And I almost forgot to post todays one XD, like I had it written out and everything yesterday and then now its late as and I forgot to post it until now. I'M SMART. S. M. A. T.

But anyhow here we go. Get a cannon and load it up with apples(it kept on autocorrectimg it to apple for some wierd reason), then as victim is riding motorcycle preferably, or car or some other fast vehicle shoot apples into throat. Speed of impact should kill victim.

Okay so an slight explanation for this one. But before that. Any Myth Buster fans here??


Just me?

Oh, okay then *sobs in corner*

But anyhow in one episode I watched recently they were trying to  if a bug would be able to kill a human on impact while speading down a highway on a motorbike. While testing the myth they found that you need such and such force(I completely forgot the exact amount whoops) to kill someone on impact on neck and I figured if a bug could do it, so could an apple.

Thanks Mythbusters!

G out.
