Search: ojsimpson » Page 3
114 stories
Call Me Riley


168 5 14
Odległa przyjaźń

-A co jak wam coś zrobi??!! CO JAK NIE ZDOŁAM WAS OCHRONIĆ??!! -Krzyczałam jedynie capsolckiem na ich głupią decyzje podczas gdy po moich policzkach spływały coraz szybciej łzy. Nic nie mogłam zrobić więcej... Tylko próbować ich przekonać pieprzoną wiadomością że to nie jest właściwe wyjście nie będąc pewną czy i to wyjdzie... Byłam bezsilna.

1.6K 27 18
Broken Promises. (A Jake Thrupp Love Story)

I HATE MY MUM AND HER DEADBEAT HUSBAND! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT SHE CHOSE HIM OVER ME! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE MY SO CALLED MOTHER.My name is Blair Simpson. Yes...I just said Simpson. As in Cody and Alli Simpson's stepsister. No one knows my HORRIFYING story and Im a very shy girl and its hard to get through my shell. Jake Thrupp (Cody's best mate) started getting close to me and decided to try to get me out of my little bubble.What happens when Blair's life is a severe case of a role reversal? Will a promise that Jake makes to Blair break up a good friendship between him and the Simpson siblings? Will Blair get comfortable with her new life and family? Will she be able to get over the life she's had so far?

721 4 12
A Mix of Everything

Just some things I'm feeling.

112 4 9
2:50 in the morning

Andy is a 16 years old gorgeous teenage girl with a meesed up past who has been living in Gold Coast Queensland Australia for the past almost two years, looking for some silence and peace. One day, the famous pop star Cody Simpson decides that he needs a break so he comes back to his home town which happens to be the same as Andy's actual residential place. When they meet at a party, they feel like they've been knowing each other for a lifetime and they fall for one another instantly. But what then?. Cody's fame doesn't help their relationship much and in spite of being the most wonderful person Cody has ever met, Andy is not the one to open her heart easily. In the end, teenage drama comes between them and they may or may not be able to fix things anymore. The two of them will learn for sure that a teenage love is not always just ephemeral.

297 3 13
Torn Between Love and Marriage (One Direction and Emma Watson)

2.4K 3 18
What a Beautiful Crime |GoT Modern AU|

Na zebraniu najbardziej wpływowych rodzinnych firm całego Westeros zostaje zamordowany syn jednej z najbogatszych kobiet w kraju. Wieść o zabójstwie szybko się roznosi, zostaje wszczęte śledztwo, a okolica teoretycznie pogrąża się w żałobie. W rzeczywistości wszystkie inne rody, korzystając z osłabienia najsilniejszego z nich, próbują wspiąć się jeszcze wyżej w hierarchii.Tymczasem w prywatnej elitarnej szkole, do której uczęszczają dzieci największych rodów, wraz ze śmiercią przewodniczącego tworzy się chaos, który może opanować tylko wybór nowej osoby na to stanowisko.Modern AU na podstawie serialu Gra o Tron.

687 19 88

I'm starting something new. I never tried putting my thoughts and problems out there like this. So, here's to my unlucky life.

178 8 18

You have a crush on a really cute guy in high school (woozi), he likes all the things you like so you get along well... online. You can't speak to him in person because you are shy AF, and you haven't got the guts to tell him how you feel... then a rumor starts, involving you and him.

958 3 20
serial killer🔪

A young lady becoming leader of a gang

0 1 0


1.8K 198 124
Love sotry

the crush and me

13 3 0
Written Song

this a song

0 1 0
art book bc


10 1 0


16 1 0
Ten Typek z Internetu

Trochę o kinie i trochę moich luźnych przemyśleń. Generalnie robię z tego opka (I guess) miejsce wylewania swoich przemyśleń, światopoglądu i jest to jakaś motywacja do zrobienia researchu.

969 52 61
The Experiment

5 1 0


28 2 0

Hi yo

5 1 1
River's Edge

When Malibu Thompson goes missing everyone who know her freaks out especially his beloved Dad. No one knows where she is: no one knows where to find her, until her friend Macy steps in the scene. She then starts investigating clandestinely only to find out that the reason behind Malibu's mysterious disappearance is........ One missing person, one mystery to solve.

13 1 0


52 1 0
The book of jokes

This book will make you laugh

38 1 1
FSM and Don Corleone

24 1 0