Search: pintubesiseratkayudipadanglawas-sibuhuan
13,163 stories
Possesive Bestfriend

"Galenn" teriak alleta sambil melambai "Tunggu disitu" balas galen sambil membuka kaca helm "Jangan, biar aku yang kesitu" ucap alleta namun pria itu tak mengindahkan permintaan sang wanita yang sudah lama menjadi sahabatnya galen malah menacap gas dan memutarbalikan kendaraan untuk menemui alleta disebrang sana "dasar keras kepala" gumam alleta sesampainya disana alleta mengerucutkan bibirnya dengan wajah datar galen turun dari motor lalu mendaratkan kedua tangannya pada bahu alleta kemudian menunduk mendekatkan wajahnya sambil menatap dalam alleta ditatap seperti itu lantas malah membuat bulu kuduk alleta merinding "Anj*ng! apa apaan sih len" bentak alleta sambil melepaskan tangan galen tapi sayang tenaganya masih kalah kuat meskipun begitu ia tak mau kalah dan berusaha dengan keras mengenyahkan sosok galen dari hadapannya lalu galen membuang nafas dengan kasar kemudian memeluk wanita yang sudah sedari tadi ia tatap "Bisa diem ga sih, aku liatnya cape kamu ngelawan aku yang jelas-jelas bukan tandingan kamu" lagi-lagi alleta meronta untuk dilepaskan namun galen semakin mempererat pelukannya "Sesek raden" keluh alleta sambil memutar bola mata malas galen melepaskan pelukannya"Aing gasuka dipanggil raden" alleta tersenyum menang karena ia tahu cara mengendalikan pria satu ini"Ini baru galennya alleta" galen mengusap wajahnya dengan kasar lalu kembali memeluk sahabatnya "Anj*ng, bisa ga sih kamu gausah jatuh cinta sama orang lain bikin khawatir aja" keluh galen"Aku ga jatuh cinta tapi pengen ngerasain pacaran len" alleta menyambut pelukan galen"Kamu gaakan bisa pacaran selama ada aku" alleta mencubit pinggang galen dengan keras namun pria itu malah semakin menguatkan pelukannya. Disamping itu Galen membatin karena jika sudah begini ia ingin melanggar perjanjian antara keduanya jujur ia sangat membeci interaksi Alleta dengan pria selain dirinya.

601 11 22
Inteqaam (ENG SUB) ✔️

"Me Usmaan ke ilawa kisi bhi mard ke bistar pr sone ka soch bhi nahi sakti" "Naam Nahi Lo Uska!" "Usmaan" Zaakir Khan. A messiah to many, a man of his word, a man strict on his tradition..but one tiny mistake he had done in the blind love of his baby sister. The 29 year old had raised his sister with great love. That he turned a blind eye to his morals just for a second. Little did he know he had been guilt bound for a lifetime now. Qirat Hussein. A bubbly, witty 19 year old girl. Raised by her single mother. She wishes no harm on anyone except a specific 29 year old who turned her world upside down in the name of revenge. She shall now make him regret his actions, his regret will be her revenge! Par shayad is baat se dono anjaan the is inteqam ki aag me jalne ke bajye do dill pighaljayenge ~KMHTHIS BOOK IS SUBJECTED TO BE REMOVED SOON NEEDS EDITING!1⭐️ Urdu1⭐️ Khan1⭐️ Pakistan1⭐️ Paki1⭐️ Shaadi1⭐️ Ishq1⭐️ Desi1⭐️ Forced

312.3K 22 16.6K Full
Random Oneshots

Just a bunch of random one shots with different characters.❤ The images aren't mine and no smut.

5K 24 102
Cinta Di Sebalik Purnama ©

Di sebalik kegemilangan Kesultanan Melaka, tersimpan kisah cinta terlarang antara seorang pahlawan muda dan seorang puteri istana. Taming Sari, pahlawan gagah yang setia kepada negeri, bertemu dengan Puteri Ratna, seorang gadis jelita yang terperangkap dalam adat dan politik istana. Dalam pertemuan rahsia di puncak bukit yang disinari purnama, mereka menemui cinta yang indah tetapi penuh ranjau.Namun, di sebalik percintaan mereka, badai pengkhianatan, tanggungjawab, dan perbezaan darjat mula mengancam. Mampukah mereka bertahan apabila cinta mereka diuji oleh kuasa yang lebih besar daripada diri mereka sendiri? "Cinta Di Sebalik Purnama" membawa pembaca ke dalam dunia yang penuh dengan keindahan budaya, kehebatan pahlawan, dan cabaran cinta yang melangkaui batas-batas masa

24 31 1 Full
Memori 206

Ayrina atau lebih mesra dikenali sebagai Ayrin merupakan seorang kacukan Cina yang fasih berbahasa Melayu. Namun, akibat eajahnya yang iras-iras Arab dan Melayu membuatkan orang sering keliru dengan agamanya. Harith, seorang jejaka rupawan yang sentiasa digilai ramai. Namun, sepenuh hatinya telah dicuri oleh Ayrin sebaik sahaja dia menemui wanita itu buat pertama kalinya di kolej. Azrina dan Nisha, sahabat karib Ayrin. Ke mana sahaja Ayrin berada, di situ jua mereka berada. 3 sekawan ini juga dikenali sebagai "Geng good-looking". "U ikhlas?," kata Ayrin setelah menyimpan perasaan sukanya terhadap Harith. Terlalu banyak perkara yang perlu dia lalui, cinta mereka sering terhalang, Ayrin sudah pun banyak bersabar dengan segala ujian yang datang tanpa henti. Namun apakah pengakhiran kisah cinta Ayrin dan Harith. Adakah mereka akan hidup bahagia dan pengakhirannya bak kisah cinta Belle dan Beast atau akhirnya mereka hanya ditemukan namun tidak disatukan?

254 1 2 Full
Rival ku,soulmate ku.

Eri seorang gadis sekolah menengah yang berumur 16 tahun dan penggemar menonton anime dan membaca manga.Ibu dan ayahnya berpisah sejak dia berusia 7 tahun.Setiap hujung minggu,ibunya datang untuk melawat eri dan membawa eri pergi bersiar2 dengannya.Namun apabila eri berusia 16,Dia tidak lagi tinggal bersama ayahnya,ibunya pula mengambil alih.Oleh kerana dia berpindah tinggal bersama ibunya,dia dikehendaki untuk berpindah ke sekolah baharu juga kerana kediaman ibunya jauh daripada sekolahnya.Apabila dia mendapat khabar bahawa dia perlu tinggal bersama ibunya dan perlu bertukar ke sekolah baharu dia berasa amat gembira dan takut pada masa yang sama kerana dia risau perkara yang sama akan berlaku kembali.Perkara itu sering mengahantui eri. Disebabkan itu,Dia menjadi seorang yang tidak gemar bersosial di sekolah dan menyebabkan dia tidak mempunyai banyak kawan.Setelah tiba disekolah baharunya,Eri enggan untuk keluar dari keretanya.Dia berasa sangat takut,Puan illyana yaitu ibunya memeluk eri dan memberi semangat kepada anaknya.Pada hari pertamanya smua perkara berjalan dengan lancar.Masuk minggu ke dua,Dia datang ke sekolah lewat kerana dia terbangun lambat akibat menonton anime kesukaannya.Dalam situasi yg sangat mencemaskan, tanpa sengaja dia terlanggar seorang lelaki yang ingin lalu ke arah yang bertentangan dengannya.Bukunya habis jatuh dan kertas-kertas habis berterbangan."hish time aku kalut laa,kau nak lalu sini memang takdak jalan lain ka macam mana?" Bisik hati eri. Lelaki itu pula meninggalkan eri tanpa rasa bersalah."eh jap hada itula laki yang aku bgitahu kau tdi"kata eri. "Kau tahu tak dia kelas mana?" Kata eri lagi. "Taktahu la pulak,aku tak pernah pun nampak dia"balas hada yaitu kawan baik eri.Dan dari sini lah bermula penyiasatan eri dan hada yang ala-ala detective conan...

2.6K 16 90 Full

this story is for kpop fan.○○○Di suatu sudut Parama International High School, dua circle berputar dalam harmoni tak seimbang. Di satu sisi, terdapat satu lingkup pertemanan dari keluarga kaya raya, yang penuh dengan kemewahan dan kekuasaan.Namun, di sisi lain, terdapat mereka yang merasa tak adil, berjuang keras untuk menemukan tempat mereka di antara para elit itu. Mereka adalah para pemberontak yang menolak untuk tunduk pada ketidakadilan sosial yang melilit mereka. Dari dalam bayang-bayang ketidakberdayaan, mereka menemukan kekuatan untuk bangkit, menolak untuk terus menerima nasib yang sudah ditetapkan untuk mereka.Kedua circle ini saling melawan dengan cara mereka sendiri, menciptakan dinamika tegang yang menguji batas-batas persahabatan dan rivalitas. Cerita ini menggambarkan betapa kompleksnya dinamika sosial di kalangan remaja yang berada di ambang kedewasaan, di mana kekayaan, kekuasaan, dan kesetiaan mengalami benturan. Ini adalah cerita tentang perjuangan untuk pengakuan, cinta yang melampaui batas, dan pertumbuhan pribadi dalam menghadapi tantangan hidup yang tak terduga.○○○disclaimer:1. fiksi - cerita ini murni dari imajinasi pengarang, tidak ada sangkut pautnya dengan kehidupan face claim.2. bxg3. untuk bersenang-senang 4. menggunakan tulisan semi formalalternative universe @hellorainonly selamat membaca.

3.5K 29 446
Turning Ink

Henry and Sammy have been working together since the start of the studio, growing closer by the day. When Joey Drew orders a strange machine to be built, things start to grow dangerous for the both of them and tensions start to rise.

45.3K 28 1.4K Full
The Unsung Hero - Wira Yang Tak Didendang

Tajuk: The Unsung Hero Wira Yang Tak DidendangPenulis: Melur JelitaPenerbit: KaryaseniISBN: 978-967-0246-80-2Harga: RM38 (Semenanjung) // RM41(Sabah & Sarawak)Kissing cousin?Huh?!Bagi Deraman tak berdosa.Bagi Blackswan, sangat berdosa!Sumbang mahram!Dari Blackswan bertukar kepada angry bird.Sombong menonggek!Blah cam tu je dari Deraman, lelaki serigala jadi-jadian!Ketika semua kesayangan ditarik dari seorang insan, dia tewas. Tapi seorang insan yang terpilih untuk diuji oleh Allah swt, sebenarnya memiliki jiwa juang yang sangat kental. Allah pilih, Allah uji kerana dia mampu. Lihatlah bila satu jiwa yang tewas kemudiannya reda dengan ketentuan Allah bangkit menjadi jiwa baru. Dia harus kuat! Kerana itulah satu-satunya pilihan yang ada.Kisah kejiwaan yang sangat meruntun hati di antara sepasang sepupu yang dipaksakan hubungan adik-abang dari kecil. Maryam akur. Irvan enggan. Mereka terpisah dengan satu janji. Tetapi janji itu dimungkiri dengan kehadiran Riyaz.Hoo rat! Riyaz sangat berani. Seorang putera raja berkuda putih!Maryam, sang perawan yang pemalu, dipingit rapi dengan penuh adab dan bicara tewas kepada seorang pemuja. Hatinya telah dipesona Riyaz yang berani melanggar sempadan pingitan bak dan bunda.Irvan, Maryam, Riyaz, Haziq, bak dan bunda, di sinilah couple seminit bermula…Maryam : “Hutang boleh?” Irvan : “Hutang kasih? Ada bunganya nanti… kalau lambat sangat bertangguh.” “Apa bunganya?” “Nanti abang cakap… tapi yang pasti hutang kasih tu akan berbunga sayang.” ******Riyaz : “Pedas-pedas sangat ni bahaya. Boleh kena buasir. Baik pilih abang hot atau abang panas.” Maryam : “Awak cili benggala. Jadi aksesori je. Atau lebih tepat, abang hangit. Sikit lagi nak jadi abang rentung.”

22.6K 5 388
Table For Two

"Berapa orang, mbak?""Sendiri saja."Bagi Shara Shandiwinata, seorang senior journalist Jakarta Dispatch yang seringnya berkeliling restoran sendirian untuk menulis scope terbarunya, pertanyaan itu senantiasa mengingatkan dia akan statusnya yang sudah terlalu lama single. Pada malam ketika dia tanpa sengaja memergoki Sean Tarendra, seorang celebrity chef yang baru akhir-akhir ini naik daun, di restorannya sendiri bersama dengan seorang penyanyi yang desas-desusnya selingkuh, Shara memutuskan ia akan break sebentar dari makan sendirian di restoran-restoran elit Jakarta dan mulai menulis artikel tentang kehidupan di Jakarta: percintaannya, perselingkuhannya, sampai orang-orang sukses di dalamnya.Sialnya, sekarang ia perlu mendalami biografi dan alur hidup Sean Tarendra sebagai narasumber utamanya.

5.4K 19 670
Beautiful Words Dictionary

Here's some beautiful words to help you improve your writing! None of these are my pictures, I just found them online on Google and Buzzfeed.Started on 2/12/16Completed on 4/9/16

221.3K 100 3.8K Full
Esta Noche Bailamos- Tonight We Dance (Enrique Series Book 1)

Mercedes Peters was just a regular dancer at a regular dance studio. However once that dance studio is employed by Enrique Iglesias, Mercedes has a whole new life coming to her. With her old life colliding with Enrique's fame can they stay together? Or will she decided to return to her old life and leave him?

9K 10 286 Full
Vampire's Kiss

Heya humans! My name's Bill Cipher. And... I'm a vampire. In this world, the humans and vampires get along just fine. Except for the Pines family. They freaking hate vampires and try to kill us! Well... There is one human that doesn't want to cause any harm. That person... That beautiful human... is Mason Pines.*Updates are Wednesdays* COMPLETEDCredit title picture to original owner.Best rating is/was- #1 in Billdip

96.5K 16 3K Full
Punching the Gang leader

My jaw is firmly grabbed and my head is lifted to where I'm forced to look up into McDemons eyes. "Too bad" he says a evil smirk taking place on his plump lips "you're mine". I raise an eyebrow and give him a sweet smile as I say "I'm my own bitch, bitch". The smile is wiped from my face as I slam my forehead forwards. Stella was just walking on a sidewalk that was dangerously close to the road. Paying no mind to the sound of a car engine that needed to be checked. When she was-literally-picked up by four hot guys. McHottie-Damian Whitehouse McSteamy-Luca unknown McDevil-Ace Dagger McUgly-Maxxer And McDevil-*cough*- er sorry Ace has plans for our precious Stella. *THIS BOOK IS BEING SLOWLY EDITED**This book is just for sh!ts and giggles, the events that take place in this book would not happen in real life. Again, this is just a fun book made for me n my friends who read way to many gang leader wattpad books.*Book #1

619.7K 26 17.3K Full
Forbidden Love|Sukuna x Reader

Warning!- death, blood, smut, cursing, faking a death, teen pregnancy being stalked, reader is being a slave to Sukuna, ect "Let's say, their love was- forbidden." Yuji Itadori is desperate to learn more about his parents. He only knows some things about his mother, [Name] Itadori, but he has no knowledge of his father. Read about Yuji's parents and their forbidden love story. [Name] Itadori was once a student at Jujutsu high. Ever since she came in contact with Ryomen Sukuna, she couldn't get him off her mind. She knew it was wrong, truly she did, but there was just- something about him. Every minute of the day she thought about him, scared that something was going to happen to her. I DO NOT OWN JUJUTSU KAISEN!!!!! IT BELONGS TO GEGE AKUTAMI THIS ALSO DOESNT FOLLOW THE TIMELINE OF JJK!!!!

43.5K 26 1.1K
Lines Of Hate And Love Are Thin [Madara Uchiha]

Published- June 7, 2017Completed- June 11, 2018Covers by- Zoey-san & avaron_hiroyuki. There were only few words whose meaning I understood completely. Revenge:Revenge for myself, my mother and my brother. Revenge for the life I lived. Revenge for the life my mother lived, the pathetic and disgusting life she was forced to live and for her death. Revenge for everything that happened to my older brother and for his death. Love:Love that I possessed only for my brother and my mother. No one else deserves my love. I only love the two of them and no one else. And I am not willing to love anyone else. Hate:Hatred that I possess for my father. Hatred that I possess for each and every man who thinks that women are trash, who thinks that the only thing they can do is to bear a child and satisfy their needs. I hate them all. When it comes to men, there is no one else than my brother whom I will ever be proud of. There can never be a man like my brother. That's what I thought until I met him. Madara Uchiha He proved me wrong. He was the perfect definition of a gentleman. And I hated him for that because I wanted to believe that no one can be like my brother. I tried, I tried many times to find a flaw in him so that I could happily reject him for me but failed miserably. That man just didn't had any flaw in him. He was the epitome of perfection. I wanted to run away from him but in the end fall for him. The miserable and hurtful past he had didn't allowed me to run away. So I didn't, but in the process broke away the only promise I had made to myself which was- NEVER FALL FOR A MAN.

81.4K 35 3.1K Full
✓ | NAIVE, scorpius malfoy

「𝗡𝗔𝗜𝗩𝗘」❝Yes, yes someone can be utterly naive, ❞"Naya Thomas-Finnigan has been best mates with Scorpius since their first year of Hogwarts. She had been the one to stand up to the people who'd often call him 'Voldemort's Son', or the time he had lost his own mother, and even when it came to his huge crush on a certain red-head. She was always there. But then something people noticed was how naive the Malfoy was of his own best mate. So what happens when the two opposites attract?"Started: April 04, 2020Finished: April 18, 2020BOOK 6 of Opposites AttractCompanion Book(s)BOOK 1: Spite ↠ JAMES SIRIUS POTTER ✓BOOK 2: Strange ↠ ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER ✓BOOK 3: Trouble ↠ TEDDY LUPIN ✓BOOK 4: Charm ↠ LOUIS WEASLEY ✓BOOK 5: Resist ↠ FRED WEASLEY II ✓BOOK 7: CHECKMATE ↠ LORCAN SCAMANDER ✓BOOK 8: DROWNING ↠ LYSANDER SCAMANDER ✓BOOK 9: KEEPER ↠ HUGO GRANGER-WEASLEY ✓Harry Potter and all its Franchise © J.K RowlingOC and Creative Plot © -lalalie

71.5K 20 2.8K Full
The Outsiders: Dally's little sister

Dallas Winston knew he had a younger sister up in New York with his parents, but when his parents die, and Sophie Winston has to come and live with him, his world turns upside down. Dally always loved his kid sister, but he hasn't seen her in quite a while. The last time he saw her, she was a sweet innocent ten year old. Now she is a boy-hungry, trouble making fourteen year old. Sophie has secrets from her past and wants to keep them hidden. But she's not the only one with secrets in the town of Tulsa. Dally wants to protect her from everyone and everything, but can he protect her from the thing Sophie wants most? Can Dally even protect himself? Can Sophie make it with the reputation as a Winston? Will she be able to survive the unknown horrors of this small town in Oklahoma? All rights to S.E. Hinton.

1.1M 36 18.7K Full
Dilema bakwan

bakwan adalah gorengan yang berisi beberapa macam sayuran, tepung dan bumbu. menurut gue bakwan memiliki beberapa manfaat dalam hidup gue salah satu nya adalah penolong gue saat lagi males masak apalagi makan,belum lagi dengan duit yang pas-pasan. selain penolong bakwan juga sangat merakyat, karena begitu mudah dijumpai dan buatan asli indonesia. belum lagi bakwan juga makanan yang kreatif, walau cara membuatnya sangat mudah bakwan memiliki berbagai campuran sayur dan bumbu yang sangat khas. jadi jangan remehkan bentuknya yang aneh atau lebih tepatnya tak, apa hubungannya dengan cerita kali ini?mari saksikan saja -_____-

9.8K 14 521 Full
Mimpi Yang Tak Sempurna

"In a love triangle, there are no winners, only losers."- Aicha"No i won't.And we won't." - Faris"I mean, all of us."- Faris"Huh?!" - Aicha...Faris, pegawai farmasi swasta yang sudah berumah tangga, secara sengaja telah menjebakkan diri dalam cinta tiga segi di luar pengetahuan isterinya, Raudhah.Kejadian itu berlaku akibat konflik jangka pendek yang berlaku dalam rumah tangganya selepas kematian anakanda tercinta, Basheer Ulwan.Perkenalan Faris dengan Aicha di laman sesawang dan aplikasi Wattpad telah menimbulkan bibit-bibit cinta yang menjerumuskan mereka ke arah hubungan yang lebih serius.Aicha pada mulanya menolak untuk berhubungan dengan suami orang akan tetapi akhirnya tewas dengan sikap Faris yang suka ambil tahu dan peduli terhadap dirinya.Keadaan itu berlaku disebabkan oleh keadaan dirinya yang terlalu sunyi dan jauh di perantauan.Aicha secara tidak sengaja telah membuka sebuah kisah lama yang membuatkan Faris berasa sangat simpati terhadap gadis itu.Kisah lama itu sebenarnya telah membunuh rasa Aicha untuk berhubungan secara serius dengan mana-mana lelaki.Hanya Faris saja yang berjaya menghidupkan kembali rasa itu...."Kau berhak dapatkan yang terbaik didunia ini Aicha.Pergilah sayang, jangan toleh ke belakang lagi." - Faris Audah"Aicha sayangkan abang.Tapi kalau kita teruskan juga hubungan ini, kita akan menyakiti semua orang." - Aicha Medina"Sayang tak suka berkongsi kasih dengan perempuan lain.Kalau abang nak teruskan jugak, lepaskan sayang." - Raudhah Bareera...Kadang-kadang cinta bersifat tamak dan loba, kadang-kadang was-was dan kadang-kadang putus asa.-Hamka, Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck

1.5K 6 68
Just the two of us

"Just the two of us?""Just the two of us" "promise" Just the two of us---"Can I get a kiss?""and can you make it last forever?"See you again---"Your dead to me!""I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" (Not lyricsDead to me---"I hope that he looks at me and think shit she's so pretty" "I think your the most prettiest girl I've ever met"Juliet---"You know it's not the same as it was...""yea as it was"As it was---Songs: just the two of us by Grover Washington See you again by Tyler the creator Dead to me by Kali UchisJuliet by cavetownAs it was by Harry styles

34.8K 24 225 Full
Park's style //ChanBaek//

Segunda temporada de "Byun's style"Park ChanYeol le pide ayuda a el hermano de BaekHyun para que le diera una lista para casarse con Baek sin morir en el intento, pero no toda sale a la perfección con una persona como lo es ChanYeol.1-"Debes siempre estar a la moda"Eso era un problema.

14.2K 18 1.6K Full
✓ Did President Ji Urge for Marriage Today?

Story NOT Mine.For offline purposes only.***Author : YouxiTang Shumi and Ji Linchen had been engaged for two years without a sign of a wedding. She became the laughing stock in circles of socialites, the abandoned woman of a wealthy family. When everybody mocked Tang Shumi as to exactly when she would become Madam Ji- Ji Linchen tops Forbes' list of Asia's wealthiest individuals.The interviewer asked, "As the youngest billionaire on the list, have you ever encountered a problem you couldn't solve with money?"The usually cold and aristocratic man looked at the camera, eyebrows raised. His face carrying a subtle smile that did not reach his eyes, lightly speaking,"My fiancee refuses to marry me, does that count?"Shumi, who was in front of the television, waved a postnuptial property agreement her assistant had just sent, her face greedy "Marry! Immediately, straight away!"A little theater:As Tang Shumi became President Ji's fiancee, her daily life was-Riding private jets to Milan to watch shows, traveling on hi-end yachts- partying out at sea,Casually purchasing ten-million-dollar oil-paintings, and if she wanted to buy diamond jewelry, she would buy them.Someone complained under their breath, "President Ji is actually just Miss Tang's ATM."That night, a certain president of a certain corporation bought an ATM machine and placed it in the middle of the master bedroom of a mansion.That CEO (coldly): I heard that you treat me like a money-dispensing machine?Tang Shumi: Don't ask, just withdraw!The next second, someone gave the fairy a cold face, lifted her up from the bed and carried her up onto the ice-cold ATM machine.Tang Shumi: Wuwuwuwu (crying), I was wrong, I'm clearly the ATM machine!___Copyright © 2019 -

68.4K 57 821 Full
A Midsummer Christmas

Happily married and settled at Pemberley, Elizabeth Darcy's mind inevitably turns to securing a similar happiness for those around her - namely, for her sister-in-law and friend, Georgiana Darcy. When word reaches them of their cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam's plans to visit Derbyshire during the summer, Lizzy decides they must celebrate the Christmas he was unable to mark in winter. The unusual festivities capture everyone's imaginations, and prompt Mr and Mrs Darcy to spot the possibility of romance between Georgiana and Colonel Fitzwilliam - but are they mistaken or will love triumph at Christmas, even a Christmas celebrated in summertime?A Christmas-in-July Pride and Prejudice sequel.

1.1K 25 102 Full
Aas-e-Ishq (Hope Of Love)

Book 1 of Ishq Series.|| Highest ranking: #1 in Cousins on 30 Aug 2020|||| Highest ranking: #1 in spiritual on 23 March 2021||||Highest ranking: # 1 in happiness on 3 September 2021|||| 1st place winner in Indian Legion Awards Phase 3||His grief is long whose hope is short.Hooriya Rehman. A beautiful creation of Allah. She was happy go lucky girl. Great flexibility, willingness and a positive attitude with great communication skills was the key for her to become an event manager. Dig in to see how HOPE OF LOVE made her life upside down in just one night.Zaydan Jahangir. The handsome creation of Allah. He is the first child of Jahangir household. He has the powerfull aura around him which makes everyone intimated by him. All the girls are crazy for his looks but only one girl looked at his heart.Stay tuned to see how only one night took Zaydan Jahangir to break his own rule of never mingling with girls and having HOPE OF LOVE after crushing an innocent heart.They hope. Hope from Allah, to unite their love after series of hardship.Join me in hope that both HOPES colloid with each other and be a reality.Total no. Of chapters : 30Bonus Chapters : 3 (4th coming soon)First Chapter : 16 August 2020Epilogue : 13 November 2020Highest ranking:#1 in cousins from 2.29K stories#42 in sad from 306K stories#1 in happiness from 53.8 K storiesTHIS BOOK'S CHARACTERS BELONGS TO ISLAM. ISLAM IS A PERFECT RELIGION. ITS FOLLOWERS AREN'T.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS BOOK SHOULD NOT BE PUBLISHED NOR TRANSLATED IN ANY OTHER FORM. IF YOU SEE ANY OF MY WORK ANYWHERE ELSE BEING COPIED, PLEASE REPORT. THE BOOKS/CHARACTERS NAMES OR ANY SCENE IF FOUND SIMILAR SOMEWHERE ELSE IS TOTALLY A CO-INCIDENT. THIS IS MY ORIGINAL WORK.

570.2K 42 25.8K Full
I'll save the villainess! (GL)

Y/N was your typical corporate slave. Age 28 and still single. Her everyday life consisted of the same boring routine, eating, sleeping and waking up to work. She cursed her uneventful and dull life... One day, a strange package was delivered to her front doorstep, a strange novel? She spent days trying to research on this novel, but it didn't seem to come up at all? Was the information deleted... or perhaps... does it not exist? So, she did what any other person would do, read it countless times , over and over again... Multiple questions popped up in her mind: Why was this delivered to me? Why can't I find anything on it? And......Why does the villainess suffer such a death?!Y/N spent her days reading and reading the novel, having memories every single event and being able to recite the novel without breaking a sweat. As she stayed up late each night, her body was took quite the heavy toll before eventually...She died. Days past as Y/N found herself in the magical world of Enphia, the very one which the novel was set in. Normally, you'd see characters being reincarnated as villains or at least a character with a lead role... but why was she reincarnated as the name-who-was-never-mentioned-but-still-died-early-side-character?!"Which god did I offend to deserve this?!"

55.6K 45 2.9K