Date (6)

Russia nervously glanced at the clock, he had ran late from his noon shift because some kid was lost and he was supposed to help the weirdo.
Russia sped up, turning a corner and hurrying down the hall.
Russia pushed the locker room doors open and made his way to his locker row.
FIN! Russia yelled.
Finland stopped as he was leaving and turned around to look at Russia.
Emh.. wait. Russia mumbled and started looking for his locker key.
Russia opened his locker and quickly pulled a pile of folded clothes out.
Here. You left them at my house.
Russia held out the pile while Finland just silently stared.
Ah.. thank you.
Finland said and stepped forward to take the clothes.
I don't have your clothes thought..I can bring them tomorrow.
Finland said.
No Its fine, you can just have them..
Are you down for a beer?
Russia resbonded.
Finland stared at the floor wondering what to say.
Eh.. i have stuff today.. but maybe some other time..
Finland said, not sure if he meant it.
Alright! You can message me anytime.
Russia said and turned back to his locker.
K.. bye.
Finland said and left.

Finland's POV:
I sit in my car just now realizing that I couldn't message Russia sience i don't have his number. But it doesn't matter, I wasn't going to go for a beer whit him anyway.
I lifted the pile of clothes onto my lap and took my hat putting it immediately on, i missed wearing it, really, it feels safe and also pulls my hair back so i can see. I grabbed my backpack whit one hand before opening my car door and getting out, making sure i don't drop anything.
I was quite tired for i hadn't slept well in a while.
I entered my house turning the light on whit my elbow.
I dropped onto the sofa to the right from my front door.
I wasn't planning on moving before i heard a message pop up on my phone.
I searched my pockets for my phone and tiredly pulled it up to my face.

EestiπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ͺ🩴: Ey wanna go for a walk??

Shit IM tired as fuck.. what do i say? I kind of want to go for a walk but i don't want to move and my socializing energy for the day is used up.

You: Sure where will we meet?

EestiπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ͺ🩴: Park. Be there in ten!

You: Alr

I pushed my self up and tossed my phone aside
Aghh i needed to be going.
I grabbed my clothes and tried to get energetic.
I quickly changed into my casual, i ran down the hall. I took my phone from the sofa and opened my backpack that i had dropped onto the floor, taking the house keys from it.
I ran out slowing my speed to walking once i was out to catch my breath.
I kept my eyes on the ground that was usually borning, now when you crossed a street light the snow flew around in the wind.
The storm had already passed but it was still windy.

I stopped next to the park waiting for a sight of Estonia.
Over here idiot!
Estonia laughed from a bench in the park.

I said and smiled as i made my way to her.

Estonia jumped up, waited for me to get next to her and started strolling the garden.
So..? You just wanted to go for a walk?
I asked.
Oh yeah, sorry if you're tired, it is friday.
Estonia said looking around.
Mhm.. Its okay, i wanted to go for a walk.
I responded.

A silence followed, Estonia kept walking and led us out of the park into the dimly lighter streets, i put my hands into my pockets.
Estonia started talking but i got distracted by a piece of paper that i found in my pocket.
I unfolded the paper and took a second to look at it.
It had a phone number on it.
Russia is an idiot.
I put the paper back into my pocket and looked at Estonia.
On tuesday when you were at my cottage.. you remember what i told you..?
Estonia asked.
I murmured.
I talked to your brothers and they said i should ask you so emh, do you want go on a date whit me? Like this saturday or sunday?
Estonia asked while shutting her eyes.

I stopped in my tracks. She didn't, she couldn't, she wouldn't ask me on a date. Would she?
Did she say she talked to my brothers? Why would they say she should ask me on a date?
Do they think we should date? Why? What do i say? I wasn't expecting this! Maybe i should have.. I don't want to be rude or upset her but i don't know if i want to go on a date.. where would we even go, It would be so akward..
Thought if my brothers think we should date should we? If everybody thinks thats what should happen..
Yeah sure.. Tomorrow?
I answered.
Thats cool! I can pick you up.
Estonia said and as she turned to me her eyes had sparkles in them.
I sighed and smiled a little before asking;
Okay but where are we going?
I was thinking we could go on a picnic at noon.
Estonia said.
That sounds.. nice. We should go to our homes Its late.
I said and turned around to leave.
True, sorry that we have to part already but see you on saturday!
Estonia said and jumped in for a hug.
I was suprised but hugged back.
Good night Estonia.
I said letting go.
Good night Finland.
Estonia said.
I looked away and started to speed walk.

Maybe this is a good thing, anyways I need to talk to my brothers.
I look over my shoulder to see if Estonias still there, when i don't see her i start to run.
I want to get to my house as fast as possible.
I pull my phone out still keeping up the pace.
I unlock the phone screen and search for Norways number.
I reached my front yard and slowed down as i pressed the number.
Brrr... Brrr... Brrr... Brrr... Brrr... I walked up to the front door and took my keys out. Brrr... Brrr... Brrr... Brrr... Brrr... Brrr... Brrr...
I opened the door and stepped inside once again. Brrr... Brrr... Brrr... Brrr... Brrr...
Ah! Hey? Sorry i was cooking.
Norway answered the call.
Hi Nor, do you know where the others are?
I asked.
Sweden, Ice and Mark? Their at their houses why?
Norway said.
No i don't thinks so. Estonia apparently talked whit you guys..
I said as i closed the front door behind me and walked to the sofa.
Wait did she ask you already?
Norway asked.
Jep. Why would you tell her to ask me?
I asked.
Oh come on we all agreed youre lonely and clearly, Estonia cares for you and you for her!
Norway said.
Shit.. i don't want to go out whit her but i agreed already and it would be akward if i admitted that, Its your fucking fault.
I snapped.
Look bro were sorry but you gotta GIVE her a chance!
Norway replied.
IM not sure, what do i do?
I asked annoyed.
Relax and be yourself. Norway said.
You idiots will pay! I said and hung up.

I need to sleep so i can figure out what to do.
I walked into my room and changed into a plain black t shirt and shorts.

Russia's POV:
I sat on my desk looking out the window.
I couldn't sleep, i couldn't answer was it from anixety or excitemet but i knew for sure it was Finlands fault.
I should plan what to do today but i can't incase Finland calls me, or texts me.
I got up from my chair and desiding to go eat something.
I started to wonder while walking towards the door.
Why did Finland leave? He left in such a hurry too! Did i scare him? What happened..? I remember drinking a lot whit him and waking up later some how knowing he was gone..
Wait where did he sleep. I think we slept in my bed, oh fuck.. i hope he doesn't remember that, thats so akward. He probably did and thats why he left.. i would have left too if i woke up in bed whit Somebody.. i probably should apologize but Its better to play it off like it didn't happen. Does he like Estonia?
I dont't want to think about this again but he almost.. and he hangs out whit Estonia alot..
Estonia clearly likes Finland.. Did i ruin their moment on the road or did i save Finland from her? Accually both are okay whit me..
I should take it easy so he wont get scared again..
I sat down at my dining table and placed the bowl of cereal that i had prepeared for myself on the table.
I stared out the window again, the sky that had started to turn pink.
Maybe Finland doesn't find the note, or maybe he has better stuff to do..

Finland's POV:
I put my dishes in the sink and went into the hall.
I still didn't know what to do, i had like three hours before Estonia would come get me.
I should ask for ideas but my brothers won't be helpfull at all. Maybe i could tell her that i can't come because i was needed at the skiing center.. That's accually genius.
I grabbed my bag from the living room before skipping to my bedroom.
My clothes were already in the bag so i just grabbed my keys and phone from the nightstand.
I got out of my room and made my way down the hallway.
I sat down on a chair next to the front door.
I pulled my shoes from under the chair and slipt my feet in the shoes and didn't bother tying te laces.
I got up pushing the door open and slamming it behind myself.
I kicked a rock that was on the ground, I followed it whit my eyes as it bounced forward,
suddenly as the rock stopped i could feel somebody watching me, their eyes following my back. Shit. I turned around as quickly as i could, Its a weird feeling when you think somebody is watching you, usually Its false but this felt so vivid. I kept walking backwards, i looked around my yard, there was no one, absolutely no one.
I got next to my car and unlocked it whit the keys. I opened the door pulling myself in and closing the door after.
I shook my head knowing that the feeling was false.
I hit the gas and started driving towards the skiing centre, they wouldn't mind some extra help.
I turned the radio on starting to smile,
this was way too easy, I'll just call Estonia before 12 and say that the centre needed a worker cause somebody got sick or something.
Hopefully she doesn't ask me on another date.
I started to bob my head to the music.

Soon i parked my car and jumped out to go do my job, finally i was more excited to be here than anywhere else.
I walked in the front doors and raised my hand to greet a staff member.
I went straight into the locker room whitout looking around.
I walked awhile before coming across my locker row and turning to get to my locker.
I took out my job uniform and quickly changed before pushing my bag and clothes in the locker. I locked it and turned around to go tell my boss i'd be doing extra work today.

β€”time skip cuz we wanna move with the plotβ€”

I looked at the clock telling me i was on my lunch break now.
Happily pulling my phone out and looking for Estonias number.
Just as i was about to call her a call popped on my screen, weirdly enough from Estonia.
I answered the call putting the phone up to my face.
Hey! I was just about to call you.
I said smiling throught my words.

Oh, Well i called to say I'll be there soon be ready, what were you supposed to call for?
She said

I felt guilt building up but tried to ignore it.

So sorry to say this Eesti, you know the skiing centre i work at needed extra help and i really need to help here, their running low on staff.
I said feeling a pinch in my gut.

What?! Are you serious? Couldn't you just say that you couldn't go help, that you had better stuff to do??
Estonia asked sounding a bit hurt.

Estonia Im sorry, we can barely do this, we're still waiting on a few other people..
I said.

Hhh.. it's okay but the others better be there quick cause Im getting you out of there!
Estonia said.

No, don't!
I quickly replied. Too quickly..

....Why not..?
Estonia asked.

Ehh.. i really cant come right now.
I said.

Sorry Fin but now you can, i already turned and- Holy- WHAT ARE THEY DOING-
TÜRA!! (fuck)
I listemed in confusion, i heard a blood-curdling scream and metal hitting metal.

What happened..?
I asked hesitantly.

No answer.

I called out.

No answer.

I called out again.

No answer.

I yelled to the phone feeling pressure growing on my chest.

I yelled into the phone not caring about the people staring trying to keep myself from crying.

No answer.

I ended the call immediately dialing 911.
I said whit a shaky breath.
This is 911 whats your emergency?
I, i uhh i, i were on a call whit Est- my friend and uhh, i- i ehh they, the call just- i heard a scream, and a a- a loud bang and then there was nothing and just silence and she was driving and i-
I stuttered feeling my head getting dizzy.
Calm down sir, whats your name?
What-? That doesn't matter are you OUT OF YOUR MIND?!
I yelled angrily leaning agains a wall for support.
Im sorry sir, do you have any idea where your friend was?
My friend, Estonia, Estonia- she was near where i live, but she tunrned to get here..
I said feeling my body go limp.
And where do you live, where are you?
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. I stood outside, staring at the floor.
I needed to forget this.
I needed to get drunk, full out wasted.
I pulled a piece of paper put of my pocket.
I looked at number, carefully dialing.
I hope i won't regret this..

A/N: heyy
Word count:2455
A rushed chapter, story moving way too fast but dont want to waste time, Its not a slow burn and i wouldn't have the patiense for that anyway gn baes! <33
