Search: trojanhorse
18 stories
A Gift from the Gods

A princess born before her time.A warrior in search of immortality.Both humbled by circumstance. *Structured around the 2004 film's sense of romance and dynamic character change instead of the traditional tale from Homer.

33.8K 25 873 Full
The Nymph

Kleomede survives the seige of Troy, but finds herself at the mercy of a stranger- a Greek captain.

10.2K 12 296 Full
Backstory (sanders sides)

When a mysterious Figure appeared in the kitchen of Thomas' home tell Virgil danger is coming. starts a problem that can't be fixed by a deep conversation. With the new voices helping the sides, They fight a threat they never thought they would face. This was a matter of Thomas' life or his death will they be successful in taking down deceit and his friends, is everyone trustworthy In the end everyone has there motives but with a trader in they group will they be able to save Thomas in time? Or will he lose his star atterbutes in the process?

2K 26 58

SNT found herself getting into trouble by a couple of Ai robots. When SNT calls for help, an unlikely hero shows up to assist her. Together, SNT and the mysterious hero must work together to save the computer world from an evil plot divised by the evil Ai robots. Art by BaghiMisfortune

1.4K 13 13 Full
Patrochilles ~ Anything But Lovers

Achilles stirred, and reached out instinctively, finding the warmth of Patroclus beside him. Panic flared momentarily, replaced by a wave of relief as he saw his 'friendly' affair fast asleep, his chest rising and falling rhythmically.The night they spent together last night felt different, with more tension than usual. There was a charged awareness, a touch that sent shivers down his spine, a whispered secret shared under the cloak of night. Shame mingled with longing within him, a bittersweet reminder of the forbidden love they shared.Rankings as of February 14th:#1 in forbiddenlove (of 38 stories)#3 in trojan (of 131 stories)#3 in trojanhorse (of 18 stories)And finally, our best ranking (in terms of amount of stories compared)...#13 in affairs! Out of 1678 stories, this one got #13! Thank you all so much for the love and support!

1.1K 10 53
Nemesis of Nakamura

"He deserved more than that. More than a chapter, more than entire epics, he deserved to live, the Fields of Asphodel will never deserve someone as devoted and good as him. He lived for justice, he died for justice, but I would throw that justice at my feet to save him. If only we had switched places. Ethan Nakamura should have lived." Erica Nakamura, daughter of Nemesis, legacy of Eros is a young woman burdened by her past. After her brother's death and her own treason, she struggles to find a new reason to live. In the Elysium, Achilles riots for the absence of his lover. Someone keeps him from Hades. She will set Patroclus free, but first she must move past the hell she's built for herself.This is not a tale of heroes. This is a tale of grief, pain, fear, and blame. But in the bottom of the box, is there hope?WEEKLY UPDATES EVERY TUESDAY

32 8 3
Ivo Phillipson And The Trojan Horse

Alright, look, we didn't mean to be caught up in a war. It was an accident. We did something stupid because we were teenagers with bad brains and stuff. We didn't mean to dine with the king of Greece or learn to fight like a ninja. So it's a good thing we didn't. We ate with Trojan Princes and got schooled. Literally. Hours and hours of it. It was so...boring, facinating, thrilling. Take your pick. This is the one where Will and I get really badass and Alice is like a ninja with her words. We all almost die. We watch people die. We make people die. And we begin to hate certain people so much we want them to die. Funnily enough it doesn't seem to be too much death. So, join us on our wonderful journey that takes us from our sleepy hometown to a raging battlefield. Journey with the emotional ride that is teenage-hood.A big thanks to Wattpad user alicia_alarcon for helping us heaps with the editing and making of this story. Go check out her page and read her books. They are awesome!

229 6 3
Petra: Immortal Longings (Petra book #4)

Making it to base camp, the gang in the past must find a way home. Amaya encounters an old flame and things get rocky...Art by I-IVI don't own any of these characters and they belong to their respective owners

253 29 0 Full
Was It a Dream?

I lived in Troy during the Trojan Horse incident. I am the brother of Hector and Paris. I hate being treated like royalty, I am a fighter and I like being in battles but Hector will not let me, but when I meet Castien, a Greek, everything changes.

222 7 2
Musings of a PC

Mostly Vox Machina / Critical Role, with a bit of my own campaign thrown in as the occasion arises.

132 3 5
Trojan Horse


30 3 0
Two Trojans

A juicy and vintage slowburn homo enemies to lovers story. Trojan horse x spartansTw: major character death

0 1 0
Oracles of Troy - Glyn Iliffe

57 1 1
Trojan Horse

You're dating Chris and John is his best friend. Roman hates Chris. Like genuinely can't stand him. Apparently, Roman and Chris used to be like brothers but you can't figure out what Chris ever did to him, but he tends to avoid you, so it doesn't bother you much. You've been dating Chris for 2 years, but he's been unfaithful before in your relationship, so this causes rifts and makes it hard for you to trust him. After one night causes a huge fight it creates and ends bonds in ways never expected.

13 2 0
Great conversations

Great conversations tells the real story behind some of the dialogues through history. In a compilation of short transcripts, we finally find out the truth about how some interactions went and what really happened.

71 1 0
The Edge

How many times will you fall off the same edge?

17 9 0
Inside The Trojan Horse: A Novel of The Second World War Book I of V

Sjel (pronounced Shell) Fokker, a Dutch student, foolishly joins the Dutch Legion (later part of the Waffen SS), where Roon Harte, a gay soldier, befriends him and teaches Sjel how to be a man. After Roon's death, Sjel is determined to do something right in his life and risks everything to save Ginny Brown, an American college girl, now an Allied agent, captured by the Gestapo. This five part saga alternates between Sjel and Ginny's stories until their lives are inextricably bound by increasingly dire circumstances. Throughout the drama, Sjel and Ginny witness acts of cruelty against friends, colleagues, and even enemies in the form of raging homophobia, bigotry, and hatred.

9 1 0