

Weeks have passed since Kai and I kissed....again.

I still don't know why I kissed her. I don't have feelings for her or any girl for that matter. Maybe I was just trying to comfort her in my own idiotic way.

We've been pretending the kiss didn't even happen. I think I prefer it that way. I feel less guilty that way. I've been debating if I should tell Griffin or not. If we're going to continue whatever this is, I want to be honest.

"Rina!", I heard Lux shout.

I looked up to see her standing in front of me.

"I've been calling you forever. Are you alright?"

I nodded.

"Of course. Did you need me for something?"
"Donatello's coming over tonight and I think he wants to make things official. He's been dropping hints.", she said. She had a scared expression on her face.
"That's great. Why don't you look excited?"

She sighed and looked down.

"He's so sweet and he treats me like a princess, but I'm not that into him. I don't know what's wrong with me."
"There's nothing wrong with you, Lux. Maybe he isn't the one for you."
"If Donatello isn't, then who is?", she asked with a chuckle.
"Maybe someone who looks a little like me. Someone who you look at like he's the only other person in the room. Someone who only you calls Dominic."
"I know you like him. Why don't you two just get together already?"
"I don't feel that way about him."
"Then why did you get so upset about Bex? Why did you two almost kiss?"

Her eyes widened for a second.

"He told you?"
"We're twins. No secrets. I thought me and you didn't keep secrets."
"I know. I'm sorry. I was just embarrassed. I tried to kiss him and he practically ran out the room. He doesn't like me that way. Besides, I'm over him."
"But he d-.", I cut myself off.

Her eyes widened and she sat up straight.

"He told you something, didn't he?"
"No.", I said.
"Karina, I'm your best friend."
"And he's my brother, Lux. Just go talk to him."

She nodded and stood up.

"I will. I'll be back.", she said as she left.

I sighed and turned on the tv. Pretty Little Liars would make me feel a lot better.

I heard the door open and close.

"I need to talk to you.", I heard Kai say.

I looked at her. She looked like she had been crying.

"You can't just kiss me and pretend it didn't happen."
"You can't just say "I'm not gay" and walk away from me. You kissed me, Karina."
"Kai, I don't know what to say.  I don't know why I kissed you. I ask myself that everyday."

She sat down next to me.

"I hate this. I hate that I feel like I lost a friend over something I didn't even do."
"Kai, you didn't lose me. I'm still right here."

She smiled and nodded before wrapping her arms around me.

"I really care about you, Karina. I never want to feel like I can't talk to you."
"Me either."

She pulled away and stood up.

"I should go get ready for class.", she said before leaving.

Lux walked in on Kai's way out.

"I just ended whatever I had with Donatello. I've been avoiding him for weeks and I finally just cut the cord."
"How'd he take it?"
"He's Donatello. He told me he respected my wishes and that he's going to be here wherever I need him."
"Are you happy?"

She looked at me and bit her lip before looking down.

"I want him, Rina.", she said quietly.
"Then why did you break up with him? You sh-."
"-I'm not talking about Donatello."
"Then who?"

She sighed and looked at me.

"Dominic. I want to be with Dominic."
