Joining the team

I woke up in Bennys room. I was on the floor covered in blankets but I felt a pair of arms around me. Internally I screamed, when I fell asleep Benny was sleeping in his bed. Benny groaned a bit and woke up.
"Morning Y/n." He said in a morning voice; I smiled.
"Did you sleep ok?" My head gave a slight nod. I looked at my watch.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" I exclaimed.
"What is it?"

"It's 7 Squints is gonna try to come in soon if he doesn't hear me in the bathroom or downstairs!" I explained opening the window.
"Didn't he stay at Yeah-Yeahs?"
"Yes but also my parents. I really have to go." I shrugged with a worried look.
"I wish you could stay." Benny said sitting up.
"You'll see me in 30 minutes to go get Scott." I say perching on the window sill.

"What no hug?" Benny questioned opening his arms.
"That's the thing about me, I leave you wanting more." I tell him jumping from his window to the roof. Since my rooms on the second floor the shingles stretch out. I landed with my legs hanging off the sides. Benny looked very concerned that I did this, but eh it's a normal occurrence now. I climbed in the window and shut it. The blinds fell behind me as I grabbed my clothes out.

(Whole outfit and the Yankees hat)

I didn't even bother showering but I did throw some deodorant. My ear hovered lightly from the door to listen for anyone; luckily there was nobody. I crept downstairs trying not to make a sound incase my ears failed me. I dropped my mitt on the floor and it made a slap on the hardwood floor. Nothing. I ran as fast as I could to get my bat from the door and get outside. When I locked the door I was panting from nervousness. Turns out I didn't need to do this cause neither of my parents cars were out front.Β  Benny came out from his house with a plastic baggie running over to me as I made my way to the curb.

"Hello again."
"Hi." I looked at the bag for a sec.
"Please tell me your mom made breakfast?!" I hoped excitedly. Benny gave a slight nod and held the bag infront of himself. I took it to examine. It had two containers, one was scrambled eggs and a bit of bacon, the second container had 2 smaller pancakes. My mind melted at the thought of Mrs. Rodriguez's breakfast.
"One sec." I ran into the house and put the bag in the fridge and wrote my name. When I came back out Benny waved me over to go over to Scott's. We saw him out front looking mopey about something.

"Hey kid, we're going to play ball, we need an extra guy so you wanna come?" Benny asked taking a small look at Scott. When I looked he had a black eye.
"No thanks."
"Why do you not like baseball?" Benny asked as I elbowed him in the forearm.
"Yeah but, my gloves busted. I can't go, sorry
Y/n." He looked down.
"It's ok, I got an extra one." Benny tossed it to Scott. I waved my arm to tell them that we should go. Scott ran in and told his mom he was coming to play with us.

On the way over Benny asked Smalls some questions like his interests and stuff like that. When we got to Vincent's, we went around the back to see the rest of the guys. Ham was doing a horrible Babe Ruth impression. He kept saying he was the Great Bambino with something in his mouth. I understood him from all the nonsense with Squints and the rest of my family; but no one else did. Everything was great until Smalls said something I couldn't believe.

"Who's that?" He asked. Everyone stared at him. Everyone started saying names of Babe Ruth but I didn't care to listen.
"Ohhh the great bambino, I thought you said the great Bambi."
"That wimpy dear?" Ham asked.
"Hey Bambi wasn't wimpy!" I defended.
"Anyway, Smalls this is squints, Timmy and tommy, we call him repeat." I kinda tooned out Benny before I realized they all spit after they said his name.
"Guys this is Scott Smalls." Benny introduced. He said hi and everything was just awkward.

"Alright now that we have that out of the way, let's go to the sandlot, we're wasting daylight." I say leading the pack.

On the way I transferred back to Smalls to try and make sure he knew that he had at least one friend. I heard the boys saying something about how he's a square and he shouldn't be playin baseball, turns out smalls notices too.
"Hey you do realize we can hear you!" I called out. I turned to Smalls.
"Don't listen to them, they're just a bunch of assholes." I tell the little boy as he looked down.

"Man baseup you block heads." I heard Benny say. He told Smalls to go to left center while I went over to left field. Benny was at bat like usual when we start. It rotates mostly between me and him since we're better at batting plus we bring more baseballs.
"Smalls throw it to second." Benny yelled while I went over to left field. Smalls went to left center so of course Benny had to help. He flashed me a smile and got ready.
"Smalls throw it to second." He yelled hitting it to Smalls. Smalls of course didn't catch it, he fell backwards trying to nab it. The boys laughed again. Smalls picked it up and handed it to Kenny rather than throwing it, everyone stood there stunned.

I looked to Benny and he nodded. We both rushed over to Scotty.
"You can throw it Yknow." I say calmly.
"No I can't. I don't know how. Thanks for taking me here, but I better go." Smalls told me about to walk off before I grabbed his shoulder. Benny and I told him it's like throwing a paper route. Smalls nodded and get back to his spot. I was about to get back into left field but Benny lightly clutched my wrist.

"I like this side of you."
"What side? This is me and you've known it for years."
"This mothering big sister side. I don't see it with Squints."
"I am nice to him, just Smalls basically doesn't have anyone in his corner and I want to make him feel welcome." I shrugged. Benny slid his hand into mine.
"Still it's nice to see it." He says as he squeezes my hand and walks off. I stood there frozen. Time stopped in my mind. He realized I could be motherly? This is crazy and I can't deal with it right now. I ran back to my spot and got ready.

Benny hit the ball and BWAMO, it fell right into Smalls' glove. He seemed stunned but happy. Then he did like we told him too, throw it like a paper route. It landed right into my stupid little brothers glove. That made me squeal with excitement. Squints threw it to DeNuenez.

"All right let's play some ball!" Bertram yelled.
"I'll show you more tomorrow ok?" Ham told Smalls as the red head ran to his house. I rolled my eyes as a joke. Benny and I decided to walk Smalls home, make sure he felt comfortable.

"8 o'clock tomorrow ok? See ya ham." Benny told him as we approached the Smalls residence. He was about to walk in before he stopped.
"Wait Benny your glove?"
"Keep it man."
"Thanks!" The little boy exclaimed. Something hit me.

"Wait Smalls! Tomorrow, wear a tshirt and jeans. And you got a fireplace?" I asked walking just infront of him. He nodded.
"Burn that hat."
"I will just it's the only one I had." He looked down.
"Not anymore. Use my old one." Benny said pulling out a purple baseball cap from his pocket. Smalls thanked him again as I stood there astonished.

"HOW MUCH ROOM DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR POCKET?" I kinda yelled. He shrugged.
"Not my fault girls jeans suck."
"Why do you think I carry a backpack with me everyday?" I asked tilting my head.
"Cause it's got some UK band patch on it." I nodded as we started to walk again.

He grabbed my wrist just as I was going to head into my house.
"Meet me at the sandlot in 2 hours. Don't bring Squints." I nodded and headed in.
The hours past by fast. Squints like usual went to Yeah-Yeahs.Β  I mean they are best friends so who cares. I quickly brushed my hair and put it into a nice loose braid. The hall mirror showed a girl who was happy, me. I grabbed my bag and ran to the sandlot.

When I arrived I saw Benny on a blanket for a picnic. When he realized I was there, Benny jumped up and lead us to the blanket.
"What are we doing?"
"There's a meteor shower tonight, and I know you love astronomy." I heard about it on the radio but I didn't think I'd get to see it. My arms wrapped around his neck tight.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"Not too tight I don't want to die." He asked. Benny leaned back so our backs were on the ground. I never felt more important and special than I did in that moment.
