And now I have like no idea where this idea came from, soooo yeah. Though to be fair I have no idea where any of my ideas come from. Hehehe heh.

Make a kabab with apples on it and make them eat it but shove it down throat so it gets stcuk and punctures throat and blood spews out everywhere, and then you pull it our and just cut open guts and insides and pull out intestines and organs and pretend to pump the heart and, and. Im getting carried away aren't I?

I just read that and I'm still shocked and confused as to what happened there.

You guys have any ideas?

Oh and before I go I just want to ask if all of you awesome readers would be willing to check out a book I'm helping my friend er050603 are writing, its called 'Wait what did you say?' and its on her account. Its a Fairytail fan fic and we're super excited to write it!

I hope you guys all enjoy it and go give her a like and a follow!

G out.
