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Poem a Week Challenge

Hello to the Poets Pub Poem-a-Week Challenge. We are challenging all of our members to start their own collection and write a poem each week. Here we will be featuring all of the authors who are participating as well as some of their poems. We will also be providing prompts in the Pub Chatter each week to help you through out the year. If you would like to join in let us know!

4.5K 200 842
POR VOCÊ ★ Taekook ((COMPLETO)) *Em revisão*

❤ When love isn't enough, you struggle to fill in all the gaps.❤★ What will an Alpha and an Omega be willing to do to be together? ★❤ Follow my profile soon there will be news. content, obsenity, reading is optional.Respect the writing and the writer.If you didn't like it, go ahead and change the story, but if you liked it, vote, comment and nominate.THANKS**********************************YES, Character changes, accept or respect. GIVE MY STORY A CHANCE, they'll like it.All changes were and are to enhance the characters.

36.4K 55 1.1K Full
The Pain Of Happiness

This is a story idea given to me by @_trashmooooo_ follow her she's a great writer-----------------------------------------------------------------MIN YOONGI a name well known by many participants of black market auctions. Mainly for the fact that he often bought young boys and girls that they would be selling, giving them another chance of living a free life, but the reason Min Yoongi is feared is because all the people that he helps, always end up missing or dead mysteriously, rumors say that he's actually a demon/ monster who eats humans to attain immortality, often called the 'BlackMarket Demon', but he's immortality seems to actually check out since he has been seen during 1881 and to this day still looking 24 like always.Despite everything she's heard y/n is willing to give up anything to stop the pain and suffering, she's tried to kill herself muliple time, but her, Evil, Vile, Wicked, Revolting, Immoral, Nasty, mother and step-father kept saving her to keep on using her as their personal punching bag, not only they were content on keeping her alive along with 3 boy named, Jungkook,Jimin and, Taehyung, who are constantly meddling in her attempts to end her life always showing up everytime she tries and preventing her frome killing herself, so y/n decided to give up on ending and started a new beginning, she went to this Min Yoongi's office to make a deal with him, not completely sure of the cons of going to the so called 'BlackMarket Demon's ' office, only focusing on the Pros of ending her suffering and starting over again because.......The pain of Happiness might be the only kind of Happiness she may be able to get.-----------------------------------------------------------------This is going to be very hard to spread into chapter....there's so much to write😣😣😣😥😧😧😧

41 3 12
//Gangster daughter\\

Era noite, eu estava meio perdida em meio tudo que estava acontecendo. Acabar de descobrir que seu pai é um gangster, não é bem uma coisa comum. Claramente que não... Ainda estou assustada e um pouco revoltada. Acabei de descobri que minha vida foi uma farsa, foi a base de mentiras. Sempre pensei que meu pai era um agente nomeado que trabalhava para o governo. E que minha mãe era uma profissional em tiros e competia com isso. Mas nada disso era real. Eu era rica porque meus pais traficavam. Agora eu sei o porque as pessoas tinham medo do meu sobrenome... E porque meus pais nunca participavam das minhas coisas. Sempre tinha o Jin pra ir em reuniôes, ou coisas em publico. Na verdade, era meio que difícil ver os meus pais. Então meio que considerava o Jin como uma mãe, mesmo ele sendo homem. E não posso me esquecer do Namjoon, que é como um pai. Ele sempre ajudava em tudo, e o que sempre me deixava fazer as coisas, já que o Jin não autorizava. A melhor coisa do mundo é conviver com esses dois, ver eles brigando é muito engraçado e muito owwwwwnnnn. E como sou uma pessoa shippadora, eu shippo muito eles. E eu acho que o Jin esta apaixonado hihi ^^. Bom... Tirando esses leves detalhes da minha vida, era tudo uma maravilha. Eu tinha vários amigos, que sempre me alegram. Tinha um bichinho de estimação, tenho uma vida boa, não tenho tantos problemas na escola. E tenho os melhores segundos pais

36 2 0
Rebirth And Landing On Top Of You

DescriptionAs a wealthy and beautiful woman with fair skin, she'd devoted herself to getting revenge on her Stepmother and Stepsister after they'd viciously tarnished her reputation. In addition, she'd been working towards gaining the attention of an unattainable man. Unfortunately, before she could achieve her goals, she was involved in an accident which resulted in her suddenly becoming a girl who was so poor that her house was nothing but four walls and a roof. Faced with such an abrupt change in circumstances, she had no choice but to participate in a top model competition to support herself by winning the prize money. Luckily, her new body was tall and beautiful and paired with her unique sense of style; she took her first steps on the path to fame and fortune. With her new life just beginning she decides to become a celebrity, turn all scumbags who bully her into cannon fodder, marry a tall and handsome rich man, and reach the peak of successLalisa: It's my life!Tall and handsome rich man: You want to marry me and become my wife? Are you sure about that?Lalisa (starts to lose confidence): ...Tall and handsome rich man: Also, who's an unattainable man?Lalisa bolted immediately.

50K 200 609
Rebirth And Landing On Top Of You

DescriptionAs a wealthy and beautiful woman with fair skin, she'd devoted herself to getting revenge on her Stepmother and Stepsister after they'd viciously tarnished her reputation. In addition, she'd been working towards gaining the attention of an unattainable man. Unfortunately, before she could achieve her goals, she was involved in an accident which resulted in her suddenly becoming a girl who was so poor that her house was nothing but four walls and a roof. Faced with such an abrupt change in circumstances, she had no choice but to participate in a top model competition to support herself by winning the prize money. Luckily, her new body was tall and beautiful and paired with her unique sense of style; she took her first steps on the path to fame and fortune. With her new life just beginning she decides to become a celebrity, turn all scumbags who bully her into cannon fodder, marry a tall and handsome rich man, and reach the peak of successLalisa: It's my life!Tall and handsome rich man: You want to marry me and become my wife? Are you sure about that?Lalisa (starts to lose confidence): ...Tall and handsome rich man: Also, who's an unattainable man?Lalisa bolted immediately.

7.5K 61 45