"Jaehee, are you ready? Or do you need more time?" Yuta lightly knocked on her door and waited for her to answer, however, instead, she opened the door and looked at him.

"Do I look good? Is my make up smudged? How is my hair?"Β 

"Don't worry, you look beautiful," He gave her a small smile, making her return one.

"Do you mean it or are you saying that because I'm your friend?"

"Have you ever seen me lie?"

"Boy literally few days ago you told Mark you were in yakuza and he believed you!" The girl facepalmed at his stupidity, making Yuta grin at her.

"How is that my fault, but no, I mean it, you look great! And not to rush you but I'm very hungry so can we go?" Before he could turn around, Jaehee grabbed him by his tie, which kind of shocked him and was about to question her, when she fixed it and patted him on the chest.

"Okay, let's go!"

During the wedding, Yuta was Jaehee's personal google translate. But it was fun since he was avoiding talking about babies to his mum by forcing Jaehee to talk to her instead.

However, there was one thing. His mum was still questioning about those things and Yuta was being a little shit and translating different things to Jaehee and vice verse.

"Yuta, she is so nice, why would she befriend you?"

"Wow thank you mom for loving me,"

"What did she say?"

"That you are a nice girl and I'm his favorite child," Yuta spoke as he side eyed his mum and drank champagne. The woman kept beaming at Jaehee making her smile back. The girl enjoyed the wedding and the food so much that she made it her goal to study about Japanese cuisine. But not to her luck, Yuta suddenly grabbed her and made her stand up.

"I love this song!"


"Will you dance with me?"

"The only thing I can do is shake my ass and I won't do it here, not with your mum looking at me," The girl quietly spoke as she waved at his mum.

"Just relax and move your limbs, it's not that serious," He took her hand in his and walked to the dance floor. As soon as he started doing weird moves Jaehee started laughing and joined him. Following his instructions they carelessly moved around. Not even once did it cross her mind that she would spent time like this. In her mind it was supposed to go like this: He would introduce her to his mum and sister, they would eat, sleep and then go back. But boy was she wrong. Yuta was smiley and easy-going and his family wasn't judgmental either, which helped the situation even more.Β 

"Okay, I can't keep jumping around in heels!" And it was as if the universe heard her and suddenly a slow song started playing. "You have got to be kidding me,"

"Do you want to go back and sit down?" More than anything, but she also didn't want her friend to stop enjoying himself as he has done so much for her already, so she chose to shut up. "No, it's okay,"

"I'm for real, if your feet hurt or if you are tired we can go back to hotel, no one will mind!"

"Nakamoto Yuta, will you dance with me to this painfully slow song?" The girl looked at him, with raised eyebrows. If Yuta were to be honest, he was low-key surprised, since he was aware that Jaehee didn't like strangers and big crowds, however, she was willing to stay and dance with him, therefore he couldn't refuse.

"With pleasure," Bowing, when he looked up Jaehee was laughing at him. Yeah they had a bit too much alcohol, but it was worth it. The two of them neared each other as the girl put her arms on his shoulders and he put his on her waist. As they swayed to the music, it was a such a cute sight for others, until Yuta accidentally stepped on Jaehee's foot.

"Fuck my life,"

"Oh shit, are you okay?"

"What do you think?!"

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore,"

"I don't care, we are going back to the hotel, or do you want to stay and sit down?"

"let's head back," The boy nodded and the two of them walked to where his family members were to tell them goodbye.

Jaehee, kind of felt bad that they had to leave, but it was not her fault. Yuta legit stomped on her foot and it hurt like a bitch. Thankfully to the girl, the hotel was in the same building as the place where the wedding was held, so they didn't have to walk much.

As soon as they arrived, they walked inside their rooms to change out of the fancy clothes to something more comfortable. Jaehee was about to lay down on the bed, when she heard knocking on the door and muffled 'it's Yuta'. Opening the door she was met with a Yuta she has probably never seen. He wasn't dressed like a superstar as he is normally and he didn't wear that smudged black eye pencil either, instead the girl was met with bare faced man who wore simple sweatpants and a sleeveless shirt.

"Are you tired?"

"For dancing yes, for hanging out no," The girl moved out of the way to let him in and when he did and plopped down on her bed, she closed the door and joined him.

"Did you enjoy yourself or were they overwhelming?" The boy turned his head to look at her.

"Dude, I'm this close to adding your mother into our group chat so she can bully you!"

"So funny,"

"It was really fun, Thanks for inviting," Jaehee sighed as she laid down on the bed.

"Thank you for coming and saving my ass," He chuckled as he mimicked her actions and also laid down.

"Do you want to sing?"Β 


"Karaoke you know,"

"Right now?"

"No, next year, of course now,"

"Uh sure,"

"Okay, you go first!"

And just like that, they spent time singing and dancing, except turns out Yuta was actually talented at both, while Jaehee.... let's say she repaid Yuta for stepping on her foot.Β 
