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Tony Stark X Reader: Short

A/N: I don't really know how I feel about this one, but let me know

Warnings: NONE

Word Count: 1 3 1 5Β 


Iron Babe <3

Y/I:Hey Hun, are you working today on our anniversary?

I: Yea, Sorry. I'm gonna be home late too. How about you take the kids out for dinner, and I can see If I can meet you there.

Y/I: Ok. Love you, bye

I: Bye

You dont get it. Tony has been so distant from you lately. He leaves early in the morning and comes home late at night. You only see him on the weekends, or if he wakes you up at night by moving things around. I mean, your married and have two kids. How do you spend more time at work than with us?

"Mommy, whens daddy coming home?" Your little boy, Johnny, was 4 years old, he has your y/h/c hair and same eyes as you. He was so soft and gentle. "I don't know Johnnycakes. But he'll be here soon." He continued to play with his cars as you got breakfast ready.

You sighed and poured some milk into a cup. Your daughter, Marcia looked at Johnny as she walked down stairs. She was 13 years old and looked like Tony, but also had his humor. Yay. "What did he ask?." She said as she sat next to him. Johnny replied, "I asked when daddy was coming home." She rolled her eyes, "He's not. He never comes home, he doesn't love us anymore." "Marcia! Your dad loves all us very much. So don't ever say that." She shook her head, "Well he sure doesn't show it." Marcia ran up stairs into her room, "I'll eat later!" She slammed the door. Marcia and Tony had such a special bond, then Tony just stopped coming around and they don't really talk any more. Β Johnny looked up at me. I smiled, "He loves you. Now eat your food then go find Happy and play with him." He grinned and ran. He loved playing with Happy, even though Happy says he doesn't like playing with him, you have seen him a few times laughing and smiling with him.

You gave Johnny some pancakes and chocolate milk and went up stairs to go talk to Marcia. You knocked lightly on the door. "Go away." It sounded like she had been crying. You opened the door and sat next to her on the bed. Her face was in the pillow. "Marci, your dad lov-" She got up, "Mom, he's not my dad anymore. A dad cares for you, is there for you, spends time with you, LOVES you. Tony does neither. So, to me, he is the famous Tony Stark, nothing less, nothing more." A tear fell down your cheek as she turned around. She was right, Tony needs to spend time with them. You nodded and patted her back. You walked away and went into the living room. You sat on the couch and knocked out.

You woke up and checked the time on your phone 10:58 PM. You sighed, you slept all day. You walked into the kitchen and noticed that Marcia finished all the food, you walked into the play room and saw Happy and Johnny asleep. You walked up stairs to Marcia's room and she was quietly talking to some one on face time. "Ok. I gotta go my moms here." "Ok. Bye Marci, talk to you later." She hung up the phone and put it on her night stand, "Night Mom." She turned off her light and pulled the blankets over her body.You smiled and went down stairs to turn off the lights.

You made a cup of coffee and turned on the T.V. You were gonna wait for Tony and have a talk with him. 15 minutes later you heard the door slam. You turned to see Tony walking weirdly. He was drunk. "Tony." He looked at you and grinned, he sat next to you on the couch. You looked at his face and saw lip stick prints all over his cheek and faces. A tear rolled down your face, was he cheating on you. He drunkenly said, "Awwwwwwwww. Babe are you crying." You wanted to smell him, you went to hug him and he smelled like perfume. But you know that perfume. You thought about it long and hard. Pepper Potts. She always wore that perfume. You decided that since Tony was drunk, it would be easier to get your answers now, "Tony." "Yes babe" "Who's lipstick is that?" He pointed to the lip stick marks and whispered, "So, Im not supposed to tell you. Buuuuuuuuuut, its my girl friend Pepper's lip stick. Shhhhhhhhhh, don't tell her I told you." Tears were running down your face and you got up and smacked him in the face, "Tony, were done. Tonight your sleeping on the couch. I'm going to our room. Tomorrow morning me and the kids are leaving. We will be back to get all of our stuff." You ran up to your room and shut the door.

The next morning you woke up at 5 AM and started packing your things. The door opened, "Y/N, babe I-" You didn't look up, "What? Your sorry? Your sorry that you had a girl friend, while you had a wife and kids? Ha. Your not sorry." He grabbed your hand and you flinched away, "Don't touch me." He stared at the ground, "Where are you staying?" You sighed, "I don't know." You zipped up your suit case, which had most of your stuff. You walked out of the room and into Johnny's room. He followed you. You grabbed his suit case and packed his clothes. "Y/N. Please don't go. I can break if off with her, and we can be together like old times." He hugged you from the behind causing you to stop what your doing. You remembered the sweet Tony, the Tony that wanted to spend time with you, said that he loved you everyday. But then you realized what he's been doing instead of all those things. You pushed him off of you and continued to pack your clothes. You finished packing the important things and walked into Marcia's room. You opened the door, "Marci, pack some clothes." "Why?" "Were.....leaving for a while." Tony walked in, "Hi, Marci." She looked at him then back at me, "Where are we going?" "I don't know. But were leaving." "Why?" "Your dad and I are gonna take some........time apart." "Why?" I fake smiled, "Why don't you ask him?" She looked at him with no emotion, "So, Tony, why are you guys taking time apart?" He looked at her with a hurt face, "Tony?" "Yea.Tony." He had a sad face, "I made some bad decisions, with some bad people." She laughed, "You cheated on mom. Should've known." She grabbed her stuff and walked away. Once we were packed, Marcia put Johnny in the car and our stuff. "Good Bye Tony. I'll be back to get my stuff later." He nodded and smiled, "Good Bye Y/N. You deserved better."Β 

---------MANY YEARS LATER----------

"We'll Β name him....Jared."

After the break up, Steve helped you get over him. Johnny Β was now 9 and Marcia was 17. They loved Steve (Marcia quickly called him dad). You recently just had a kid Β with Steve named Jared. Marcia easily forgot about Tony. Johnny took some time but eventually he got over him. You still see Tony at work. You guys stayed friends. Pepper cheated on him with some guy at work. Now, Tony's drunk all the time, with many, many, MANY girlfriends. Tony doesn't get to see the kids anymore, unless they want to. And usually they don't. Even though Tony cheated on you, you can't find your self to hate him. He'll always be the love of your life.
