"I just... I can't believe she didn't come back" Delilah sighed, Eleven wasn't only the key to finding out where she came from, the closest thing she had to blood related family she was also the key to finding her brother.

"She's gotta be close" Dustin resonated

"She said it wasn't safe. She just messed up the compasses because she wanted to protect us She didn't betray us" Mike stressed. "I shouldn't have yelled at her I never should've done that".

"Mike, this isn't your fault" Dustin reassured him.

"Yeah, it's Lucas" Mike sighed.

"It wasn't his fault, either" he crossed his arms.

"So you're saying he wasn't way out of line?" Mike huffed.

"Totally, but so were you! And so was Eleven".

"Oh, give me a break!" He rolled his eyes.

"No, Mike, you give me a break! All three of you were being a bunch of little assholes. Me and Del were the only reasonable ones".

Delilah nodded "That's true, I still don't agree with the way Lucas speaks to El. We're screwed if she doesn't come back".

"But the bottom line is..." Dustin turned to Mike "you pushed first. And you know the rule. You draw first blood".

"No! No way! I'm not shaking his hand" Mike protested.

"You have to shake his hand, Mike" Delilah nodded.

"This isn't a discussion. This is the rule of law. Obey or be banished from the party. Do you wanna be banished?" Dustin asked and Mike shook his head

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"Where do you think? We're going to get Lucas. And then we're gonna find Eleven" Dustin smiled.

Lucas opened the door looking annoyed when he noticed it was Mike stood at the door "What do you want?".

Mike sighed "I drew first blood, so..."

"Okay, I'll shake. On one condition. We forget the weirdo and go straight to the gate" Lucas shrugged.

"Then the deal's off" Mike rolled his eyes.

"Seriously" Delilah frowned.

"Do you even remember what happened on the Bloodstone Pass? We couldn't agree on what path to take, so we split up the party and those trolls took us out one by one. So we stick together, no matter what!" Dustin reminded them.

"Yeah, I agree. But this is the party, right here in this room" Lucas nodded.

"El is one of us now" Mike told him.

"Um, no, she's not. Not even close! Never will be. She's a liar, a traitor" Lucas listed.

"She was just trying to keep us safe, Lucas" Delilah added.

"She didn't mean to hurt you. It was an accident!" Mike snapped.

"An accident?" Lucas huffed.

"All right, accident or not... admit it, it was a little awesome" Dustin shrugged.


"Yeah, she threw you in the air with her mind!"

"I could have been killed!"

"Which is exactly why we need her. She's a weapon!"

"Do you seriously wanna fight the Demogorgon with your wrist rocket? That's like R2-D2 going to fight Darth Vader. We're no use to Will if we're dead".

"If you two wanna waste your time looking for a traitor, go ahead,'cause I'm not spending my time on her anymore. No way! I'm going to the gate. I'm gonna find Will".

"Fuck" Delilah muttered as Lucas biked away.

"El" the three shouted in an attempt to find their friend.

They were distracted by another voice "Hey, there, Frogface. Toothless. Lost Girl".

Troy went up behind Dustin and grabbed him so his arm was around his neck. He pulled a pocket knife out and held it close to Dustin's face.

"Get off him" Delilah demanded. She tried to move closer to the boy but he just glared at her.

"Stay back, or I cut him" he growled.

"What do you want?" Mike asked.

"I want to know how you did it!" He frowned.

"How I did what?" Mike asked.

"I know you did something to me. Some nerdy science shit to make me do that" he blushed.

"You mean piss your pants?" Delilah raised an eyebrow.

"Our friend has superpowers, and she squeezed your tiny bladder with her mind" Dustin panted.

"Shut up" Troy groaned "I think I should save Toothless here a trip to the dentist. Help him lose the rest of his baby teeth".

"Let him go. Let him go" Mike screamed.

Delilah tried her best to do something, anything, she knew she had powers. The only problem was they only seemed to work when she didn't want them to.

"I'll let him go, sure." Troy shrugged "But first... it's your turn".

"My turn for what?" Mike asked.

"Jump... or Toothless here gets an early trip to the dentist" he smirked.

"You can't do that" Delilah frowned and she really tried to do something, but she didn't know how.

Mike moved closer to the cliff, taking a look at the drop below.

"All right, just hold on! Hold on!" He told him.

"Mike, don't do it. I don't need my baby teeth, Mike!" Dustin shouted.

"Mike, wait" Delilah panicked trying to think of a plan.

"Dentist's office opens in five...  Four! Three!" Troy stated counting.

"Mike" Delilah tried again.

"One!" Troy shouted.

Mike jumped over the edge.

"Fuck" Delilah shouted running over to the edge.

But Mike didn't fall, he stayed right where he was before slowly rising back up to the edge of the cliff.

Delilah wrapped her arms around Mike and sighed shakily.

Delilah turned around and Eleven walked into view her face twisted in anger. Nose dripping with blood.

Delilah got a strange sense of confidence she stared at Troy, really concentrated on hurting the boy, and with a swift movement of her neck and he started to groan in pain.

"She broke my arm! The lost girl freak broke my arm!" He cried out.

"Delilah? Did you do that?" Mike asked.

Delilah turned to him and nodded, apologetically.

Troy started to run.

"Yeah, that's right! You better run! They're our friends  and they're crazy! You come back here and she'll kill you! You hear me? She'll kill you, you sons of bitches" Dustin laughed.

Delilah ran up to El and hugged her, she was still in the same clothes but they were dirty and her wig was gone. "Thank god, you came back" She smiled.

Eleven cried softly. "El? Are you okay?" Delilah asked her.

"Del... I'm sorry" she told her.

"Sorry? What are you sorry for?" Delilah asked holding her hands on the other girls shoulders.

"The gate... I opened it. I'm the monster" she cried.

"No. No, El, you're not the monster. You saved Mike Do you understand? You saved him" she smiled hugging her again.

Dustin and Mike joined in on the hug and they all stayed like it for a minute.

Dustin broke the silence "I cant believe you didn't tell us that you had super powers too".

"I'm sorry, i was just in denial about it and then i saw how Lucas treated El and i already felt like a freak enough" she sighed.

"But it's okay, I have powers like El" she smiled.
