Waking and sinking (12)

Sorry for the long wait and warning before we start this is not a happy chapter if you catch my drift + Im kinda bad at writing not very weird stuff πŸ’€

Third persons POV:
We're discharging you mr, youll be out of here soon.
The nurse said to Russia who was nervously sitting on his hospital bed.

Russia couldn't really focus on much, he was feeling a bit drugged out by the medicine.
Russias vision was blurry but he wasn't sure if that was because of the medicine or not, all he knew was his head was pounding.

After some time Russia came to the realization of what the nurse had just said, right now he most eagerly wanted out of the hospital so he stood up even if he was feeling a little unstable.

Away from where Russia had been staying, Finland was still unconscious after being put into a bad state.

Russia's thoughts weren't a mess just because of the drugs, what had happened was making him struggle even more, guilt and regret were overflowing him and he was questioning himself and his actions every minute.
Other than that he had kind of went into an autopilot state, nodding when somebody says something, moving around when needed, eating what ever food he was offered at the hospital.

If Russia could take his actions back he would, almost nothing else was on his mind.
Russia stood up shakily, he wanted to get away, away from the nurses, away from his actions, away from Finland, away from the hospital, away from everybody, away from everything.

Russia started walking, soon finding his way into the hallway.
He was deep in his thoughts while getting out of there, a couple people rushed past him but he didn't pay much attention to them.
His steps were unsteady but he was walking relatively quick.
It didn't take long until Russia was wondering around the hospital parking lot.

Russias POV:
Im not going near that damn hospital ever again.. shit, accually Im not going near anybody again. Im not ever going near Finland either, definetly not. How stupid can somebody be..? Why did I ever even think I liked Finland? You don't.. you don't... you don't just fuck up like that with anybody, Im cruel and disgusting, I deserve nothing good..
I don't know why Finland attacked me.. but. I- ..I probably shouldn't have approached him, he clearly got mad because I thought.. because Estonia thought.. I should have just left when he said he doesn't wanna go to the bar.. I should have never even come to his house. I should have just let America do this shit and never think back. Now I caused Finland a nasty trip. Why am I so stupid? Im feel so ashamed.. Father was right, caring too much for others gets in the way.
I probably didn't even care for him, I should have seen that I was just confused.. I don't care for anybody and nobody cares for me.. not really, why did I think it was that way..?

I stumble, standing infront of my car.
Good thing Germany and Swiss are just fucked up enough not to tell the police..atleast before they know if he's..
I searched my pockets for my car keys, luckily they were still there and I unlocked my car.
I jumped in but realized trying to drive out of there would have been more like suicide, honestly thats a good option too but I can't bother to try.

I relaxed closing my eyes, finally alone in silence.
Where after this? Maybe to buy Germany and Swizerland beer for helping or something.. on another note, a trip to the graveyard would be nice. damn I've gone and messed up, again..? Well again but worse.. I doomed myself and Finland by somehow thinking I could ever be close with him. I don't know what to think.. Its just the same over.. and over. Id rather sleep and never wake up...

Finlands POV:

I took a deep breath, opening my eyes to the snowy forest.
Snow hitting my face and making my nose feel numb.
I quickly noticed was wearing my white uniform.
I grabbed my rifle thightly, leaning my body against a tree.
Where is he? Wait where am I? no Im clearly in a forest but why am I here..? and who am I looking for?

I look closely at my surroundings, just snow covered forest as far as I can see.
How did i get here?
I was a bit unsure, in general, I felt like I wasn't completely safe.

Should I try to get out of this forest?
I make up my mind and push myself away from the tree, taking a step.
I walk forward after wondering which way to go.

Suddenly I hear a yell and immediately jump down to the ground.
A steady rain of gun fire follows the yell I heard.
I don't need to be told to start crawling, I make it behind the nearest pile of snow and raise my rifle.
Should't be too hard to find .. who ever is shooting..

The gunfire stops.
I look around myself, at first everything seems bright and silent but then my ears start to ring.
I spot a figure standing in a open space to my right.
I immediately point my gun at them but they don't seem to care.

I squint my eyes and realize the person seems familiar.
I start running towards them whitout thinking much, still holding my rifle thightly.

Who is that person? Where do I know them from?

As I approach them I start to notice some details.

Their shorter than me whit a slim build.
Red skin.. the communist hammer and sickle..
Is it him.? ..the. Soviet..union...?
no Soviet doesn't have blue on his skin does he..?
And he's taller than me.. right.?

Images and memories I didn't rember just a second ago appear as I try to make sense of who Im seeing but its all confusing.

Could that be one of his children?.
..He has kids right.? Why would I trust somebody thats family with him..? . . . . . . . . . .

I arrive just a couple meters from where their standing and I reach my hand out dropping my rifle.

I need to get to them.

It doesn't make sense but I have to try.
I jump my with arms open but I fly throught them and they dissapear.
I slam onto the ground.
I push myself up from the ground quickly,
turning my head to where that person was standing a second ago I see no one.
That makes sense.

Estonias POV:
I let out a sigh as I deteriorate in the chair next to Finlands bed.
Even if I was upset earlier I came as soon as I got the call from Norway. Non of Fins brothers could make it, thinking it wasn't that serious. Norway decided to inform me just incase I wanted to go see Fin.
When I got here I was glad I bothered.
I just.. I feel betrayed but I can't stay mad forever.
I dont know how long I've sat here, I only know it has felt like forever.

Suddenly I hear a mumble, "Eesti..?" Finland almost whispers.
I push myself forward and grab Fins hand.
Fin? I ask him, waiting for any signs of him waking up.
Crazy how not long ago we were in the same situation, just with roles reversed.
Finlands eyes shoot open and land on me.

Welcome back.. I say softly with a smile i didn't notice pulling.

Estonia.? Oh get me out of here please..
Finland winced whit an unsettling amount of urgency in his voice.

Finland Its okay, youre gonna be okay. You got in a fight and you're injured but you are safe here. I say trying to reassure Fin.

No Eesti, you don't understand, he will find me here. Finland whispers, his eyes wide.

What? Who..? Who is "he"..??
I say glancing around now more worried.
The guy you got in a fight whit..?

I can feel Finland tightening his grip on my hand as he whispers for me to come closer.
I lean over him until my head is right next to his.

Estonia you have to promise not to tell anyone.
He whispers so carefully I can barely heard it.

I squeeze his hand as I promise to keep what ever he's about to tell between us.

He's back. Soviet. He's following Russia.. and i think Russia is letting Soviet control.
Finland almost hisses every word like their dangerous.

I can't lie, I slightly doupt what Fin just told me is true.. but even if I do he seems very serious.

Get. Me. Out. Of. Here. Fin tells me in clear panic.

Im sorry, Im sorry I can't Soome, you have to stay here for a bit longer.
I say.

Eesti.. can you promise me two things?
He asks, losing a bit of the panic from his voice.
Don't tell anyone what I just told you.. and help me get out of here as soon as possible.
Fin says frantically while squeezing my hand.

I- Soome my dear.. I start, not sure what to say.
I stare at Fin who stares back at me with his eyes still wide open.
Soome, I promise not to tell a single soul what you told me.. this seems serious i probably should tell someone.. and I promise to get you out when I can. I say.

Wait did I call him "my dear".. Oh this is embarrasing.. tho he doesn't seem to mind.

Finland just nods before letting his head go limp again and closing his eyes, which first scares me but then I realize he relaxed his neck.

I push my chair back and sit into it.
Fin seems distant but thats definetly beacuse of the fight or beacuse he's tired..
I should call Norway back and tell him Fin's accually hurt.

A/N: word count :1699 (BAHAHA) (Im tired)

This chapter is a shorter one but i rly js meed to get something out there and i think Im gonna start updating more noe,
also sorry bout the album covers, I aint got time for that.. but tysm for reading

ALSO Lemme know if yall want my playlist for this book and what songs are for which chapters xoxo
