Lilie was completely shattered when she heard the news. She was unable to comprehend that their request had been denied. She slammed her hands on the table in disbelief, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Everyone present at the table was equally devastated by the rejection. They had all been working hard to make their dream of becoming a successful music group come true, and the news felt like a crushing blow.

Lalita, who was their manager, producer, and Sunhye's older cousin, was equally astounded. She threw her hands up in the air in disbelief, feeling helpless and frustrated. She spoke up, "We can't do anything about it, Lil. Who would- and I'm not saying this to be a douchebag but, honestly, who would sign you guys under their name?" Lalita had invested a lot of time and money into the group's auditions, and the rejection was a hard pill to swallow.

The girls had tried their best to get accepted by any music company, but every single one of them had turned them down. It felt like they had no more hope left, and their dreams were crushed. They were all struggling to come to terms with the harsh reality of the music industry.

"It's a sad reality," Jihyun-better known as Anne-sighed. She slid off her headphones from her ears and joined the others in their sadness at the announcement. She knew that it would be a difficult journey, and they would have to find another way to make their dreams come true. She wondered what their next move should be, but for now, they would grieve and try to figure things out.

Grace looked at her fellow members, pursing her lips together as she set her notebook and pen on the diner table. She turned to Lalita, who was still visibly upset. "Why don't we just make our own record company?" she suggested.

The other girls stared at her, unsure of what to make of her idea. Did she think that establishing a record company was as easy as learning how to ride a bike? They dismissed her idea, returning to wallow in their sadness. Grace glanced at the faces of her disappointed friends before speaking up again- persistent about her idea. "Lita, help us with this one. I-I know you've spent so much money on just making us audition for companies, but seriously-" She licked her lips as she thought about her words. She believed that they could make it work, and they needed Lalita's help to do so.

"We can prove to Compton- no, the world that we are something. J-just because we're girls doesn't mean we can't be something extraordinary."

Lita sighs, rubbing her temples as she releases an annoyed sigh. Grace had always been the persistent one. She was always set on achieving her dreams, and she was persistent in achieving this one- she wanted to achieve stardom. To be something incredible. They were cousins, but that didn't always mean she would sacrifice everything just to make her childish dreams come true.

So many nights and days passed with her eating instant noodles just to fund their career and auditions, but it all went in vain in the end.

Lita clenched her jaw as she thought about her suggestion. It didn't seem bad, but it didn't seem the most logical, too. It just seemed like a waste of money, and if she were to eat another batch of ramen just to survive- she would most definitely smack the hell out of her cousin.

Grace fidgets in her seat nervously as she continues to hold eye contact with her. Grace's eyes seemed to be pleading with her to do it- to take the charge.

"Fine," Lita sighs in defeat, calling to a waitress to pour some more orange juice into her cup. "I'll do it, but if we don't get at least," She thinks of a reachable number of sales for a rookie group like them. "10 record sales at best, just know that I'm smacking you so hard, Sunhye." She threatens with a small laugh, laughing even harder at the look of terror on her cousin's face at that harmless joke.

Young Posse.

They were called. It was Lalita who named them that. Maybe their name was too deceptive- multiple record companies went in and took a listen to their rookie demo album, thinking that they were some thug boys who were from the streets. Only to find out, they were just girls with hopes and dreams.

Take N.W.A and the Posse for example- hard-core gangsters who didn't give a fuck about rules or whatever.

It was quite funny how their name sounded similar to theirs- yet Ruthless Records (the same company they tried to get signed to) rejected them.

"Sinister," Lita interjects all of a sudden, making the girls turn their heads to her. Once she knew they were listening to her, she spoke up again. "Sinister Records." Was that her suggestion for a record company name?

The girls pursed their lips, looking off to the side as the name didn't... quite fit them as a group and company.

Yeonjung-Bella-speaks up, giving her own opinion regarding the name. "It's... something, but it sounds too... thuggish?" She inputs, taking a sip of her cold-now lukewarm-water.

Jieun-Diana and the youngest of them-agrees with Bella, nodding her head too as she inputs her own opinion. "Yeah, I agree. I mean, we're just girls trying to make music. Not murder people!" She jokes around, earning a few snickers from her friends except for Lita.

"Okay, fine, Sini-STAR, then. Sound any better?" She asks, but the girls all stare at her with puzzled looks on their faces.


"Yeah," Lita shrugs. The name was nice, quirky, and was a head-turner. Surely people would get curious as to why they were named that- that would be good publicity.

"Sinistar Records." She completes, leaning back in her seat.

"It sounds too much like Ruthless Records, though-"

"No, like, like this-" She grabs Grace's notebook, sketching down the logo for the record company.

"Like this," She shows them the drawing.


A badly drawn star replaces the 'A'. It seemed corny, but it was charming in a way. It seemed unique, fresh, and playful. The route that they were taking with their music.

Maybe their bursting ideas were too much for the record companies- they had many ambitions and hopes for their group, but it was only natural since they were young and didn't know any better.

"That sounds awesome, honestly." Grace agreed, nodding her head as her eyes skimmed over the faces of her fellow members and cherished best friends.

Slowly but surely, Bella, Anne, Lillie, and Diana nodded their heads in agreement, too.

Sure enough, they came to a collective agreement, and so SINISTโ˜†RECORDS was born.
