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31st December 1942

It was fifth year, and Venus and Tom were halfway through, it, and the time of year has come. Christmas!. People started to realise their growing obsession with one another. Especially the envious girls. The two were in the library searching for books on their new assignment. Of course Tom and her both got prefect grades but looking for a bigger goal.

'Venus,my darling. I want to know about my past. I have a feeling that my father went to Hogwarts and my mother had no ability in magic whatsoever. She succumbed to death, what weakness it brings.' He sat down next to her

'That's a big accusation,Tom. I don't know, what is your mothers name? And your fathers?' Venus replied

'Merope Gaunt and Tom Riddle Sr.' He replied gulping

'Gaunt you say? I don't think your mother is the muggle, Tom.' Venus goes to look for a book.

Tom followed closely behind. She went to the desk where Madam Redmond was writing.

'Madam, erm where are the book about famous family trees.' Venus asked desperately

'Well Miss Ravenclaw, there are over there but I don't want anymore book-throwing' she pointed to the far corner of the library

Venus thanked the librarian and rushed over to all the stacks of books. She mumbled to herself as Tom just leaned against the table.

'Gaunt where are you?' She mumbled

She then came across a dark green book. She took it out and looked at the book.

SlytherinΒ  family Descendants

'Tom I've found it!' Venus jumped as she set the book on the table. Tom gripped her waist and kissed her cheek. She opened it up, Tom's eyes widened as he saw the flimsy paper of the Gaunt's family tree

Venus pointed to a brown haired woman that did look very boney and ill. And the man above it.

'That's her, Merope Riddle (nΓ©e Gaunt). And the man, Marvolo Gaunt, she had a brother Morfin Gaunt. They had a family heirloom. My ring you gave to me.' Venus looked at her ring

Tom looked horrified

'How-my father, is a mudblood? This is a disgrace' he burned the book with his wand

'Tom this is a library book!' Venus looked at the pile of ash

'How is my stupid mother a witch! I have my mudblood fathers name!' He kicked the chair

'Tom you can't help it butβ€”'

'I was conceived under a love potion! Venus. My life is not like any others! Understand that!' His forehead vein bulged

'I do understand but Tom, let's not think about it. What about the prophecy, then you can think about your parents' Venus patted his shoulder

'I guess you are right. Now, we have found about the chamber of secrets, Slytherin made a thousand years ago. But where is it?' Tom tapped his foot impatiently

'I have researched that the Basilisk that lies within the chamber scares away spiders. The other founders knew nothing of this chamber. Slytherin disagreed with the other Hogwarts founders on the merits of blood purity. That's why he built it so that it's heir can open it and set a purge on the school. Tom that's you! You are able to open the chamber! But the place is unknown, but we will eventually figure it out' Venus said looking down

After some time Tom and her exited the Library and walked down the chilly hall.

'Oh Tom, it's your birthday, happy birthday' Venus gave him a large box. He looked at her, he had never gotten a present in his life.

'For me?' He asked

'Yes, merry Christmas and birthday,Tom' she smiled

It was New Year's Eve. And it was snowing like crazy. They both went outside in the snow with their coats and gloves on and sat down on a cold bench in the courtyard. Tom then opened it to reveal a reticulated python. He stared open mouthed at it

He started hissing at it as it hissed back. She knew he was a parselmouth becuase all the descendants were so it wasn't a surprise.

'Do you like it?' Venus asked

'No I don't. I love it!' He said kissing her softly
The snake went up Venus's arms and slithers on her shoulder hissing again

'What are you going to call it?' Venus asked

Tom thought hard about this, after some time he got a name

'Nagini.' He took the baby snake offΒ  Venus's shoulder and looked at it.

'What an interesting name. I like it. Anyways we have spent loads of time in the library and not do anything fun.' Venus puffed

'Library is fun too. We just have to focus on the chamber.' Tom said sternly

'Well what about..this' Venus picked up a snowball and launched it at his face. She got up and ran.

They both heard the orchestra play music from the great hall.

'Why don't we do a duel?' Tom smirked

'Get ready to go down' Venus challenged.

They came in the middle of the courtyard and stuck their wands out they looked devilishly into eachothers eyes before raising their wands to their face

'Scared, Venus?' He taunts

'You wish' she smirksΒ  (Lol parallel to Draco and Harry)

They bowed and walked backwards at a distance and stood.

'Oppugno' Venus shouted as branches came of the nearest tree and aimed like bullets at Tom who easily deflected it

'Stupefy' he shouted

'Protego' she shouted

He smirked

'Confringo' Venus incarnatedΒ 

'Reducto' Tom incarnated at the same time

The spells collided in the middle. They stayed like that hungry for the victory. It looked like Tom was winning but Venus pushed back, the spells still colliding.

Above Tom was a tree with snow on it, Venus had a plan to break the spell and redirect it to hit the tree making the snow fall on Tom.

So then she broke it and like she had plannned, it went straight into the tree and dousing Tom in a pile of snow. Nagini just slithered up her arm and put her tail around her shoulder.

She nodded in agreement.

Venus walked over to the pile and Tom emerged from it.

'Fair play, Venus.' His lip curled up

'I won' she smiled, she helped Tom up and dusted him off with the snow. She wiped the snow off his face and hair. They stared into eachothers eyes.

'Come on let's go back inside.' He smiled holding her hand and lead her and Nagini who was still on her shoulder.

Tom loved that he had someone who got him. Unlike anyone else he felt someone melting his cold heart. He has never really had anyone care for him the way Venus did.

Little did Tom know Venus had another surprise. They all finished dinner, she knew Tom would stay at Hogwarts, it was like his comfort place. So she decided to stay this Christmas with him. She knew how much he felt alone.

Today was New Year's Eve. So at 11:50pm Venus got Tom to come outside.

'Why are we here?' He whined

They were next to the Black lake and looked back to the sillhouette of Hogwarts.

'It's pretty isn't it?' Venus looked at Tom

He put an arm around her shoulder looking at Hogwarts over the hills.

They all heard






'Happy new year!'
They both heard from Hogwarts as they looked to the sky to see fireworks lighting up the night sky

'Happy new year, Tom' she smiled

'Happy new year, Venus. Another year towards victory' he hugged her

'I have another surprise. I developed a new spell behind your back' she smirked

He looked at her, Venus got her wand out and pointed to the black sky


Soon the green spell came out and a huge green deatheater mark in the sky, they both looked to see the snake moving. It was beautiful

'Wow, Venus..this is..' Tom trailed off

The duo both looked at the deatheater mark in the sky (like GoF)

'What's the incarnation. How did you even manage to do it?' He asked

'Morsmorde, I did it in my free time, you need a lot of time to prefect it and a lot of patience' Venus smiled
Tom saw this mark as some sort of mistletoe. He pulled Venus towards him and kissed her passionately.

What a new year this was. Now next, the chamber of secrets.

Ahhh this chapter is everything! What do you think? I mean I tried :)

We r nearly at one hundred reads which is amazing!

Thank you for the support and ily


