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Part Ten: The Plan

1973. Westchester County, New York.

Svet's POV

We sat around for God knows how long. I was almost certain Charles wouldn't do it. How much I'd affected him when I'd left with Erik, Raven and the Brotherhood. I'd checked on Lorna, she was still fast asleep. My angel. I wouldn't give up her for anything.

"I'll help you get her" Charles' voice said, as Logan, Hank and I looked towards Charles, who was standing in the corridor. "Not for any of your future shite, but for her. And Svet, of course".

"Fair enough" Logan replied, almost neutral.

Logan spoke in a low voice a lot of the time and sounded pretty neutral. I'd seen a broken person before, but Logan was worse than them. He'd lost family, a loved one, in the future and I felt for him. My Mother, Stepfather and Brother. And not to mention, watching Erik murder my father.

"But I'll tell you this. You don't know Erik. That man is a monster. A murderer. You think you can convince Raven to change? To come home? That's splendid. But what makes you think you can change him?" Charles asked, as Logan pointed to me.

"Because you and Erik sent me back together" Logan explained, as the new information was quite fascinating.

Small Time Skip.

We were all hunched over the table in the center of the hall with a map of the Pentagon in front of us. God only knew what else Charles kept in this mansion of his.

"The room they're holding him in was built during the Second World War... when there was a shortage of steel. So the foundation is pure concrete and sand. No metal." Hank explained.

"He's being held a hundred floors beneath the most heavily guarded building the planet." Charles summarized, as we all hunched over the table in the hall way, looking at the map of the Pentagon.

"Why is he in there?" Logan asked, as Charles almost had an amused look on his face, as memories of that day began to resurface.

"What, he forgot to mention?" Charles asked, a shit eating grin on his face, as he began to laugh.

"Uh, JFK" I whispered, as Logan looked surprised at the information. "I should know, I was there. God it was disgusting to watch the bullet wipe part of his head clean off".

"He killed..." Logan thought aloud in disbelief.

"What else explains a bullet miraculously curving through the air? Erik's always had a way with guns. Are you sure you want to carry on with this?" Charles asked, as I sighed.

"This is your plan, not mine." Logan stated, as I rolled my eyes. Yeah, no shit Sherlock.

"We don't have any resources to get us in." Hank said.

"Or out. It's just me, Svet and Hank." Charles continued.

"I know a guy. Yeah, he'd be a young man now. Grew up outside of D.C. He could get into anywhere. I just don't know how the hell we're gonna find him." Logan explained, as my eyes widened.

No. He couldn't be talking about? Peter? My eyes marveled as I might have a chance to better the relationship between us. It had been a few years since we last met. Hank looked at Charles and asked "Is Cerebro out of the question?". Charles looked down in embarrassment.

"You guys could use Internet" Logan spoke as we all looked at him in confusion.

What was Internet? Is it like some future technology? Sounds weird.

"What's Internet?" Hank and I asked in unison, a confused expression adorned our faces. "We have a phone book"

"Wait! I know where he lives. I know where Peter Maximoff lives" I spoke up as Logan gave me a smirk.
