

I flashed my visitor passed at the check in desk before walking towards the elevator. I pressed the up button.

"What if he's in class?", Lux asked.
"I have Giovanni's class schedule. He's free for the next two hours.", I said as we stepped in the elevator and pressed the button for the third floor.

"Maybe I should've stayed home. He probably wants some one on one time with you."
"Lux, you've been trying to get out of this all week. Don't you miss Gio?"
"Of course I do. I...I feel like he doesn't want to be my friend. He's just been really distant lately."
"Of course he wants to be your friend, Lux. He's just been a little busy now that he's back on campus."

The elevator stopped and we made our way to his dorm. We both knocked on his door.

After a few minutes, the door finally opened. A gorgeous blonde haired, green eyed woman stood there looking back at us. She had a sleeve of tattoos and had piercings covering her entire left ear and one in her nose.

"You're the girl on his desk. You must be G's sister.", she said.
"I am. I wasn't aware Gio had a roommate."
"Oh, I'm not his roommate. We're...uh, do you want to come in?"

We stepped into the dorm behind the girl.

"I'm Bex by the way."
"Oh, well, I'm Karina and this is my friend, Lux."

As we shut the door, another door inside open. Out walked Gio with a towel around his waist. His eyes widened as he noticed us standing there.

"Hi Rina and Lux. I didn't know you two were coming today."
"We missed you."

He smiled and looked at Bex.

"Well, I see you met Bex."

There was an awkward silence in the room.

"Well, I need to get to my tattoo appointment. I'll see you tonight.", Bex said before pecking Gio's cheek.

She waved goodbye and left.

"Since when do you have a girlfriend?", Lux asked.

Giovanni looked stunned at her question.

"Bex isn't my girlfriend. She's my friend. We just mess around sometimes."
"So what are you two doing tonight?", I asked with a smirk.
"I'm taking her out for dinner at this restaurant nearby. Nothing serious."

I heard Lux scoff beside me.

"What?!", Gio shouted at her.
"You can't answer my calls or texts, but you can wine and dine and fuck Bex.", she spat.
"I figured you had Donatello to keep you busy."
"What does Donatello have to do with this?!"
"Guys!", I shouted.

They both looked at me.

"What's really going on here?"
"What's going on is that your brother is an ass. I'll take an Uber back to the apartment.", she said before leaving.

I sighed and looked at Giovanni.

"Why haven't you spoken to her since you left? I know you have a crush on her, but ignoring her isn't going to help anything."

He sighed and grabbed some clothes from his closet. I turned around so he could get dressed.

"We almost kissed before the wedding and I freaked out. I damn near ran out the room and before I could even acknowledge my feelings for her, she was already falling for Donatello."
"And why did no one tell me?!"
"Because you always have your own issues going on, Rini."

Hearing him say that really hurt my feelings. Was I so self absorbed that I didn't notice the issues of everyone around me?

"I'm sorry.", I said quietly.
"I didn't mean it like that.", he said.

I nodded.

"You can turn around now."

I turned to see that he was now wearing a pair of black jeans with a white FRIENDS Tee.

He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by my phone ringing.

"Hold on, it's Kai.", I told him as I answered.

"Hey, what's up?"
"Can you come home?", she nearly sobbed.
"Kai, what's wrong?"
"Sam broke up with me.", she said as she sniffled.
"Baby, I'm so sorry. I'll be there soon.", I said before she hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?", Gio asked.
"Sam broke up with Kai. I have to go, little brother."
"We're twins."
"I was born first."

He rolled his eyes and handed me my keys.

"Be safe."
"You too!"

I walked into my apartment to see Lux and Kai on the couch. Kai was sobbing in Lux's lap. Kai's jet black hair was in a rare messy bun at the top of her head.

Lux looked up at me with scared eyes as I sat down next to them.

"She won't stop crying and she's been drinking.", she whispered to me.

"Kai, are you alright?", I asked her the dumb question.

She tried to speak, but I couldn't understand her.

"You have to take her. I have to go to my meeting with my counselor.", Lux whispered.

I physically pulled Kai onto me, so Lux could leave.

"I'm coming back, okay?"

Kai nodded before resting her head on my shoulder.

She began sniffing as her breathing finally calmed down. I wiped away her tears.

"She told me she met someone else.", she said quietly.
"Honey, I'm so sorry."
"How could she do that to me?"
"No one is worth your tears, my love. You can do so much better than her."

She let out a low chuckle.

"She's literally the only girl who's ever wanted me.", she slurred a little.
"That's not true.", I told her.

She looked up at me.

"You didn't want me."

She shook her head and began to get off of me.

"Kai, wait.", I said as I stopped her.
"I'm sorry.", she said quietly.
"It's not that I don't want you. I just-."

I was interrupted by Kai kissing me. She quickly pulled away from me.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that. I know I said I w-.", was all she managed to say before I crashed my lips into hers.

Kai wrapped her arms around me as she straddled me. I pulled away and looked in her eyes.

"What just happened?", I asked quietly. I was trying to make sense of what we just did in my head.
"I like you, Karina. I think I've liked you since the day I met you. You're the one I always want to talk to and be around."
"Kai, I'm not gay. I don't know why I kissed you, but I'm not gay.", I said as I got from under her and ran to my room.

My heart ached as I heard her heartbreaking sobs.
