The Umbra

The Umbra

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Category: Fantasy
In the heart of an ordinary world lies Selene Dalton, a young woman on the cusp of adulthood, whose life is a delicate dance between the realms of the known and the unseen.

Blessed or burdened with gifts beyond comprehension, Selene finds herself swept into a whirlwind of uncertainty and peril. Visions, like fragments of a forgotten spell, haunt her dreams, and inexplicable events unfold around her, shrouding her existence in an aura of mystique and magic.

As Selene grapples with the weight of her extraordinary abilities and the allure of the hidden truths that beckon her, she stands at the threshold of a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur into oblivion.

Driven by an unyielding thirst for understanding, Selene embarks on a quest to untangle the threads of her destiny. Yet, with each revelation, she is drawn deeper into a labyrinth of secrets and dangers, where the forces of light and darkness clash in a timeless battle for supremacy.

It's left to her to choose, the darkness or the light.

Story by Bliss

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