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Torn Asunder, Civil War

"Built by Gods, ruled by men, we are the inheritors of divine providence, let not our foes, nor demons impede our glorious quest, let not our more loathsome kin be of irksome quality, let us rise, rise and bask in the eternal glory that is our nation!"- Emperor Haraldus I, first crown-ruler of the sovereign Harstrom DynastyThe first revolt in the Peninsula, now often called the Shattered Peninsula, met a disastrous end. Rebel leaders were executed or exiled into the unforgiving deserts in the east, where the great rift had happened. The common man was once more put in chain by Imperial masters, and this time those chains were tighter. Now, time has passed, and once more whispers of rebellion are stirring, old heroes from the first rebellion and the Empire's many wars have surfaced. Shrewd merchants and cunning diplomats play the game of politics and further divide an already divided land. Order, and imperial law seeks to smother the chaotic idea that is democracy, but still these ideals of freedom cling to life in those willing to martyr themselves for it. The calling of these radicals has begun, a plan, a game, has been put into motion by a series of letters with it's author only identified as C.F. A murder of an Imperial statesmen launches a whirlwind mystery in the Imperial heartland. The Southern nations of K'All and the Republican Swamplands look eagerly north, hungry, ready to feast on the scraps of a dying giant, the Empire. The Harstrom Empire is on it's last leg of life, will an Empire that has lasted near a thousand year be enough to weather the coming storms, or will this ancient nation crumble like so many others. Join several characters and unearth the mystery that surrounds a Statesmen's death, navigate the avenues of political intrigue, warfare, figure out who the illusive C.F is, and find out how the map of this world will be redrawn!

357 10 12
TiMeLEsS DeAtH ( A Creepy pasta gruesome love story)

(This isn't your typical love story. It you think it is, then you don't know me at all!) Coachella Eliza Avery, a college student who is the centre of bullying bimbos, targeted by popular hotties every second of her life. She thought that after high school, the stupid comments and lame accusations would stop but there will always be haters in life. Drugs was her escape. A daily routine she would confine in goes like this: DrugsSexAlcoholCutBloodDrugsSexBloodAll over again, this would happen on a daily basis. All because of what? Those grade A class girls and guys who have nothing to worry about other then whether their hair is styled the correct angle or if their muscles are bigger than their mates. But, a one night stand for her turns out absolutely revoltingly different. She had sex, with a serial killer. -------------------------------My dark hair in a messy bun, I lay here panting. I'm in someone else's room, the host of the frat party. I can't believe what I've just discovered. Ropes are being tied to my wrists and ankles, but this isn't some kinky sex I'm about to experience. This is murder, unfolding before my olive eyes. "Coachella, unusual name. But it's a different tone I like." Says the voice who I just fucked. This person, is about to kill me. For pleasure, I might add. Now, if rather have Christian Grey whip me, Hell anything other than this. "What do you want, Jeff?" I find his pale skin rather amusing, riddled with scars that I study one last time before my death is availed before me. Comforting, I might add. Not the best way to spend my last few minutes on this earth but I'll take what I can get. "Oh, Coachella. So targeted by the society of trash. I want death to be a gift from me to you." He trails his large kitchen knife down my stomach, heading back up towards my cleavage and stopping right at the centre of my heart, where it lies dead. "You can't kill something that's already dead."

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Olimpus - Legacy Of Blood

Long time ago, near the end of the Golden Era, the Earth war rulled by the Titans. Cronos, Lord Of Time and Lord Of The Titans gave origin to a new breed of beings with the help of Reia, his wife, they were called the gods. Cronos didnt trusted his sons so he ate them all, all but the youngest, Zeus. Zeus grew up strong, freeded his brothers and started a war for the power against their maker. After many years the gods won the war and collected the spoils, the Trhone of the world and the control up on it. In the Ancient Greece, about 3000 years ago, came the time for the gods to prove their position on the throne and were forced to face the Giants. With the help of their sons, the demigods, once again the gods triumphed and remained in power. Finally humanity was free and worshiped the gods, alwoying them to cement their supremacy. The only wars that fallowed were humans against themselves and didnt posed any cathastrofic consequences or threats to the Olympian Throne, peace at last. But the demigods thought that they hadn't been rewarded properlly, they revolted against their makers, peace was destroyed by the demigods' vanity and greed, leading them back into battle. The newer generations of the rullers of the world seamed plagued with the pursuit of power like the Titans did to their father and the gods to them. With great sadness, the gods were forced to fight until Zeus, now being the owner of the principal Olympian throne, thus becoming known as the father of the gods, took pitty on their offsprings and gave them a second chance, the gods frozze their sons in time and casted them on Earth, so that one day, when they were needed, they would be awakenned without memory so that the could have a new opportunity, fare and without any past chains attaching them.This is how history remmembers it.

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Green visitors

"Green Visitors" is a captivating and poignant family drama that takes place in the summer of 1976 on a humble farm. The story revolves around the Cosby family, headed by Mrs. Mary Cosby and Mr. Colton Cosby, who selflessly foster five children. However, their seemingly ordinary lives are upended when two mysterious green visitors arrive, triggering a series of events that force the family to confront their pasts and uncover deep, dark secrets.Each of the foster children, dealing with their own personal battles, must confront difficult realities and unresolved emotions that have shaped their lives.But as the green visitors peel back the layers of the family's shared history, a glimmer of hope emerges. The revelations, though painful, become a catalyst for healing and growth. The family members learn to communicate openly, offering support, understanding, and forgiveness. Their shared vulnerability becomes a source of solace, leading them to discover that true strength lies not in perfection, but in embracing one's imperfections and supporting one another through life's challenges.Throughout the story, "Green Visitors" explores themes of love, resilience, and the power of familial bonds. It highlights the transformative nature of confronting past traumas and the potential for redemption and growth that can arise from such introspection. Ultimately, the Cosby family emerges from this extraordinary experience with a deeper appreciation for one another, armed with the knowledge that their love and unity can withstand any adversity the green visitors to the Cosby family came at the perfect time they were sent down like in Miracle to help the poor family.

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Young Authors

I'd resented literature since I could fathom the meaning. I couldn't imagine being a reader or an author. Being the reader, I feel powerless. It feels like my own world is crumbling though only being able to watch,'to hope for the best and prepare yourself for the worst'. It makes me feel so utterly paranoid because I'm scarcely aware it will always be the worst, that's what makes a good book, right? It was the simultaneously thrilling yet revolting job of an author. As the author you did have power, all of it. You could imagine someones past, direct their future and no one could argue its accuracy. Although with every new life I experienced and created, resentment turned into something much stronger and I embraced every world, every word with a new strength that I couldn't find anywhere else."A reader lives a 1000 lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one - George Martin" I'd found this quote in the 3rd grade, looking for quotes to use in an opinion piece. I had currently been reading 'Under the Dome' by Stephen King, a thought had occurred to me after a few chapters, 'A reader of Stephen King dies a 1000 times before the end of the book'. It had seemed so adequate, after my favorite character had turned out to be a murderer with a brain tumor. Although sense had reached me soon enough as I found I'd rather die 1000 times in that book of fables than live in this reality.For me, reality was isolated. Though I came to accept that I wasn't alone in what wasn't reality, this had a comforting aura at first, soon replaced with a constant paranoia. I wasn't referencing to other authors like Stephen King, or even ones like Sylvia Gunnery, I meant everyone. Anyone who's seen or felt life for even a second has left behind a story to those remaining to experience and retell.Flyers decorating the class with their bright colored letters had resurfaced in my mind,' WE ARE ALL THE AUTHORS OF OUR OWN LIFE'. I never liked that.-Drew Odell

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Doom and Gloom

Ognuno di noi è come la luna: ha un volto oscuro, che non mostra mai.Kile sta scappando da una guerra, sta scappando da dei Cacciatori che hanno distrutto tutto ciò in cui credeva. Il suo mondo, il suo castello, la sua famiglia e il suo popolo, nulla più esiste, solo polvere e distruzione, in un Mondo che era tra i più belli della Galassia. È arrabbiato, furibondo, deluso, ma soprattutto, si sente impotente. Non ha potuto fare nulla per evitare tutto questo, è fuggito, lo hanno costretto a fuggire, con i suoi due fratelli alla ricerca di qualcosa successa 17 anni fa.. Deve risolvere il passato, non solo suo ma anche del suo popolo, per creare un nuovo futuro. Sa che c'è una possibilità per tornare a casa, per riprendersi ciò che è suo, e la possibilità è LEI. Deve solo fidarsi di un Dio che lo ha scelto, il Dio più testardo e caparbio, che gli ha donato il suo potere ma con un indovinello. Avrà bisogno di solo una cosa per risolverlo, di una cosa che il suo Dio odia fare: FIDARSI.Sarà in grado di fidarsi di qualcuno che non sia se stesso? Riuscirà ad evocare la Spada di Fuoco e salvare il suo Mondo? Alis ha diciassette anni, ed è l'adolescente più incompresa al mondo. Odia i suoi coetanei, odia il suo patrigno, odia il paese in cui abita, odia tutti i suoi abitanti e odia ogni persona che prova, in qualsiasi modo, ad avvicinarsi a lei. Si sente sicura solo quando è da sola, perché sa che può fidarsi solo di sé stessa. Ma se la sua solida credenza venisse distrutta con un semplice soffio? E se tutto fosse un'illusione? E magari è stata proprio lei a crearla... come reagirebbe se tutto ciò in cui ha sempre creduto fosse tutto finto?Grandi segreti si nascondo dentro i suoi occhi verdi, grandi segreti che potrebbero salvare, o condannare al morte tutto l'Universo.Cosa accadrà quando due poli opposti si incontreranno? Quando Fuoco ed Illusione verranno a contatto si accenderà una piccola scintilla di speranza o tutto cadrà in un

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Super children existsIt's a funny thing about mothers and fathers. Even when their own child is the most disgusting little blister you could ever imagine, they still think that he or she is wonderful.Some parents go further. They become so blinded by adoration they manage to convince themselves their child has qualities of genius.Well, there is nothing very wrong with all this. It's the way of the world. It is only when the parents begin telling us about the brilliance of their own revolting off spring, that we start shouting, 'Bring us a basin! We're going to be sick 😩✨School teachers suffer a good deal from having to listen to this sort of twaddle from proud parents, but they usually get their own back when the time comes to write the end-of-term reports. If I were a teacher I would cook up some real scorchers for the children of doting parents. Your son Maximilian,' I would write, is a total wash-out🌝 I hope you have a family business you can push him into when he leaves school because he sure as heck won't get a job anywhere else.Or if I were feeling lyrical that day, I might write.It is a curious truth that grasshoppers have their hearing organs in the sides of the abdomen. Your daughter Vanessa, judging by what she's learnt this term, has no hearing-organs at all😑I might even delve deeper into natural history and The periodical cicada spends six years as a grub underground, and no more than six days as a free creature of sunlight and air Your son Wilfred has spent six years as a grub in this school and we are still waiting for him to emerge from the chrysalis."A particularly poisonous little girl might sting me into saying, "Fiona has the same glacial beauty as a iceberg, but unlike the iceberg she has absolutelynothing below the surface". I think I might enjoy writing end-of-term reports for the stinkers in my class But enough of that. We have to get on.-This is a story of an extraordinary child

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WATCH #Uri The Surgical Strike# Full Movie Online Hd Rip♠Watch the official trailer & clip compilation for Uri The Surgical Strike, a superhero movie starring Jason Momoa, Amber Heard and Patrick Wilson. In theaters December 21, 2018.Arthur Curry learns that he is the heir to the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, and must step forward to lead his people and to be a hero to the world.123Movies Watch Uri The Surgical Strike (2018) :Full Movie Online Free Awar-hardened Crusader and his Moorish commander mountan audacious revoltagainst the corrupt English crown..Watch Uri The Surgical Strike Miles Morales is juggling hislife between being a high schoolstudent and being Uri The Surgical Strike.WATCH CLICK HERE>> [copy&pastelink]WATCH CLICK HERE>> [copy&pastelink]♠Once home to the most advanced civilization on Earth, the city of Atlantis is now an underwater kingdom ruled by the power-hungry King Orm. With a vast army at his disposal, Orm plans to conquer the remaining oceanic people -- and then the surface world. Standing in his way is Uri The Surgical Strike, Orm's half-human, half-Atlantean brother and true heir to the throne. With help from royal counselor Vulko, Uri The Surgical Strike must retrieve the legendary Trident of Atlan and embrace his destiny as protector of the deep.Uri The Surgical Strike is a 2018 American superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name, and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures.As all these clashing dimensions start to tearBrooklyn apart, Miles must helpthe others stop Fisk and return everyone totheir own dimensions.

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The Last of the Anointed

"At last, the blast subsided, and Thrennek stood there, winded and considerably weaker than he had been. A pile of steaming ash was all that remained of the monster that had slaughtered his squad. Breathing hard, Thrennek pulled his sword from the heap, untouched by his blast. The Holy Blade couldn't be destroyed by a holy attack, after all. Around him, Thrennek heard the approaching thick of the opposing army. Recalling his initial goal, he broke into as quick of a run as he could muster, his determined eyes focused on the Grand Hill before him. The Holy One had told him this was their last hope! He couldn't fail her now! As he ran Thrennek felt the effects of having used his light blast on his now weary body. His movements were slow and sluggish in comparison to what he could have been doing. Had it been worth it to use his blast on just one creature? Thrennek wasn't sure. Now, he probably had the speed and agility of an ordinary man. An Agility Ventis would have likely been able to outrun him! Still, Thrennek didn't let that dishearten him. He pushed onwards, now too weak to help any of the fallen soldiers around him. The cries of the wounded reached his ears, but he ignored them. They were doomed, unfortunately. At least they'd be saved by the Holy One. They would thank him, in the end. After all, Thrennek was going to be the one to save them all."Several thousand years after the Scourge, Ventis and humans now live peacefully together on Mullonia. Knass Tirin, a massive Barrier Ventis, and his best friend and human Aidly Coswin are starting their first year at Seinfor Academy. They think all is well, but brewing elsewhere on the planet are rebel revolts against Bryn, the Empress of Mullonia. How long will the peace on Mullonia last?

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The Refusions

Lorelai Ruse, a teenager in the technology driven Society called TECH, finds that she has the Gene, a genetic malfunction. She has spent her whole life with only one mission: to keep the Gene hidden for fear that what curses through her blood will only result in her death. Lorelai believed that she could live with the secret behind closed doors, but just as she starts to integrate herself into the Society, her father gets promoted as a TECH Official and realizes that there is no way she can keep this deadly secret hidden much longer.She fights to stay "normal" and unnoticed by the leader, but as the Gene tries its hardest to override the system programmed in her very being, pain, terror, and fear awaken to torment her. The secrets she knows that could never get released to the leader were now threatening to be released. When she thinks that there is nothing to do but give up, Lorelai finds out that the minority group, the Lessers, have started to revolt against the High Official and are ultimately creating problems in the High Official's order. She believed that the secret would be safe behind locked doors, but a series of sudden events push her to find out the truth; why does she have it and why does it pose such a threat against the High Official? With these questions on her mind, she seeks the Lessers out to demand why she stands out from the rest. And while the High Official starts to put the pieces together, Lorelai quickly finds out that Lessers have the answers that she wished to have her whole life.But, what Lorelai doesn't know and is soon to find out, is that they also have the ones she never knew she could search for.~~~AMAZING COVER made by the amazing @unbrokenheartssThanks for checking out my novel! It is completely written, I just have to actually upload the chapters one by one if you all are interested.I hope you will take time to try it out, I put a lot of hard work into it! Thanks!!!

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Beso inesperado

Poco a poco se fue acercando a mi, lo sentía muy cerca pero hacia como si no pasara nada...Seguimos platicando sobre nuestras vidas o de cualquier tema relevante...Me recosté en una reja con la chaqueta de el en mi manos ya que la atmósfera lo requería,poco a poco se me acercaba, lo sentía bien cerquita mio, sentía su calor hacia mi, y mehacia la boba y le hablaba de alguna cosa, miraba hacia otra dirección, pero el aun asíno me dejaba de observar...Hasta que sentí esas sensación o deseo de voltear, lo hice, y el estaba mirándome fijamente,y sin pensarlo me beso!La primera vez que lo hizo, al terminar le pregunte ¿Y que fue eso? Pregunta que no me respondióy continuo en el beso... Seguido de ello no pregunte más y no hablamos del tema, le dije vamos,llegamos al bloque, y ha ambos nos requerían de vuelta... Estando ya en el primer piso, con unos momentos previos a subir a la casa, ahí hablamos por unosminutos... El me miraba como la primera vez, me rozo la cara suavemente, y ambos nos miramos,y ambos nos miramos no paso mucho fueron unos segundos y nos besamos por tercera vez pero ahhh!!este beso fue diferente, yo por mi parte coloque mis abrazos al rededor de su cuello y el por sulado en mi cintura .Estando tan cerca, en el beso nuestras gafas se encontraron ocasionando que las de el se cayeranparamos medio segundo y dije sonriendo ¡Las gafas! Y el si asintió... Seguimos el mágico besopero teníamos que subir a la casa de nuevo, duramos unos minutos y cesó... le quite la gorra yle dije -Vamos- subí rápido...Acto seguido golpee la puerta, uno de sus primos dijo antes de abrir la puerta, Chito llegaronlos muchachos, y todos me se quedaron mirándome, dije buenas permiso... Y lo miraron a el.Me dijo dame tu numero, aunque ya lo tenia confirme que lo tuviera, es más hasta tiene los números anteriores y que corrigiera mi nombre...Los días que llevamos hablando supe algunas cosas sobre el tema y cosas asi...

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Locus of Control ⋅˙ᐧ˳.ઇଓˎˊ˗

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚𓆩♡𓆪˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆Astraea has never fallen in love - and after witnessing her parents' tumultuous marriage firsthand - she revolts at the idea of it. Astraea doesn't know what love looks like, what it feels like, or what it's all about. But since her acting gig requires her to know these things, she strives to learn.Book 2 of "𝘛𝘰 𝘓𝘪𝘷𝘦" By Sharon Kryssa 🖋────────────────────────────..."I just don't understand this... emphasis? Spotlight? Accentuation? On love? 𝘙𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘤 love?Isn't there anything else to sing about? All the songs on the radio sound the same.Isn't there anything else to 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬 about? Sometimes I hear boys, in herds, in class talking, and I'd sort of just be confounded. Like, isn't there anything else going on in men's lives other than girls, girls, girls? Potential girls, previous girls - girl prospects. I mean, isn't there anything else going on in these men's lives other than that? If it's not studies, and it's 𝘥𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 not - then, hobbies? Perhaps. Any remnants of any family? Any image or plan for the coming years? There's more to life than just "love". At least, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 kind. So much more. And I bet these men have never conceived - let alone entertained such a 'ludicrous' idea: That love isn't everything. That it doesn't 𝘧𝘪𝘹 everything!These guys, and girls - they'd give up anything for love. They don't understand that one love can't fill all the gaps and lapses.They are obsessed, 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 - with the idea that... something! Could save them. And then they're shocked that anything that exists on this planet cannot fly higher than the sky.That gravity subsists, that everything that makes its way up, is eventually pulled back to the ground!"-- LOVE, TRUST, ACCEPTANCE --

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We all have misunderstanding as human beings but this one chance of opportunitythat I had to decline was the most crucial moment of my life.Why did I sacrifice a comrade, a faithful friend and a sophisticated well-being-Ihave had this situation under control until the fearsome enemy came with theirgnashed teeth coming towards us.Well, I'm only 13, what do you expect I do-fight them courageously and hold them-where is the odds in that, our alliance we're too busy in fighting the front-I didn'teven applied for this nonsense,I have been dragged here at my own will, I'm notexaggerating-I'm telling the truth yet I choose this path for my own selfish reasons;First, I was so desperate to experience a great side of my nation, Second, I didn'thave enough time to re-think my stupid decisions.And third, I love to unwind and to learn new things about my country and my ownheritage. How would this story end, should I do something? Or be a helpless,reckless, and foolish human being that I came to be?Times running out, who could comfort me and answer my problems? My only wayout is to act decisively, they were no chose at all. The first that has pump into myhead is my love ones.My country the Philippines is so crazy and bizarre it takes so many revolutions forus to really attain our freedom. We are such a diverse people, and on World War 2,we had fought like crazy.We became the First Republic of Asia, even if it was only short-lived. We hadproven ourselves us a worthy allied, because we had help not only in the KoreanWar, but also in different countries.Pessimism wasn't going to get me anywhere. I need to think of a plan to distractthe enemy. Looking before the time I was in my comfort zone. I should tell you thewhole story from the beginning the day that aspired to change my country forgood.This is where I start writing it.

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Lenda Medíocre d& Um Pesadelo Insano

José da Serra cuja cabeça é pelada pela calvície tem seus vultos protagonizando cenas horrendas e seus dentes amarelados sorriem para suas vítimas. Continuo presa pelo sono pesado; Não há curva de Serra apenas nó que encobre o relevo acidentado de suas ambições. Vejo José com aspecto de vampiro, mas não passa de sanguessuga. Uma lenda para alertar essa gente que não conhece nada sobre José da Serra. Não alcance esse nível, deixe-me apenas te contar o que lembro: Serra arrodeada de tucanos vivem no vale das sombras, esse lugar é muito difícil de chegar, mas ousei ir para observar. Por ser uma região afastada do povo suas naturezas me parecem sombrias, aproveitam da madrugada para tramar suas armações em cerimônias que parecem rituais. Os tucanos à meia noite se transformam em urubus, pois nesse horário não precisam das aparências. Urubus a postos eis que surge o tal do José da Serra imperando seu caráter obscuro, ao se aproximar das criaturas que estão à sua espera vê surgir um óleo parecido com petróleo, então seus olhos estatelam despertando sua cobiça pelo líquido que servirá para ascender à fogueira ao centro do rito e o fogo levanta junto com o grito de José que traz uma proposta mirabolante para a corja que se ouriça emitindo sons horripilantes e incompreensíveis. Mas quando o fogo já está quase se apagando mais uma remessa daquele óleo vai ser atirada pelos urubus então o macabro homem cm semblante áspero interrompe as aves dizendo: "levem de pouco a pouco embora esse petróleo com destino ao velho mundo", os urubus obedecem às ordens parecendo cobras cegas, manipula a todos pra que façam suas vontades mostrando ser um sujeito arrogante, frio e calculista q não valoriza nada do que o vale proporciona-lhe. Repentinamente a estória dá uma revira volta: surge uma serra de corte voadora que atinge o pescoço do José da Serra ele cai esvaído. É pesadelo insano e José apenas uma lenda medíocre.

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Edenia est un merveilleux monde peuplé de diverses créatures magiques des elfes , des vampires , des gobelins , des loups-garous et bien d'autres !Edenia a été créer par la déesse Lumenia ,cette dernière donna naissance à quatre dragons élémentaires qui représentent chacun une saison maintenant ainsi le bon ordre d'Edenia, cependant l'ont raconte que si l'un des dragons meurt c'est tout l'équilibre d'Edenia qui est perturbé laissant place ainsi a l'apocalypse.Si le bien existe il en est de même pour le mal , le néant fut vaincu et sceller par la déesse donnant la lourde tâche aux quatres dragons de surveiller cette être démoniaque .Edenia devint ainsi un lieu de paix et de vie ou humains et créatures vivent ensemble enfin cela ne dura pas longtemps un jour un jeune mage héritier légitime du trône décida que créatures et humains ne doit plus se côtoyer pour des raisons jusqu'à lors inconnu...Ainsi divers peuples fient créer avec à leurs tête un roi , cependant le jeune prince humain devenu roi est le roi des rois faisant ainsi régner la terreur sur Edenia.Cependant des humains ainsi que des créatures décidèrent de ne pas prendre part à cela ils se regroupèrent et créèrent le peuple libre se révoltant ainsi contre cette dictature .Alors que la discorde règne sur Edenia un phénomène terrible se produisit l'un des dragons meurt laissant place au chaos.Alors que le désespoir règne en maître une prophétie raconte qu'une jeune fille aux yeux semblables à des saphirs accompagnée d'un grand loup blanc viendra les sauver...Comment l'un des dragons à été tué ? Qui est derrière tout ça ? Qui est réellement le roi des rois ? le peuple va t'il réellement changer les choses ? Et la fille de la prophétie vas t'elle accomplir sa destinée ? Venez découvrir le merveilleux monde d'Edenia et ses mystères ! Laissez-vous emporter par un roman purement fantasy et suivez nôtre héroïne à travers cette subite ap

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Evans and Potter - A Jily Fanfiction

Lily Potter is elated, as she is about to begin her seventh and final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However, when she receives a letter from James Potter, and when she discovers he is Head Boy, her expectations for the following year change dramatically. Lily is determined to hate James Potter at all costs, but finds herself falling for him anyway. Follow Lily Evans, Head Girl, through her final year at Hogwarts as she navigates classes, relationships with her family and friends, and of course, her relationship with James Potter, which is destined to become more than just friendship. +++*currently updating frequently!!! stay tuned :)+++Snippet:There was an awkward pause after Alice nodded. Then Lily remembered, putting a hand over her mouth. "Alice - there's something I didn't mention in my letter that happened.""Tell me.""Well, you know how I said there were two other owls at the window?""Mmhmm.""One of them was from Hogwarts, obviously. But the other one...""Tell me!""...was from James Potter," Lily finished grumpily. "Oh no." Lily grimaced. "I know.""What did he say?!" Alice said, practically begging her friend to tell her. Lily went on to tell the horror story of confusion that was James' letter, as Alice sat there with her mouth open. "And then he finished by saying he still has a crush on me." Alice yelped. "That's revolting." Then she grinned slyly. "Lily, I know you don't like to hear this, but... I do think you two would be cute together.""Ew! No! I hate him!" "Yes, but if he really has matured... And the way you two bicker is kind of cute. He loves you so badly." Lily just shook her head.

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