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at the Heian period between 1120 and 1135 there was a very powerful man .a jujutsu sorcerer who was known as the most sadistic and rough sorcerer in the history of the jujutsu, he was a big danger to the humanity, he didn't care for the morals and values of the jujutsu world, a lot of Massacres have been done by him and no one could've stopped him from his greedy and horrific goals.his name is Ryōmen Sukuna.until he was killed by his friend, the sorcerer Tanak Garaa, who decided to end all the blood and agony by killing him, Ryōmen Sukuna was killed at 1140 , at the same year was born a very powerful girl, the daughter of Tanaka Garaa , she got blessed with a very special powers and a very beautiful face that she became the protector of her family since she was a little child, she was their pride and joy.Tanaka Hikari lived until she's twenty years old young 1160 her grandma who was a hex got an awful vision of the returning of the known Ryōmen Sukuna in the very far future , which lead to the Tanaka clan to make a big decision, they chooses Tanaka Hikari to time travel to the timeline where Ryōmen Sukuna Tokyo, more specifically jujutsu high tec where she'll meet the very know sorcerer Gojo satoru at 2018.

259 8 11
★ (NUzi)   - snow day! ★

🚧This story only contains fluff🚧

163 1 1
All of Me

"Do you do blurbs?? If so could I. Please have a Luke one where it's like the song all of me by john legend like different lines omg sorry If this makes no sense" - prompt from tumblr used to writer this piece. A/N: I didn't know the song at the time so used it as a basis instead, it also turned out differently from what I intended but ?? still super cute imo. Find the original post here -

2 1 0
Sogni interrotti su di Te

La protagonista è una ragazza di terza liceo artistico, il tutto inizia con un sogno, nel quale incontra un affascinante ragazzo moro. Però lei certo non si soffermerà solo a pensare a lui, ma avrà molte altre peripezie amorose con molti altri ragazzi, sia passati che futuri.Spero vi piaccia è il primo lungo racconto che pubblico, commentate pure ☺️☺️

121 18 12
2 brothers,one love

Taehyung e Hoseok sono fratelli,hanno vissuto a Los Angeles ma ora i due sono abbastanza grandi per ritornare a Seoul,ritroveranno gli amici e una ragazza che gli farà innamorare ed andare controCast:Tutti i membri dei BTSSpecialmente Taehyung e HoseokSomi (la ragazza che gli farà innamorare)Yeri //Red Velvet// (migliore amica di Somi)Somin //Kard// (altra migliore amica di Somi)Zico //Block B// (nemico dei BTS)Jooheon//Monsta X// (alleato di Zico)Mino //Winner// (altro alleato di Zico)BM //kard// (amico d'infanzia di Tae)

4 4 0
Milujem Ťa, Justin!

Milujem ťa, Justin! Příběh slovenské týnedžeky, který na vlastní kůži pozná život celebrity.Autorka knihy: Tímea Mišenčíková

559 3 23
Something about me

Ovdje ću pisati o svojem životu i glupostima. Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti. Uživajte!

9 2 0

' ' 𝙐𝙕𝙄 ! 𝙐𝙕𝙄 ? 𝙉𝙊𝙏 𝘼𝙂𝘼𝙄𝙉 ' 'Random BNHA onshots cus ur author is boredlol

14 1 0

Vrijeme je da započnete zdrav život u kojem možete uživati u svakom svom dijelu bez ikakve boli, pa zašto ne biste trebali pokušati? Reumatin Cena.

1 1 0
Nebulosa farfalla NGC 6302

- Changlix ; ʚĭɞQuesta storia potrebbe entrarti nel cuore, ma fai attenzione, perché potrebbe spezzarlo come ha fatto col mio.

72 1 3
Dark Black Magic (Italian Translation)

Skyler è una tipa solitaria. Cresciuta con la strega,anche nonna nella foresta, Skyler ha vissuto una vita senza amici, di isolamento e di magia. La sua vita cambia quando lei si lega accidentalmente ad un demone molto potente e bello chiamato Rayne. Questo ex principe dell'inferno è inspiegabilmente attratto da Skyler ed è determinato a proteggerla per l'eternità. Skyler d'altra parte non ha alcuna voglia di passare il resto dell'eternità legata ad un demone malvagio. Tuttavia quando il mondo solitario di Skyler è in pericolo le antiche profezie, assassini, lupi mannari e un esercito di demoni minacciano di invadere la sua vita, l'unica cosa che si trova in mezzo fra Skyler e la morte è Rayne.Divisa tra attrazione, desiderio e paura Skyler deve imparare a fidarsi del demone oscuro e intimidatorio per sopravvivere.TRADUZIONEAutrice: Lady Angel of Twist tutti i diritti vanno a lei.

648 2 43
The Little Witch

A witch decided to come into a magical town to learn and get a few friends.

8 2 0
Prokleta sudbina.

Angelina prolazi kroz teške periode života. Sudbina joj nanosi mnogo boli oduzimajući joj ono najmilije, porodicu. Kroz život se uvijek borila sama, ali neočekivano Angelina sticajem okolnosti upoznaje osobu koja u njen život unosi mnogo ljubavi i sreće. Da li će ta njihova ljubav trajati ili će je život i njena sudbina ponovo razočarati i staviti soli na ranu?

419 1 46
Keldamuzik on being an entrepreneur and dabbling in other industries

believe most should know that Keldamuzik has proved herself capable, both mentally and physically of excelling in industries other than music. She has proven herself worth in other areas including fashion, dancing, and acting. She has done all this while managing her music career efficiently. So, most would ask, how do Keldamuzik do all this? Well, that's simple, she is a diva with numerous talents.

1 1 0
The Wanderer in the Valley of Vision [Christian Poetry] (Full Manuscript)

Because we live in a broken, fallen world, the feeling of wanderer is easy to come by. And the broken world does not necessarily become easier for the one who becomes God's child. You have probably had at least one season (if not multiple seasons) where you felt as a "wanderer". You live and walk through life moment by moment, day by day, year by year and yet find that you're not sure where you're headed and feel like you carry your cross and struggle with life, alone. Yet all of this must find its end at the feet of the redeeming hope of God's truth. For the Christian, this feeling is deeper because he knows that, despite the unknown and uncertain life and future that stretches before him, he is not really walking through life aimless, helpless and directionless but rather being led and guided by the unseen God; the Father in Heaven.I have written this book to share with any and all those who feel like they're alone in their life and their walk after God. In my imperfect poetry and heart, I have sought to reflect and display this truth of God: That we have tangible hope (assurance) to have and hold in this life and keep us in our walk before Him.If you have seen the path before you as uncertain...If you have found yourself a lonely and struggling traveler through life...Or have felt yourself like a leaf being carried by an unseen wind...Then my book is for you.So grasp the Father's tender hand and let Him lead you through the shadows and light of your life...through His valley of vision.===Cover Art by Maria Oosthuzien (South Africa) [Facebook, Instagram, Google Images]

2.2K 110 155
𝔹𝔸𝔻 𝕍𝕀𝔹𝔼𝕊 ||Ski Mask The Slump God fan-fiction ♥||

A teenage girl who has been friends with Jahseh and Stokeley through out the whole of middle school to high school as they hang out with each other as well as hanging out with Trippie Redd, Aylek$ and Geneva Ayala. Until one day she gets arrested in the middle of the night. READ TO FIND OUT MORE

127 3 5

Um mundo onde tudo é perfeito,todas as necessidades básicas do homem são supridas. Ninguém passa fome e a pobreza foi erradicada. Os recursos da terra agora são tão ambundantes que ja não há necessidade de haver dinheiro, todos agora consumiam todos os produtos de graça. toda a mão-de-obra do homem agora foi substituida por robôs, então não havia necesidade de trabalhar. Os cientistas homens foram substituidos por outros primatas que graças a 500 anos de uma nova forma de domesticação desses animais fez com que o homem pudesse desenvolver neles a capacidade de comunicação e um intelecto mais avançado,podendo estes primatas compreender coisas que só o homem podia compreender. Só Havia um cientista Homem que era o cientista supervisor. Então o Homem não precisava de estudar, os primatas ja estudavam por eles, e nem trabalhar pois os robôs e as outras maquinas ja trabahavam por eles. Um mundo perfeito,onde as pessoas são livres e podem fazer o que quiser,podendo disfrutar do prazer e do confroto desde o momento que nasce ate o resto de suas vidas.Porém isso trouxe suas consequencias,como o homem ja não sentia necessidade de trabalhar e estudar, eles ficaram cada vez mais fracos tanto intelectualmente como fisicamente. Sua expectativa de vida reduziu ate cerca de 30 anos e o seu qi reduziu consideravelmente.O Amigo do cientista supervisor ainda lia,estudava e praticava exercicios fisicos. Ele sempre dizia que o modelo dessa nova sociedade era arriscado e que o Homem estava ficando cada vez mais vulnerável. Mas o cientista supervisor nao deu ouvidos.Mas tarde esse cientista morre, e o seu amigo é capturado pelos outros primatas. Vendo agora que são mais inteligentes do que o Homem os outros primatas deixam de ser submissos a eles e ocupam o lugar deles,assumindo o comando do mundo.

91 3 9
Float On

(cover temporary)literally just a MD pirate au. also may happen to be better than my past fics but whatever.basically, when the core collapse happened, instead of freezing, the planet superheated and then cooled down very quickly, turning it into a 100% habitable tropical paradise. all the humans still melted tho :)

29 1 1
A Human From a Different Universe (Murder Drones x Male Reader) (Discontinued)

Robots killing eachother while one human trying to surviveI don't own the art

835 1 16
Marry Me? | Sasuke Uchiha

Sasuke Uchiha | AU | Modern | One-shot | "I know I forgot your birthday and all that shit I've done, but you continue to love me anyway."

422 1 16

Just random thoughts about my daily life 🤷🏻‍♀ yeahhhBecause idont know where to share it, then i wrote it here 😹

10 7 0
Choose Best Accommodation in Secunda - Lake Umuzi

Choose Best accommodation in secunda with Lake Umuzi under your budget. They Offer various different kinds of hotel accommodations to the people that they can choose from. More Information

1 1 0

two 18 year old boys meet one hot spring working at a construction school which his father hosts. His father accepts the other boy into their home and the boys try to resist the temptations and urges that consume them daily 👀

5 1 0
Classroom of the Elite: Playing God

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji was always a humbled man, but what if that changed? What if he became arrogant, someone who looks down on others, someone with a God Complex.

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