall apart just because you decided that I wasn't worth your time anymore.", Kai shot back.

That's right, babe. Handle this bitch.

I smiled and grabbed Kai's hand. Sam finally seemed to notice me.

"Oh, hi. It's Kathy, Right?"

The nerve of this bitch.

"It's Karina. I'm Kai's girlfriend."
"You were dating that Griffin guy, right? You moved on kinda fast.", she said.

I felt Kai tense up beside me. She quickly came from around the shopping cart and walked closer to Sam. I saw that Kai's eyes were filled with rage and her fist was balled up.

"Kai, don't."

Kai shoved Sam and was about to swing on her, but I grabbed her.

"Kai, stop."

Kai looked down at me and took a deep breath.

"Get the fuck away from us.", she told Sam.

Sam took a step back before turning around and walking in the other direction.


She turned around and looked at me. She pulled me into her arms and kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry she said that to you."
"Kai, I don't care about what she said. I just don't like seeing you like that. I'm not worth you losing your cool like that."
"Yes you are. I would do anything for you. I'm sorry that you saw me act that way."

I kissed her forehead.

"Come on, let's finish."

We grabbed the rest of the groceries and headed back home.

"Finally, I'm starving.", Lux said as we walked through the door.

She took some of the bags out of our hands.

Gio, who was studying on the couch, got up to help put away the groceries. Even though he had his own dorm, he still acted like he lived here. I kinda wish he did, but I won't tell him that.

My phone started ringing as I took a seat at the island in our kitchen. I saw that my dad wanted to FaceTime. I answered and instantly smiled.

"Hi, daddy.", I greeted him.
"Sup' dad!", Gio shouted from across the kitchen.

"What are you guys doing?", he asked me. I could see Aria drawing beside him.

"Putting away groceries."
"We are putting away groceries. Karina's just sitting.", Gio said.
"I'm facilitating. Now, put the chips on the bottom shelf because I'm short.", I told him after he placed them on the top shelf.

I heard my dad laugh. That made Aria look at him.

"Not funny, daddy.", she said as she came closer to the camera.

"Are you still mad at daddy?"

She nodded.

"He said no little brother."
"Honey, you can't just have a little brother, okay? You have a big brother. Don't you love, Gio?", I asked.

She nodded and smiled.

"See? You don't need another brother."
"But I want someone to play with me.", she said sadly.

Gio came around the corner and sat beside me.

"Is that why you want a little brother?"

She nodded.

"Aria, you have mom, dad, our uncles, and all your cousins there to play with and when we come back home next year, we'll play with you.", he told her.

She smiled and nodded.

"Okay! I'm going to go play with mommy!", she said before running off.

"You're not coming back until next year?", my dad asked.

"We want to spend Christmas here and our next break is spring break and we want to go to Miami for that, but we'll stop by on the way back to school.", I told him.

Dad smiled and nodded.

"I hope you kids have fun. I'll call you tomorrow, alright?"
"Bye, dad!", we both said before I hung up.

I looked around and saw that all the food was put away. I stood up and grabbed Kai's hand.

"You okay?", she asked me.
"I wanna cuddle."

She smiled and led me to her room.

She laid down on her bed and I laid partially on top of her. I threw my leg aroundq her waist and rested my head on her chest, and looked up at her face.

"You're so beautiful.", I said.

She stroked my cheek and smiled.

"You're so in love with me.", she said with a laugh.

"I am.", I said before kissing her collarbone.
"I love you too."

I stared into her gorgeous deep green eyes.

I've never felt like this before. I never loved someone this much. Not even Bruno and I thought he was my one true love, but I was wrong.

"What are you thinking about?", Kai asked.
"I've never felt this way before. I keep waiting for something to go wrong because I've never been this happy before."

She leaned down and kissed my forehead and left a trail of kisses along my jawline.

"You deserve to be happy, Karina.", she said lowly in my ear.
"You make me so happy.", I whispered.

I kissed her as I felt her hand rub between my thighs.


I was boiling noodles for mushroom and ricotta alfredo when I felt my boyfriend's arms around my waist.

"My father would be very disappointed in you.", He commented on my pasta.

I laughed as I stirred the pot.

"Well, we didn't all grow up with Italian parents."
"My mom's actually Russian."

I shook my head at him. He leaned down and kissed my cheek. He then looked at me before placing his hand on my forehead.

"Are you feeling okay? You're burning up."
"I'm fine. It's just hot in here."

He kissed my forehead before walking away.


I watched my beautiful girlfriend fall apart above me. She moaned my name as she laid back with a drunk smile on her face. I laid beside her and pulled her into me. She closed her eyes and rested her head on my chest.

Soon enough, I heard her light snores. I pulled my blanket on her tiny naked body and slid from under her.

I slid on a pair of shorts and headed to the kitchen for a snack.

I walked in and saw Lux putting pasta in the oven. I saw that she was sweating.

"You look like you've been working hard.", I told her.
"So do you.", she said with a wink.

I blushed and looked away. I saw Giovanni studying on the couch.

"I didn't hear that.", he said.

Lux rolled her eyes at him.

"Where's Rina?", she asked.
"Sleeping.", I said proudly.

Lux laughed and came and sat beside me.

"Dinner will be ready in 30."

She wiped the sweat on her face with a napkin.

"Lux, it's freezing in here. Why are you sweating?"
"It's cold to you?", she asked.
"It's 49 degrees in here.", I pointed at the thermostat near the door.

Giovanni stood up and walked towards her. He felt her forehead and shook his head.

"I'm taking you to the hospital, Lux.", he told her.
"Dominic, I'm-.", she stopped talking and looked down at her thighs.

"Oh my god. Lux, you're bleeding.", I pointed to the blood that was forming between her thighs. There was a lot of it.

"I-I....", she tried to speak, but nothing came out.
"I'm taking you to the hospital. Let's go."

Giovanni pulled Lux up and practically dragged her to the door. Lux appeared to be in shock.

"I'll get Karina and we'll meet you there.", I shouted before the door closed.

I took a deep breath and turned the oven off before running to my room. I saw that Karina was getting dressed. She was wearing one of my baggy T-shirts and a pair of black leggings. She was sliding on a pair of Ugg boots.

"Hey, I was just about to come find you. You wanna go for a walk?", she smiled sweetly.
"Baby, we need to go to the hospital right now."

She looked at me with concerned eyes and walked closer to me.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"It's Lux. I.. I think.."
"Kai, what is it?!"
"I think Lux... had a miscarriage."
