xxxvii. home

"you're going back to japan."

your eyes widened in shock and happiness. "wait, deadass?!"

it was currently 9 PM at night, about 10 AM back in japan. your mother had contacted your father saying that you need to be back as soon as possible.

he looked absolutely displeased. "yes, you're going back to japan in about three hours."

you grinned all giddy at the news, not even bothering to contain your excitement. you didn't care if he got upset at you, you were finally able to go back to your home.

your real home.

"you're not even going to pretend to be sad?" he bluntly asked, a glare heading your way.

you cocked an eyebrow at him. he had the audacity to stop your mini-celebration.

"no i'm not? i barely know you since, well, you left me as a kid," you spat, rolling your eyes.

anger rose in him. "you think i wanted to leave? i was forced to because of my parents y/n."

you didn't know that.

but you weren't gonna let that decide your opinion.

"boo-hoo, you left because mommy and daddy made you. that doesn't excuse the reason of you not keeping contact with my mom. there could've been video calls, texting, mail even!" you raised your voice, anger seeping into you. "i got nothing from the man who i'm suppose to call my father."

he stared in disbelief. you got him.

you stayed silent for a second before continuing, "i didn't even know that you even existed until last year when mom suddenly said i was flying to america for a little bit. of course i'm going to be happy being back with mom. she at least stayed with me."

his eyes widened at the last phrase, hurt seeped into his skin. your e/c eyes stayed cold as you stared.

huffing, you turn around and head to your room. "i'll be packing if you need me."

and you left him there.

โ€ข*โ€ข*โ€ข*โ€ข*โ€ข*โ€ข*โ€ข*โ€ข*โ€ข*โ€ข*โ€ข*โ€ข*โ€ข*โ€ข the airport...

not a single notification.

damn your phone was really dry.

it was currently 12AM, around 1PM in japan.

your flight leaves around 1AM, and will take almost about an entire day again.

hopefully no crying babies this time.

your father didn't want to drop you off alone, he didn't even want to drop you off.

so he decided to have everyone tag along. that included sadie, jay, and charlotte.

sadie wouldn't stop crying, charlotte tried to keep her from crying even more (which obviously wasn't working), and jay was resting on a chair.

your father? he was complaining the entire time about "wAkiNg uP sO eArLy" and "wHy dO yOu hAvE tO lEavE sO soOn".

it's 12AM. a bunch of people are trying to get rest before their next flight.

a crying kid and a father complaining isn't helping.

you placed an earbud into your ear, blasting your favorite song in order to drown out the noise. you kept checking the chats to see if anyone would have read or replied, anything to make sure that they were okay.

but there was nothing.

they're probably going to think you're the traitor.

this is the start of your villain arc.

that's what you're telling yourself at least. tryna make light of the situation .

you were terrified to think about what will happen. getting kicked out of ua? being placed into a general class? everyone hating you? or will nothing happen?

you couldn't tell what would happen.

"ayo y/n," a voice called you. you turned around find kirishima's doppelgรคnger waving to you.

sighing, you walked over to him. "what do you need?"

he placed his hands above him. "so moody. i just wanted to ask if you wanted my number or messenger so we could continue to talk."

you cocked an eyebrow at him. "this is totally not suspicious."

"its literally only to talk outside of when you're here. i'm not trying to hit on you or anything. we're going to be step-siblings, rather not be in that alabama situation," he explained, rolling his eyes.

you rolled your eyes, reaching your hand our for his phone. "give me your phone so i can put my contact in."

he placed his phone into your hand. you added your contact into his phone, labeling yourself as "better sibling".

handing back his phone, you walked back to your original spot and placed your other earbud in.

opening your messages, you find a new person texting you.

its jay

better sibling
i can tell

unknown has been renamed to "step bro"

step bro
very fitting

better sibling
ikr im so original

step bro
you excited to go back to japan

better sibling
i hate america sm

step bro
don't blame you
it sucks ass here

better sibling
don't turn into florida man when i'm gone

step bro
i don't plan on it lol

better sibling
i have a question

step bro

better sibling
are you forced to go to church or do you go on your own account?

step bro
i go on my own account

better sibling
you told be that you were forced to

step bro
whoops lol

better sibling

step bro
my bad

better sibling
ugh i yelled at your mom bc i thought she was lying to me about you all going to church on your own accounts

step bro
i know
she told me

better sibling

step bro
you have too big of a pride

better sibling
im aware ty


better sibling
thats me

better sibling is offline!

"thats my flight," you said, grabbing your suitcase.

your father turned to you, his arms outstretched for a hug. you raised your eyebrows, giving him a look that said "don't-touch-me". he placed his hands down, sadness evident on his features.

"good bye. thanks for having me. see you possibly next year," you stated, turning around without a second thought.

you walked into the flight exit, holding yourself high.

time to go home.
