The group of kids were all still in the school hiding, El was weak from using all her power.

"Guys, guys! This is crazy. We can't just wait around" Mike shook his head.

"Mike, in case you forgot, we're still fugitives.
The bad men are still looking for us" Dustin crossed his arms.

"Yeah, and we don't even know where your sister is" Lucas agreed.

"El can find them" he shrugged.

"Mike, look at her" Delilah spoke from her place next to the girl. El had her head rested on the girls shoulder.

"I still think we should stick to the chief's plan" Dustin agreed.

"Exactly. We stay here, keep El out of sight and keep her safe. That's the most important thing, remember? Besides, she's okay. She's with Jonathan" Lucas told him.

"Yeah, and she's kind of a badass now, so..." Dustin smirked.

Dustin got up from his seat and started to walk away.

"Well, where are you going? You just said stick to the plan!" Mike argued.

"I am. I'm just gonna go get some chocolate pudding" Dustin shrugged "I'm telling you, Lunch Lady Phyllis hoards that shit".

"Are you serious? El needs to be recharged!" Mike rolled his eyes.

"Not necessarily" Lucas shrugged "We have Del now too".

"No!" Mike snapped.

"Why not?" Delilah asked "I can help".

"It's not safe.. you discovered you had powers like two weeks ago. You'll get hurt" Mike told her.

"If I have to.. I will" Delilah told him "no arguments".

"Mike, I found the chocolate pudding!" Dustin yelled from the other room.

Delilah and Mike rolled their eyes in unison.

"Are you feeling any better?" Delilah asked El.

"What's putting" she asked.

Delilah laughed "Pudding, it's this chocolate dessert you eat it with a spoon. Don't worry, when all this is over, you won't have to keep eating leftovers like a dog in Mike's basement anymore".

Delilah paused to think "See, I was thinking, once all this is over and Will's back, you can live with us, my mom she'll take care of you. She'll be like your new mom and Will and Jonathan , they'll be like your brothers".

"Sisters?" El asked looking at the girl.

"Yeah, we'll be like real sisters" Delilah smiled.



Mike came running into the room "we need to go, they found us".

Delilah and Mike both supported El and ran to leave the room.

"How did they find us?" Mike asked running through the halls.

"I don't know, but they knew we were in the gym" Lucas panted.

"Lando" Dustin muttered.

A group of agents burst through the door in front of them, flashing their flashlights right at them. "Go. Go" Mike shouted as they all turned around to run again. As they turned the corner, more of the men appeared, they ran again but the agents seemed to be coming from every corner.

A woman pointed a gun directly at El, she stared at her and all of the men surrounding her intently until they started to make choking noises and blood seeped from their eyes. They dropped dead almost instantly.

El collapsed to the floor from exhaustion.

"El, are you okay? Somethings wrong" Delilah panicked.

"She's just drained". Dustin told her.

"No. She won't wake up" Delilah shook her "El".

Mike joined in on shaking the girl and calling her name.

"She's barely breathing. We gotta go" Mike told them.

"Leave her" A man emerged from the corner, he was old and had a head of grey hair. Delilah was convinced that she had seen him some place before "Step away from the child" he told them.

"No, you'll have to kill us first" Delilah told them.

"That's right" Mike agreed. Lucas shouted at the men "eat shit".

Men came up from behind them, grabbing them from behind their necks. The man picked Eleven up and cradled her like a baby, El whimpered and referred to the man as 'Papa'.

Delilah channeled all of her brain power and really focused, she made the man with a hold on her neck go flying across the room, her nose dripped with blood and she sighed shakily.

The man turned to her and looked at admirably "010?" He spoke.

Before he could approach her, something distracted them, a crumbling from the wall. A monster that looked like a flower emerged from the wall.

"Demogorgon" Dustin spoke before all of the men dropped what they were doing and focused on the monster coming out of the wall.

They shot at it, giving the kids the time to scoop El up off of the floor and run away.

Guns fired as they ran through the halls, but they didn't care, at that moment the only thing they cared about was getting an exhausted El to safety.

They brought her to an empty classroom and layed her out on the table.

Eleven groaned.

"Just hold on a little longer, okay?" Delilah spoke softly to her "He's gone. The bad man's gone.
We'll be home soon, and my mom she'll look after you. You can eat as many Eggos as you want. And you'll be safe".

"Promise?" El asked her.

"Promise" Delilah sniffled.

Guns blazed outside the door.

"Is..Is it dead?" Dustin asked before the monster burst through the door, breaking it down and screeching at them all.

"Go, go, go" Mike shouted.

"Delilah do something" Dustin begged.

Delilah held out her hand, while Lucas distracted it with his wrist rocket. But Delilah wasn't yet as strong as El and she didn't know how to use her powers the way the other girl did so her attempts weren't very powerful and just seemed to irritate the monster more.

"Kill it" the boys shouted "Kill the bastard".

It got closer, opening its mouth at them widely.

Delilah screamed loudly and it went flying back, hitting its back against a chalk board. She collapsed to the ground like El had done earlier, blood falling from her nose and her ears. Mike dropped to the girls side.

Eleven stood up "let me finish" she spoke.

Delilah tried to shout but the words came out of her throat dry and raspy "Mike, stop her" she tried.

Mike tried to grab the girl but instead she knocked him backwards and kept walking towards the creature.

The creature screeched.

"Goodbye" El turned around with tears in her eyes before screaming at the creature, slowly destroying it.

The group covered their ears at the noise the monster made, the room went black as the Demogorgon disintegrated.

And El was gone.

Delilah tried to stand but she was still weak. Taking on a monster from another dimension was a lot more difficult than lifting books.

"El" Mike, Dustin and Lucas screamed. "Eleven".

Delilah sat on the floor and sobbed, El was gone and it was all her fault, all because she wasn't able to help her fight the monster.

Police cars surrounded the outside of the school. Mike and Delilah sat in the back of the fire engine, wrapped in blankets.

"I'm sorry" Delilah managed to mumble to him.

He placed his hand on top of hers "you have nothing to be sorry for, you did so well".

He looked at her for a moment before kissing her softly on the lips.

Delilah blushed but leant into him and kissed him again.

Will blinked up from his place on the hospital bed and smiled.

"Will" Delilah smiled and hugged him instantly.

"Where... where am I?" He asked.

"You're home. You're home now. You're safe" Jonathan told him.

"Jonathan?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's me, buddy. We missed you" he told him.

"We really missed you" Delilah agreed.

Delilah ran into the waiting room to wake up her friends, all of them but Mike had been snoring.

"Guys. Guys, he's up. Will is up. Guys, Will's up" Mike shouted.

The group ran into Will's hospital room. Piling up onto his bed.

"Be careful. Be careful with him" Joyce smiled.

"You won't believe what happened when you were gone, man" Lucas smiled. "It was mental" Dustin agreed. "You had a funeral" Lucas told him.

"Jennifer Hayes was crying. And Troy peed himself. In front of the whole school!" Dustin laughed.

Will started coughing.

"Are you okay?" Delilah asked him.

"It got me. The Demogorgon" Will told them.

"We know.It's okay. It's dead. We made a new friend. She stopped it. She saved us. And Del, she saved us too" Mike smiled at the girl.

"Her name's Eleven. Well, we call her "El" for short.
She's basically a wizard" Dustin told him.

"She has superpowers. Like Del" Lucas whispered.

"What!" Will sat up.

"Yeahh, forgot to mention that part" Delilah winced "I'm an escaped lab experiment".

Will looked at them all confused.

"Del threw the Demogorgon with her mind, and these agents were trying to shoot us" Dustin told him.

"You'll catch up" Delilah smiled at her brother who kept his confused expression.

One month later;



                                 THE END.
