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Part Nine: You And Erik Sent Me Back Together

1973. Westchester Country, New York.

Svet's POV

My head was still trying to contemplate the news. Future Charles had sent Logan back to prevent me and Raven assassinating Bolivar Trask. Charles thought he was joking, I could tell Hank was a little confused, but he didn't show it much.

"What?" Charles asked, not believing him. Expected, and typical of Charles.

"About 50 years from now." Logan responded as my eyes widened.

Fifty years?! Raven and I killed this guy who saw mutants as a 'problem' and it started a war that wiped out most of the mutant population, plus the humans who tried to help. Bloody hell, all this future shit was fucked up, and messing with my mind.

Suddenly, Charles started laughing. Actually laughing. Just like I did, and Hank did a gesture to his head, showing that he thought Logan was crazy. I did at first too.Β 

"I know. Stay with me" Logan said neutrally, but it was clear he'd had enough of Charles' shit.Β 

"50 years from now. Like in the future, 50 years from now?" Charles asked, with Logan responding with a "Yeah".

"I sent you from the future?" Charles questioned, as Logan said, once again "Yeah".

"Piss off" was all Charles said.Β 

"Language" I corrected, as they all looked at me, Charles, Hank and Logan, with a confused look one their faces.Β 

"Did you actually just say 'language'?" Logan asked, deadpanning.

"Yes. Yes I did. I have a child, I tend not to swear around her" I sassed, as Logan rolled his eyes.

"If you had powers, you'd know I was telling the truth" Logan responded, as Charles' eyes widened.

Charles didn't have his powers? How? Thoughts rushed through my head. Thank goodness that Charles didn't have his powers so he couldn't spy on my thoughts. Mr Telepath and Agent Romanova. Sounds like an adorable, black and white television series from the 50s. The old days were behind me.

"How do you know I don't have p... Who are you?" Charles questioned, getting a bit defensive.Β 

"I told you." Logan responded.Β 

"Are you both CIA?" Charles asked.

"No, but she was" Logan said, gesturing to me as I rolled my eyes.Β 

"You've been watching me? Charles rambled, as Logan cut him off.

"I know you, Charles. We've been friends for years. I know your powers came when you were 9. I know you thought you were going crazy when it started... all the voices in your head. And it wasn't until you were 12... that you realized all the voices were in everyone else's head. Do you want me to go on?" Logan explained as Charles looked starstruck.

"I never told anyone that." Charles said, shocked.Β 

"No, yet, no, but, you will" Logan responded.

Β "All right, you've piqued my interest. What do you want?" Charles asked, curious to what we had to say.

"We have to stop Raven, and Svetlana" Logan responded. " I need your help. We need your help."

"I think I'd like to wake up now" Charles shot back.

Charles was getting emotional at the mention of me and Raven. Somehow, he still hadn't recognized me. And Hank got a bit upset at the mention of Raven. Getting up off the stairs, he trudged sadly into his office. Hank shifted back into his human form, looking at the two of us, as the illusion finally broke, and my hair returned to it's normal length and ginger. I was sick and fucking tired of hiding. Now was the time to stop the hiding. Mutant and proud.

"What does she have to do with this?" Hank asked.

Small Time Skip

Charles poured himself a drink as we sat around his desk in his, rather messy, office. Charles had become kind of a slob since Raven and I left to join Erik and the Brotherhood. I sighed, as I slipped my shades off, placing them on the desk in front of us. I think Charles knew it was me the whole time, and just couldn't bring himself to say anything.

"So, you're saying. They took Raven and Svet's powers, and what? Weaponized them?" Charles questioned, sticking his head underneath a lampshade, which had a colorful, patterned scarf on it, or something.

"Yep" Logan simply stated.Β 

"They are unique, the both of you" Hank sighed.

"Yeah, they are, Hank" Charles added, giving me a weak smile.

Charles wasn't the strong leader I'd known almost ten years ago, he was a broken man now. And it broke my heart. Wandering over to the couch, Charles plopped himself onto the blue couch by the window.

"In the beginning the Sentinels were just targeting mutants, then they began to identify the genetics in non-mutants who'd eventually have mutant children or grandchildren. Then they started targeting everybody. Many of the humans tried to help us, it was a slaughter. Leaving only the worst of humanity in charge. I've been in a lot of wars, I've never seen anything like this. And it all starts with them" Logan began.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, guilt flooded over me. All that slaughter and violence over the last fifty years in the future broke my heart, and it was because they took my powers. Screw 'Mutant and proud', I sort of hate my powers because of the damage they'd do to society over the course of history.

"Let's just say for the sake of... the sake, that I choose to believe you... that I choose to help you. Raven won't listen to me. Her heart and soul belong to someone else now. Svet, you will, wouldn't you?" Charles began, with a sad ask at the end.

"Course I would, Mr. Telepath" I smirked, as Charles sent me a smile back. "Thanks Agent Romanova".

"I know. That's why we're gonna need Magneto, too" Logan said, as I began to choke on my own saliva, as he stood up, Hank patting my back to stop me from dying.

"Erik? Hank and I questioned in unison.

I hadn't seen my husband in a decade. He hadn't even met Lorna. Hell, he didn't even know about her. He always said that she would be a girl. But would things still be the same between us after all this time? Always. Charles began to laugh at the fact of us needing Erik on our side.

"You do know where Erik is?" Hank questioned.

"Yeah." Logan stated.

Charles began to laugh harder, pushing himself off the couch and started to walk out of the room. I rolled my eyes.Β 

"Could you just give me that one more time?" Charles asked between laughs.

"You heard me" Logan said, slightly annoyed at Charles' childish behavior.

Right now, Charles was being a down right pain in the ass and annoying the shit out of me. Pardon my French, but he was driving me up the wall. Because he wasn't taking any of this seriously, like he used to back in '62.

"He's where he belongs." Charles stated.

"That's it? You're just gonna walk out? I snapped as Charles turned around.

"Ooh, top marks. Like I said, you are perceptive" Charles taunted, walking away.

"The Professor I knew would never turn his back on somebody who lost their path" Logan stated, his voice low, like usual. "Especially somebody he loved. Or two people he loved".

Charles stopped dead in his tracks, walking backwards towards Logan and I, who stood in the doorway of his office, as he turned around.

"You know, I think I do remember you now" Charles said, starting to recall that time we all spent together back in the day. "Yeah. A tall, angry fellow with contentious hair. We came to you a long time ago, seeking your help. And I'm gonna say to you, what you said to us then: Fuck off!".

"For gosh sake, Xavier. Watch. Your. Language" I seethed.

Suddenly, I grabbed onto his yellow pajama shirt, very pissed off.Β 

"Listen here, you little shit. I've come a long way from the scared, lab rat I used to be. I've watched a lot of people I love die and some be taken from me. Good friends, family. If you're gonna wallow here in self-pity...and do nothing, then you're gonna watch the same thing...you understand?" I hissed, letting go of Charles' shirt.

"We all have to die some time" Charles stated, walking away, presumably back to his room.Β 

"Told you two there's no professor here" Hank sighed sadly.

"What the hell happened to him?" Logan asked Hank.

" He lost everything. Erik, Raven, Svet... his legs. We built this school, the labs, this whole place... then, just after the first semester... the war in Vietnam got worse. Many of the teachers... and older students were drafted. It broke him. He retreated himself. I wanted to help, do something... so I designed a serum to treat his spine... derived from the same formula that helps me control my mutation. I take just enough to keep myself balanced... but he takes too much. I tried easing him back... but he just couldn't bear the pain, the voices. The treatment gives him his legs... but its not enough. He's... He's just lost too much." Hank explained.

I allowed tears to slip from my eyes, as I thought over my life choice. Was going with Erik the wrong thing? If I hadn't gone with Erik, let alone fallen in love with him and married him, I wouldn't have had Lorna. I loved Lorna with all my heart and existence. And I would never give that away from anything.Β 
