Okay so this one is pretty thorough and may take some time, however it could be extremely effective.

So you need to grab a puppy preferably a German Sheppard, and train it from birth to seek out Apple juice covered victims and to attack them. Then steal a police uniforms. Then set a trap on victims house so that when they open the door they get covered in apple juice. Then let the dog loose upon them, if family members or anyone else asks, they had drugs and had used them so the dog tried to get inside of them to kill them, badaaaaa!

And now my fingers are getting tired again. Sorry heh. But, I has good news I was hit by the Apple Murderer Fairy of ideas and now I'm full of ideas yay! However, I still would love to hear your guys ideas! Remember if you tell me your ideas I will credit you in the chapter I use them! And I sill be forever grateful to you and vote for a book of your choice!

Apple Mafia stick together!

G out.
