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Face claims and maybe some other things

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๐ŸŽถโค๏ธ Isaiyum Kadhalum ๐ŸŽถโค๏ธ

Two heartbroken souls. One with family problem. One with love and family problem. What if the two souls meet each other? They will fall in love?
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RETURNED TO WATTPAD!"I heard he punched a teacher who tried to take his hood off.""Really? I heard that he's hideously ugly and can't stand to have other people see him.""Hmm, I was told that one time he was hooking up with a girl and he still didn't take his hood off."-----These were the things they said about the new kid at Charlesteen High School. Were they true? No one knows, but touch his hood and you'll lose limbs. Quiet and intimidating, he never initiates conversation, and the only person who bothers to investigate this new student, is Amy.Amy Carters is an ordinary girl with problems of her own, but when her social studies teacher pairs them up for a project, she's grows curious of the hooded figure. Who is the boy who lives under the shadows? But despite her curiosity for the new student, she can't fight the attraction she feels for her new co-worker, Asher. Kind, thoughtful, and absolutely stunning, she quickly finds herself torn between Asher and the mysterious and brooding new student.The question is, who will she choose?-------After five years of the rights to this book being owned by Dreame, it can finally be returned to Wattpad! Be warned; I wrote this book when I was 14 and I can't even remember how it ends. Heed this warning haha.
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I Got My Bad Side Awakened After Rebirth

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๐ŸŽถโค๏ธ Isaiyum Kadhalum ๐ŸŽถโค๏ธ

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iWatch repair in Atlanta GA

iWatch repair in Atlanta GAWe proudly present iWatch repair in Atlanta GA. One of the very few shops in the valley to do an Apple watch repair. Icons Repair is done on-site and most of them done the same day.Our iWatch repair in Atlanta GA store is centrally located for convenience; however, for those who don't wish to trek across Atlanta GA, we do offer an Atlanta GA service that gives you the option of sending your iWatch directly to us, at which point we will fix it and return your device to you, also by mail.You Can Also Visite Our Website:

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iWatch repair in Atlanta GA

iWatch repair in Atlanta GA We readily present iWatch repair in Atlanta GA. One of the very few shops in the valley to do an Apple watch repair. Images Repair is done close by and most of them done in like manner day. Our iWatch repair in Atlanta GA store is mostly arranged for comfort; in any case, for the individuals who don't wish to trek across Atlanta GA, we do offer an Atlanta GA administration that gives you the decision of sending your iWatch direct to us, at which point we will fix it and return your gadget to you, in like manner by means of mail.Please Visit Our Website #iWatchrepairinAtlantaGA

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