31 | Are you Okay?

After the match between Johzenji and Karasuno, you and the team are heading back to the school to discuss the next match and how we did during this match.

During the car ride everyone was basically exhausted and fell a sleep, unfortunately you couldn't sleep for some reason. Kageyama basically feel a sleep on your lap when you got in the bus so he was sleeping.

'Isn't dad coming home today' you thought while grabbing your phone trying not to disturb your sleeping boyfriend in the process.

You opened your phone and it was definitely the day that he is coming. You remembered that he had a match yesterday but you never checked what was the result of it, so you were curious if his team won or lost.

You looked at Kageyama and for the first time he looked so vulnerable while he was sleeping, he looked so a peace while snuggling on your lap. You smiled and ran you fingers though his hair

'It's so soft!' You thought while internally fangirling over your boyfriends hair for some reason

'I should really ask him what shampoo he uses because damn it's soft' you thought taking a mental note to ask him later.

You looked at the window and rested your head in your hand while the other was playing with Kageyama's hair, you looked at him and he looked like he was enjoying it so you just kept on playing with it

'What a day' you thought, the more you looked at the window and saw the sun setting,the more you looked at it you felt like sleeping so you closed your eyes and fell asleep

1 hour later

You slowly flutter your eyes and felt like you were leaning on something. You opened your eyes fully and saw that Kageyama wasn't on your lap, you looked and saw that you were leaning on Kageyama who seemed to be awake

You raised your head and stretched your back, you looked and saw that it was now fully dark outside. You looked at Kageyama and he seemed to be listening to music on his headphones, you stood up a bit and looked around. The only people who are sleeping at the moment was Ennoshita, Asahi, Yachi, and Yamaguchi.

The rest were mostly doing their own thing, you lean over to Kageyama and kiss his cheek. Apparently he didn't notice you were awake and was caught off guard when you kissed him and flinched when you kissed him on the cheek

"How long were you awake" he asked

"Well apparently the song you are listening to is more important than seeing your girlfriend" you said jokingly while puffing your chest

"No one will replace you, no girl or music" he whispered to your ear making flustered

You playfully push him "oh shut up" you said while smirking. He looked at you and quickly kissed you on the lips before anyone noticed it.

The bus finally stopped and finally you and the team arrived at Karasuno. You quickly check the time on your phone and it read 9:46 pm

"Everyone before you leave, we will have a quick meeting in the gym" said Coach Ukai

Everyone went in the gym and sat in the floor waiting for Coach to come, you sat next to Kageyama who immediately lean his head on your shoulder. You looked around and saw that most of the team was exhausted looking and saw (*ahem Nishinoya, Hinata and Tanaka ahem*) where basically sleeping on the ground

"Ahem!" You looked and saw the Ukai was getting the attention of the team

"Sorry for making this meeting so late but I just wanted to discuss our opponents for tomorrow's match" he said, while everyone who was half a sleep woke up and listen to Ukai

"As you may have known but our opponents are Wakutani South High School and I have to let you know their team is the most one to be wary of" he said, while everyone started to get worried

"I advise you not to get frustrated if their attacks do not make it through, especially (y/n), Hinata and Tanaka" he adds while us three started to get even more worried if that is even possible

"Don't worry! The rest of the team will always have your back and we are right there if you need it" Daichi said making the mood why less dense

"Well that is all you are all dismissed, tomorrow you have to be here by 6 am sharp" said a Ukai while everyone filed out of the gym.

As usual, you, Hinata and Kageyama were walking together home while talking about how the matches went and our opponents tomorrow and what not

"Judging by how Coach Ukai told us, I assumed that this team is strong" said Hinata

"You think?" You said sarcastically

After more talking mostly you and Hinata joking around you arrived at your house, you said goodbye to Hinata and quickly kiss Kageyama goodbye. You went to the door and unlocked it

"I'm home" you stated while taking off your shoes

You noticed that your dads sneakers and gym bag where there, which made you raise a brow. Usually he would bring his gym bag in his room because he hated that it made the place looked dirty

"Dad?" You called but nobody answered, you walked to the living room and saw that only your dads jacket that is for the national volleyball team was on the couch and further more you looked at the kitchen but no one was their

'He's probably in his room' you thought while heading to his room

When you arrived at the door, it was a little open. You peaked through and saw that your dad was sitting on the edge of the bed and he kind of looked upset

"Dad...I am coming in" you said while entering his room

You saw that he was holding a picture of your mother and looked like he was frustrated , this started to make you worried because your dad isn't the type of guy to show his emotions all the time. You walked over to him and sat in front of him on the floor

"Hey dad what's wrong" you asked worriedly

He didn't answer but just looked at me, you knew that your dad was the most caring person in the world even if he didn't show it, you stood up and hugged him

"We lost today" he said, you broke from the hug and looked at him confused

"Today's match between South Africa...we lost" he said, you sat right next to him and laid your head on his shoulder

"Now that I know how it feels..what was the score?"

"13-15" he said

"Don't be so down at least you almost got it" you said

"You are one to say" he said while chuckling a bit

"Well at least we won the match I was playing in" you said while raising your head

"Which school did you play against?" He said


"Well that's a starter"

"Tomorrow we are gonna play against Wakutani" you said while standing up

"Well I wish you luck, you might need a lot of it" He said while you just pouted

"How mean! I just helped you out and this is what you repay me" you said while crossing your arms around your chest

"Oi, it's not like I get repaid when you get all sappy" he said while kissing your forehead

"Yea yea...goodnight" you said

"Ya goodnight..." he said while closing the door

A/n: hope you like the chapter, what happened between you and Levi is actually what happened between me and my dad (well except the part were he was holding a picture of your mother), I love what happened and so I added It between you and Levi! Hope you liked it

โœจWord Count: 1308 ฯˆ(๏ฝ€โˆ‡')ฯˆ
