"Oh my god, for the last time, left leg, left! which part of left sounds right to you?!" Ten was stressing. Yuta kept rolling his eyes. Jaehee was tired. However, all three wished the same thing for Jaehee to never come up with this idea.

"You are getting on my nerves,"

"And you are stepping on my foot!"

"I don't understand why I am dancing with you when I'm supposed to dance with Jae," Yuta glared at him, making Ten scoff.

"Because I am the dancer here, not Jaehee,"

"You two would make a great couple!"

"Shut it!"

"Shut up!"

"Damn I was joking," Jaehee put her hands up in surrender as soon as she put her water bottle on the floor.

This had been going on for hour and half, tiring all three of them. Both, Yuta and Jaehee, were fucking up sometimes so bad, that the girl almost broke his neck, accidentally of course! and if it was funny to them, it annoyed the fuck out of Ten.Β 

"Okay, you go sit, you come here."

"So demanding," Yuta walked to sit on the floor and instantly picked up Jaehee's water bottle and drank the whole thing.

"You could have opened the new one, you know that right?" The girl questioned as she lightly stretched,

"I do, don't worry!" He gave her a sarcastic smile, and in respond she stuck out her tongue at him.

"Okay, so try not to lose your balance while twirling, it's not a hard dance at all people!" Ten clapped his hands as he put on the song for the millionth time now. Yuta kept a close eye on Ten's movements. Guy was committed, he wanted to win!

"Turn, turn, dow- Are you trying to kill me?!" Ten exclaimed as he fell on the floor, making Yuta burst out in laughter, while Jaehee kept apologizing.

"Okay, I think that's enough for the first day, I better not see your two's faces until next Thursday, now get out," The dancer pointed at the door, Yuta happily stood up and started packing theirΒ  things, while Jaehee helped Ten up and hugged him, to say goodbye.Β 

"Bye Chittaphon!"

"Jaehee I will kill you!"

"I didn't tell him anything, I swear on kitty!"

"I searched you on facebook!"

"I fucking hate my life!"

After saying goodbyes with Ten, the two left the dance studio. It was dark outside already, which meant that streets were either busy or super empty. Fortunately it wasn't overcrowded and it was very peaceful. Jaehee was tired and sweaty and so was Yuta, but apparently he had different plans.

"Are you free right now?"

"Um, yes, why?" The girl questioned as they walked side by side.

"Wanna go to the movies? Don't laugh, but I really want to watch the little mermaid, I was supposed to see it with mark, even bought two tickets, but he betrayed me and made plans with his coworkers instead! So if you haven't seen it yet, do you want to?" Japanese male grumbled as he rolled his eyes at the memory of mark telling him he forgot that they were supposed to watch together.

The girl not having the heart to decline him, immediately agreed. "Sure, but I really have to shower and so do you,"

Chuckling Yuta nodded his head in agreement. "The movie starts in an hour and half, we can both get ready and I can pick you up?"

"Okay, see you in few then!"

As soon as she arrived home, she rushed into the bathroom to shower. She can swear she has never showered this fast ever in her life and as soon as she finished, she threw on some clothes and put on light make up. Now it was time to sit down, look pretty and wait until he messaged her.

She didn't know why she was acting like this. She could have easily said no, however deep down Jaehee knew that she didn't agree just because they are friends, but that's a talk for another day. Truth be told, she had already seen the movie with the girls, but what's wrong with re-watching movies right!

The girl was pulled out of her thoughts, when a notification popped up on her phone screen. It was Yuta, saying that he was outside.Β Β 


The ride was fun as always, turns out Yuta knew all the little mermaid songs, and poor Jaehee had to listen to his strained high pitched vocals and now she was listening to those same songs again.

"That crab is my favorite character!" The man exclaimed as he pointed at the screen.Β 


"Whatever is his name,"

"He's my favorite too,"

"Oh my god, I love this song! Under the sea~"

"You are gonna get us kicked out," The girl mumbled as she tried to hide, by slouching in her sit.

"There's literally no one else in here," Yuta looked around to only see a couple making out somewhere in the corner.Β 

"There is a couple in the last row!"

"who? the couple that is basically having sex in the back?"

"Whatever, can you at least sing quietly?"

"if you kiss me I will shut up," The boy raised his eyebrows at her suggestively, making the girl scrunch up her nose in disgust.

"Jesus, fix your face I was just joking."

"I mean I wouldn't be against it..."

"Yeah same, wait what?!"

I lied igπŸ™„. I got tired of studying and wrote instead! If i fail let's blame nct!
