3 | The Conductor Part 3

Edited: 20/2/2020

You and your team went to the court and got into your positions, since it was your turn, Tanaka will be sitting on the bench for the whole game. You looked to the other side and saw your dad getting into position, but what changed was the look on his face, the face of pure concentration.

What people didn't know was that when your dad plays volleyball he has this face of pure concentration written all over his face, the reason why you only knew was because you would almost everyone day practice with and to be honest, it was also your daughter instincts let's say.

You looked right into your fathers eyes signaling not to hold back which made him nod slightly to show his approval. And with that said you hear the bell whistle signaling to start the match

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย โœงเผโ”‰โ”‰โ”‰โ”‰โ”‰หš*โ‹ โ‹ โ‹*หšโ”‰โ”‰โ”‰โ”‰โ”‰เผโœง

The ball was being served on your court so you were the one to serve. You went to the end of the court and gripped onto the ball. You took a deep breath and threw the ball in the air and jumped as high as you can, the wind that was created by your jump blew through your hair as ย you hit the ball with all your force you could create. You can see that the ball was heading to the opposing side of the court without letting them have a chance to react

'It's gonna go in' you thought but was immediately stopped by your dad passing it on which gave you an annoyed look, the ball was back in your court which gave a chance to score

Kageyama is given the ball and tosses it to Shoyo, who spikes it onto the other side before anyone can react. You can see your dads shocked face and he immediately clicked his tongue in annoyance. On the other side, Ukai was confused by the lack of signals and calls out to Shoyo basically scaring him in the process. He goes over to him timidly and talks to him for a bit and goes back to the court.

Much to your excitement, you were placed in front of your dad. The game continues till your dad was setting the ball, you getting in position in front ofย  Takinoue. Takinoue spikes and you and Shoyo jumped up to block him. Though the ball still goes over,ย  Takinoue was surprised and states that Shoyo and your jumps were amazing.

But without you knowing someone was watch you.

โœงเผโ”‰โ”‰โ”‰โ”‰โ”‰หš*โ‹Levi's POVย โ‹*หšโ”‰โ”‰โ”‰โ”‰โ”‰เผโœง

I was setting the ball to tattsun when all of a sudden I see that (y/n) and shoyo were jumping to block it. For a split second I saw 'The little giant' in hinata which made me blink a few times to realize that it wasn't him

'That kid is something, I know that I know that much' i thought to myself

โœงเผโ”‰โ”‰โ”‰โ”‰โ”‰หš*โ‹ย End of POVย โ‹*หšโ”‰โ”‰โ”‰โ”‰โ”‰เผโœง

The match resumes and Shoyo is distracted again by your dads power and accuracy. As he was thinking about how much he wants to be just like him, Takinoue spikes the ball-right into Shoyo's face.ย  You immediately ran over panicked to your teammate, while the others started gathering around him, you tried to look around to find Kiyoko but unfortunately she went out to go get something so she wouldn't be here till the match ends

You sat next to hinata and check his wound, "did you really have to space out in the MIDDLE of the match" you said while glaring at him, he told everyone that he was fine but you knew he wasn't

"Hey guys, can we have a break, i need to go get the med kit for this dumbass over here" you said while pointing at Shoyo

"I think that is a good idea, but I don't think you know were is it, Kageyama could you go withย  (l/n) and bring the med kit" Daichi said to Kageyama

"Y-yes sir" he said, and the both of you go to the back of the gym and tried looking for the med kit

You both went inside a room and found the med kit but the only problem was that it was on the top shelf.ย  You looked around and saw a ladder, you placed it and climbed it, when grabbing it, all of sudden you felt the ladder tilling, you immediately fall down but what you didn't notice was that you fell on top of Kageyama.

You open your eyes and you were directly starting into Kageyama dark blue eyes, both of you looked at each-other for what felt like an eternity but in reality ย it was just a split second, when your mind finally processed what was happening you felt heat on your cheeks as well as him.

You immediately stood up and bowed 90 degrees to apologize

"S-sorry f-for f-falling o-on to y-you" you said trying not to look straight into his eyes

'Shit did I really have to fall on kageyama of all people' you thought to your self still flustered

"Y-ya I-it's f-fine" he said while also trying not to look into your eyes you both cleaned up the mess and walked back to the gym

The walk was full of awkward silence till you reached back to the gym, you and Kageyama went over to Shoyo, you opened the kit and start to bandage his face a bit to stop it from swelling.

Hinata keeps on telling you that he was fine but all you did was glare at him which made chills go up his spine, but stops when he sees Kageyama.

Kageyama yells at hinata which catches everyone attention. He yelled at him for spacing out during a match and points out how Shoyo was too busy thinking about how much he wants to be like your dad, you just looked at Kageyama till he realized you were staring which made both of you blush like crazy, but what you didn't know was that a certain someone aka your dad was watching very closely.

The match begins and Karasunos in top shape making the association members start to play a little more seriously,ย  Your dad starts off with a jump serve and was about to hit but was stopped by Nishinoya, you all scramble to get back into position and continue the game.

At the end Karasuno lost by at least 3 points and was pretty sad about it. Before everyone could clean up, Ukai and your dad by his side rounded the team up

"All of you brats still have a long ways to go, most of you have poor receiving skills and to top that off you don't use signals" your dad said while looking at Shoyo and Kageyama.

"But at the end I am amazed and surprised of how good you guys are" he said while lighting up everyone's mood.

After that everyone started to clean up, the Association was about to leave so everyone said their 'thank you' and were about to leave but before that you stopped your dad

"Hey dad wait up" you said to your dad

"What is it, can't it wait till you get home" he said with a tired look in his eyes, well he always looks tired but right now he looks extra tired

"Suga-kun gave this to me and told me it is from auntie, she said it belonged to mom" you said while holding the box

His eyes widen and took the box; looking at it for a second, he gave you a kiss on the forehead and left the gym. You went back to everyone and helped with clean the gym

"Everyone round up" Coach Ukai said, while everyone huddled up around him.

"We have some news to tell you, in about 3 weeks we will have a practice match with our rivals Nekoma High" he said while everyone look at each other knowing full well who they are

"So for the next couple of weeks we will be practicing everything that Levi had mentioned with a little more of my critiques to add to that" said Ukai, he was about to continue but was interrupted by Takeda

"But there is one conditioning if you want to play against them" he said while grabbing everyone attention

"The school said that if you want to go to Tokyo ย for the practice match, you will have to get at least 65% in your midterms that will be coming up" when he said that everyone (mostly Kageyama, Shoyo, Tanaka and Nishinoya) went into chaos, you looked around and saw that Tanaka and Nishinoya were pray to dear god while you saw a pale and almost dead Kageyama and Shoyo on the floor

You giggled at their expressions which caught their attention

"Are you guys really that stupid, I mean what was your highest mark?" You asked

"Well I never got double digits" said an orange haired boy while holding his chin

"Same here" said Tanaka and Nishinoya

"Well unlike that dumbass, I got a 30 once" said kageyama like it was an accomplishment

'They really are dumb are they, I mean I expect that from Shลyล, Tanaka and Nishinoya but Kageyama really?!?!' you thought while looking at them

"Hey (y/n) aren't you a genius of something in school" asked Shoyo which made the other three look at you

"Well yes but-" you said but was interrupted by Shoyo, Tanaka and Nishinoya bowing to you

"Could you please tutor us for the up coming exams!" They said in unison which made you jump a bit

"Ya could you please help us" you heard Kageyama say but in a very low voice

You sighed "well okay fine, you guys can come over to my house next week so I can test you" you said which made them jump in happiness

"thanks (y/n) for helping them out, I was a bit worried if they will ask us third years to help them, as you know that we also have finals so thanks" said Daichi to you, you just smiled and nodded

'Well this will be an interesting 3 weeks' you thought to yourself

A/n: hello!!! Here is another chapter and the end of chapter 3, most of the dialogue go to from a summary on Fandom on episode 10 of haikyuu, but of course I changed some bits to fit in your character and Levi, cannot wait till next chapter cuz you will be Tutoring that smol crows(*^โ–ฝ^*)

โœจWord Count: 1777ย แ•ฆ(รฒ_รณห‡)แ•ค
