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Tamz Jingle By Kelamuzik 🎤🎶

🎶 This catchy tune is the perfect way to celebrate the WearTamz with Keldamuzik and all that it represents.

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✨My memes✨

CZ: Memy a vtipy co vytvořím (kočičí válečníci, OC a třeba i ze života)!PROSÍM O KREDIT PŘI POUŽITÍ MÉ TVORBY NA SOCIÁLNÍCH SÍTÍCH! ___________________________ENG: Memes and jokes that i made (warrior cats, OCs and maybe things from life)!PLEASE GIVE ME CREDIT IF YOU USE MY ART ON SOCIAL PLATFORMS!

13 1 2
Five Degrees

I can't see...I can't hear...nor've engulfed me completely

1.1K 35 39
DRUNK LOVE ( One Shot)

521 1 10
Murder drone books


26 1 4

Since the beginning of my understanding of social norms and its do's and don't's, it's no surprise that in this day in age there are a lot of things are used as labels, some life changing.Exploring these given "identities" is a part of any young persons life. Identifying ones mistakes and exploring ones aspirations is what teenage-hood is meant for. No one wishes to be taken out of a safe and welcoming environment in exchange for a life of misdirection and ill-advised choices. It happens.They aren't mistakes. They are pit stops in someone's life that are placed as a way to say, "Let's make a quick stop. Let's think about the next choice we have to make." And then the next stop is to look back and think, "Is this my pitstop or my final destination?"What happens when a teen whose lived a relatively normal life, gets her entire view on the world changed when she meets a group of 5? Why is society the way that it is and why does it affect the outcomes of everyones lives? Are you a product of what society made you out to be?

85 3 7
Forever More

12 2 0
Phantom of the Opera

when human die one by one

8 1 0
The Fire

Suzie was a normal Junior in high school, she was the middle of her class. Until one day he brother went missing, she would do anything to get her brother back.

2 1 0
About me/ Rants

So since I'm myself I decide to make this one since my life is kinda crappy 😁

161 7 4
Um aluno uma professora e um feche

Apenas um aluno procurando justiça após a professora cometer algo terrível que mudaria sua carreira para sempre.Obs:essa história é baseadas em fatos reais e foi produzida durante a aula da tal professora.

20 1 2
Live Your Life [I Seriá]

Nicky Blue - Má 15..Jej otec,je Michael Blue,slávny manážer...Nicky si úživa život..Chodí na party..Jej otec ju donutí,chodiť a vydať sa za Nialla Horana..Áno..V 15-tich rokoch..Lenže,ona ho nemiluje..Ale čo ak ostane ostane tehotná?! Zamiluje sa napokon do Nialla?

50 5 1

Ova priča se radi o djevojčici od 5 godina koju je majka ostavila na ljuljački na hladnoći, dolazi jedna predivna žena i spašava ju, preuzima odgovornost majke, no djevojčica je i dalje nesretna.

12 1 0
Just Neighbours

Jsem Hajime Youshi. Jsem vysokoškolský student v druhém semestru. Nedávno jsem se přihlásil do jednoho mimoškolského klubu v basketbalu. Narazil jsem tam na docela zvláštního kluka. Zjistil jsem, že je to bratr mojí spoluhráčky. Vypadá jako typický šprt. Toho bych mohl využít...Jsem Haru Daiki. Nedávno jsem skončil na střední škole a rozhodl jsem se, že si dám od školy rok pauzu, a pak půjdu na vysokou. Moje sestra začala chodit do basketbalového klubu, kam jí musím doprovázet, protože máma se bojí, že by jí v noci někdo znásilnil a bla bla...a já mám auto, takže tam musím chodit s ní. Pořád mě tam pozoruje jeden kluk. Jde z něj hrůza, snad se s ním Mayu nebude bavitPříběh bude formou RPG s Mai Atsushi c: Děkuju za spolupráci c:!!POZOR!! Může se zde vyskytnout sexuální vztah mezi dvěma muži!

915 2 92
PAIN means NOTHING [BTS JUNGKOOK fanfiction]

Song Yoo Ri had been a sasaeng of Jungkook of Bangtan. Her actions turned her into a beast and she did whatever she had always wanted to do. None of Bangtan knew what to do, until they slowly disappeared one followed by another. Jungkook was the only one left in that cell facing Yoo Ri. "Come to me, Kookie. I won't hurt you, it's alright," the husky voice whispered. Her hands flung open and welcomed Jungkook into her embrace. He refused but what happened next was even worse..

67 2 5

Ahoooj! nejsem žádná spisovatelka a ani nechci být...Píšu si to pouze pro sebe takže prosím nepište že kopíruju a tak dále..Kdo bude chtít určitě se mrkněte jaké filmy/serialy tu jsou napsané můžete napsat i nějaký pěkný komentář :)...Filmy/Serialy tu jsou České nebo Zahraniční + Disney :)Pěkný den.. Lu

397 7 2

87 1 9
The cute drone. [ N x Thad]

If Thad x N would be a thing, this is it.Idc if you actually ship this or not. I don't, as my friend just requested this.It will have some fluff maybe angst but no smutI might even add V x Uzi since it's gay now right??

1.2K 3 19

Self-confidence is related to one's trust and beliefs in their ability and skills. It refers to the way you treat and think about yourself. It also means confidence, judgment, and faith in one's ability. This means self-confidence is directly related to your ambitions and how you believe in yourself to achieve those goals. It is not associated with your existing skills.

2 1 0
Pieck finger x male reader lemon smut

Since no one made a pieck x male reader , here it is , hope you like it.

1.3K 1 11