In the name of Baseball and love?

The over next few days Benny got even closer to me. He insisted we had sleepovers every night. Thea told me that he wanted Otto and her to go on a date so I could come over and babysit. We didn't really talk about me kissing his cheek or anything though. Every time I'd stay over or he would we'd cuddle.

One fateful day shit got heavy. We were playing Baseball like any normal day, Benny was in a pickle. Of course he got out of it. Something caught us off guard, bikes. For us bikes mean one thing, Jordan Phillips.
He's such and asshole but he's only nice to me and constantly flirts with me. I grabbed my bat but Benny took it from me.
"What are you doing?"
"Stay behind me." He told me sturnly. I didn't hesitate to.

"It's easy when you play with a bunch of rejects, a girl, and a fat kid Rodriguez."
"Shut your mouth Phillips!"
"What'd you say crap face?" Ham questioned.
"I said you shouldn't even be allowed to touch a baseball. Except for Rodriguez you're all an insult to the game." Phillips and Ham were going back and forth with stupid insults. Benny grabbed my hand behind his back.

"You play ball like a girl!" Ham yelled. I stood out from behind Benny, snatched my bat back, and spun it around.
"Sleep. With. One. Eye. Open." There was no doubt in my voice. As I turned to walk away I got my foot under his ankle and tripped him.
"Hey doll face." Phillips said to me. In a flash I put my fist up to his chin.
"Call me doll face one more time, and you're dead. And if you think we suck, tomorrow, your turf." I pushed him back and took my place next to Benny.

"Fine. Be there rejects." He tells us biking off.
"Alright team, we've got training to do. And Ham of you ever say shit like that again. You won't get off so easily." I say walking back to our positions.

"Did I say were we having lunch no let's go!" They all immediately went to their positions and I was at bat. We practiced for 5 hours straight before we called it a day.


The next day we were ready to beat Phillips. When we got to the field I gave everyone a pep talk before we all got ready. Ham was our catcher and got in the players heads, and succeeded. Everything was going swimmingly, they only got 3 points. Then it was our turn. Their catcher tried the same thing as ham and failed since Ham tries to get in our heads all the time.

We all hit the ball but I was last. When Benny hit we were tied it all came down to me. I could feel my insides wanting to hurl out of me. But did they, surprisingly not.
I was up at bat, Phillips was the catcher.
"Hey doll face, why don't you let a man handle this?" He said flexing.
"Benny, can you grab my bandana?" He looked at me confused but got it over. I put it over Phillips's eyes.
"Can you see?" He shook his head. I nodded, and tied it over my eyes. Everyone on my team screamed since they thought I was crazy.

The pitcher pitched one ball, and gone. I ran for my life and made it back to home in no time. Another reason why they call me flame, I'm not afraid of shit like this. When I made it back, I took off my bandana to see everyone speechless. My team all tried to rush over to me but I pushed them out of the way, to go over to Phillips. He stood up as a grabbed his chin.
"If you ever, EVER. Come near me and my team again, you will forever regret calling me a reject and a doll face." I pushed him to the ground. The sandlot boys hoisted me up on their shoulders as we walked out. Squints was the first to congratulate me on doing that.

"I- that was so cool."
"Am I finally the cool older sister you've always wanted?" He nodded rapidly. After squints walked away Benny picked me up and spun me around while engulfing me in a hug.
"That was incredible."
"I know."
"I got an idea." He got everyone's attention and said we're going to the carnival tonight to celebrate.


When we all got to the carnival, everyone was surprised I was in a dress.
"What just because I like shorts and a T-shirt doesn't mean I can't dress up?" They all shrugged and headed in, but Benny stayed. His jaw hit the ground.
"Careful you'll catch flies." I say with sarcasm in my voice.
"Wow, just, just, wow." That's all he could say. I grabbed his hand and lead him in. He was a puppy dog following.
He snapped out of it when he was getting tickets.

"Benny you don't need to for me, I have money."
"It's my treat, you won the game."
"Can I pay you back?"
"No." He simply said putting the ticket in my hand.
"I hate you."
"Awwww." He said handing out the rest of the tickets.

"Aw crap I almost forgot." Weeks told us. We all questioned it before he pulled out chaw. Uh oh, this isn't gonna end well.
"What is it?" Scotty asked, bless his innocentness.
"You're killing me smalls! It's plug, wad, chewing tobacco." Ham explained.

"What do you do with it?"
"You chew it of course." Ham explained to the little boy.
"It's all good man, the pros do it." Kenny told Scotty.
"Yeah-Yeah gives you tons of energy." They all stuck their hands in the bag til it was just me and Benny.
"Come on guys."Β  Benny looked to me, as if deciding what he'd do based off of what I'm doing.

"No way! It's fun but you guys are gonna be stupid about it and be covered in puke. One of us has to explain if your parents ask and one of us has to take care of you all." I over exaggerate.
"Make that two of us." Benny says passing the bag back.
"Fine then. Let's ride!" Bertram yells.

"Not doing it. I paid for this damn dress, I'm not getting vomited on it." I say stepping and leaning against a tree.
"We wouldn't want that now would we?" Benny said putting his hand on the tree just above my shoulder. I shook my head no.
"What are you doing?" I asked him, with a smirk on my face.

"I want to tell you that I like you a lot Y/n. You're funny and cool. Super smart may I add, the list goes on. I've liked you all summer. When you kissed my cheek on the fourth while playing with Willow something hit me. I want to have a family with you. You treat my sister like the princess she is. I want that to be our little girl." He told me taking his hand down.

"Benny I-." I was about to say something before everyone came off the ride covered in puke.
"What I tell ya?" I laughed at them. They all complained they wanted to go home so that's what we did.

After Benny and I dropped off the boys he waited downstairs until I got Squints cleaned up.
"Y/n I don't like the monsters, can you check under the bed?" Squints asked like a 5 year old. I shrugged and did as he asked.

"No monsters buddy. Good night." I said leaving his room. When I went downstairs I saw Benny starting to leave, it was raining.
"Benny about before-." Benny cut me off.
"Forget about it. It was a stupid thing. Let's just forget it ever happened." He said looking down and opening the door.
"I'll see you tomorrow." He said shutting the door. Something clicked in my mind.
"Fuck it." I say running outside.

"Benny!" I yelled as he got to the driveway. I ran to him and swung my arms around him.
"What happened?"
"This." I kissed him, it was great. He seemed surprised but wrapped his arms around my waist this time fully conscious. We pulled away and a strike of lighting hit.

"Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez, will you be my boyfriend?" I asked sorta breathless.
"Yes." He said hugging me closely.
