The beginning of the end.

I stood beside Mikasa , the scarf and bracelete that Eren And I gave her around her neck and her wrist. We watched in concern as Eren twiched in his sleep.ย  I knelt beside him and grabbing his hand, a sudden jolt of electirc shock passing between us. Eren's eyes shot up and he gasped , sitting up her looked at me and then around us as though he had forgotten where we were.

''Relax , Eren.'' I said , with a smile.

Eren held up our enterwined hands and squeezed before letting go. I smiled and helped him stand, before I took my place next to Mikasa and grabbed her hand.

''Let's start heading back.'' Mika said.

''Why am I here?'' Eren asked a little out of it. And in all honesty , who blames him. When you live a life like ours you should ask yourself that question everyday. It keeps the people who think about freedom everyday sane. Or atleast that's what Mama says.

''You were sleeping that soundly?'' Mika asked from beside me, shifting her scarf.

''No, it was just like I was having a really long dream.'' Eren said tiredly.

''Is that so?'' I said.'' What was it about?''

Eren looked at me and shrugged.''I can't remember.''

Mikasa and I shared a look of concern , before she spoke up.'' But Eren, you just woke up and you already forgot it?''

''Is it important?'' Eren snapped impulsively, probably tired of us babying him.

I shoke my head,''No , not you can't even recall it.''

''Let's move on.'' Mikasa said pulling me forward and looking behind to make sure that Eren was following. Mikasa the mother hen. Gotta love her.

We walked with our days work on our shoulders, the market place buzzing with life as usual, an everyday occurence. Children smiled up at their parents who smiled back and people greeting each other as they passed by. I smiled at the lively feeling that flowed around us.

It was beautiful and was enough to make me want to drop my load and run home to my mother with a big smile and the thought of giving her her favorite flowers.


The only family I had left, since we left dad behind when I was six.

Best desicion that she ever made her life she says everyday. Now she was remarried. To a man named Aizawa Shota. He was a memeber of the Survey Corpse. He worked with important people like Lance Corporal Levi Ackerman and Erwin Smith.

The only things that he brought with him were two children. Eri and Hitoshi. My siblings. Brother and sister. Adopted of course.

It was very new to me , having siblings. I always wanted a brother , an older brother who was protective and loved me. And as younger sister who looked up to me.

Hitoshi was a year older than us and he always looked over us and told us everything that he had learned from school. He was also Mikasa's favorie person alive. Even though she would deny the accusation, her blush did not lie.

Sometimes she would sit me down to talk about him and would stay some days with us just to be near him. I mean we all did. ' we all' being ,Armin, Eri, Eren, Mikasa and I. He was the oldest of us and the bravest.

Eri was like me, a lot like me. My father told me about her past and how similar it was to me and Mikasa's. She had been kidnapped after her grandfather's passing and sold in the underground market. But, luckily dad was there that day and he 'bought' her. That was how those twisted creeps thought, but in reality , her adopted her.

Now they came running towards us, my siblings.

''Y/n!'' Eri yelled happily, with a smiling Hitoshi on her tail.

I opened my arms to catch her as she threw herself at me. I picked her up and spun her around as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "My favorite little sister!''

Hitoshi smiled and rubbed Eren and Mikasa's heads before joining our embrace.''She's your only sister, besides Mika of course.''

I put my sister down and hold her hand as Hitoshi holds his hand out for my load. I opened my mouth to protest ,but Mikasa covered it and I passed the load over to him.

Eri smiled up at her.'' Daddy's coming back today. His mission should be complete soon!''

I brightened up instantly , father was coming home. He couldn't be home all the time because of the job that he had chosen, but when he was there was never a sour moment.

We all loved each other, and it was unconditional, that's what I like to think.

''That means that the rest of the Survey Corpse will be back as well!'' Eren cheered as we continued to walk.

''Yes, dad's coming back today and we'll finally be able to know I we've made anyย  progress in our hunt for knowledge on the Titans.''

The atmoshpere of our group dimed slightly, the shade of reality covering our eyes as we walked by. I looked to my family and their dulled faces.''Well , at least we still have time , right? The walls give us more time.''

''Yeah, but the four of us ,even Eri and she's young, aren't stupid enough to think that they'll last forever , it's just plain stupid.'' Hito said as he looked up at the wall.

True. Walls were made to either , protect , conceal or be broken. The question was , what were our walls really made for?

''True.'' was all I said, and Mika nods agreeing.

'' Hitoshi are you still going to join the Corpse?'' Eren asked , his eyes bright with hope.

Yeah, Hito was training for the Survey Corpse. He was willing to serve. Ans so were Eren and I. Though Mikasa, Auntie Carla and Mom didn't agree with our desicion, they still can't stop us from fighting for our freedom.

''What are you talking about Eren?''

We looked up to see Hannes , a memeber of the Garrison. The watchers of the wall. Idiots father would say.

He leaned towards us and the smell of liquor assulted my nose. I stepped back and made sure Eri didn't have to smell it. I was nice and but Eren was blunt,''You reek of booze!''

Hitoshi chuckled and walked past us,''I'll see you guys home. Mom wanted me back early for some spring cleaning. You know how much she loves a clean house. Good bye , nice to see you Hannes-san!''

''Ah, good bye Hitoshi!''

''Say hi to Mommy for me!''

''Tell Mom I'll bring her favorite flowers!''

''Tell Auntie M/n to stop being friend with Hannes-san!''


I laughed and Eri giggled , Mikasa shook her head. Hitoshi walked off in the distance and the laughter of men caught our attention. They were sitting together around a barrel, with bottles of alcohol.

"Your drinking again?''

''Why don't you four joins us?''

I immediately took offence.''So that we could end up stumbling home? please our mother would have our heads.And what about your job?''

''Eh? we're all wall gaurds today.'' Hannes said.''having been here all day, hunger and thirst were bound to catch up to us.''

Was I really about to listen to this?

''Your a bad example for children, Hannes-san.''

''Maybe, but that's alright, you kids are young there's still much more to learn.''

Eren shook a little from rage. It was kinda cute.''But will you be able to fight when you need to?''

We all looked at him before looking back at Hannes-san. Who's smile had faded and he stared at him in shock.''And when would that be?''

''Isn't that obvious?! when they break through the wall and storm down the city!''

Eri walked over to Mikasa and held her hand, the older girl squeezed back.

''Hey, Eren don't start yelling so suddenly.'' Hannes-san said holding his forehead.

One of his pals gets up and walks over,''You're really lively, doctor's son. If they manage to do that , you bet we'd get the job done.''

''No you wouldn't.'' I said.'' You've only seen Titans from behind the walls and on top of them. When it comes to fighting one forreal , you guys will chicken out and leave us to die. don't lie to us and fill yourselves with fake confidence. People who have never seen a Titan up close will never truly be able to kill one. You'd have to set your fear aside and strive for something bigger , like the goal of humanities freedon, you drunkards, can't even walk without getting a headache. Who are you fooling?''

They all looked at me in shock. Hannes-san and the man were so shcoked that they didn't even look offended, or maybe they were just to drunk.

''None sense. We'll get the job done.'' The man said.

I stared up at him judgmentally.'' I bet you will. If you don't you die as a failure to humanity. If your going to die , do it with your dignity and fight till your last breath.''

''Will do little fighter.''

''Common guys, no more talk , our parents want us home.'' Mikasa said walking head.

''Eren , Y/n , you should give up on your hopes of joining the Survey Corpse.''


Eren and I turned to Mikasa.'' Don' be like them Mikasa. If you want to stay behind these walls and live like livestock , feel free. But I want my familt to see the outside world, so I'm going to fight.''

''Are you going to look down on them too?'' Eren said.

''It doesn't matter what I see-''

The city bell rang. And that only happened when the Survey Corpse returned.

''Papa!'' I yelled and Eri , Eren and I ran ahead of Mikasa.''Common Mika!''

We turned a corner and ran behind the citizens of the crowd.'' I can't see!'' Eren and Eri said.

We saw three boxes and stepped on them to see over the crowd.ย  I pick Eri up and put her on my shoulder.

''Oto-san!'' I yelled when I saw him, his head was hung low, but when he heard my call he looked up and his eyes filled with a little hope. I jumped off of the box and pushed through the crowd until I was up front.

Eri clung to my head.''Daddy!''

Father jumped off of his horse and walked over o us. He knelt to our level and took Eri off of my shoulders.''You two look happy and healthy, shouldn't you be home by now?''

I smiled up at him ignoring them prying eyes, I looked over his shoulder and at Commander Erwin who spared me a glance and pu out his hand for me. I smiled and reached on my tiptoes to grab his fingers.''Uncle Erwin, I know that you feel crushed , but please don't give up ,we need you.''

Uncle Erwin squeezed my hand gently , before letting go and moving forward with his horse. My father put a hand on my shoulder and pulled me back just as Auntie Hange smiled down at me and Uncle Levi spared me a glance.

''Take Eri and-''

''Moses! Moses! where's my son?!'' a woman cried as she stumbled out of the crowd.

My father quickly covered my eyes as more injured men passed by,''Papa?''

''Don't worry, I just don't want you to see this. Your still too young.''


''Excuse me I don't see my son Moses..'' The woman said and I could tell that she was standing close.

I gently removed my father's hand so that I could see her.

''Where can I find him?''ย  she said as she clung to a soldier's cloak.

He looked down at her grimly for a second before saying.''It's Moses mother.''

And just like that I knew. That boy was dead. I looked up at my father , who was already looking down at me with a look that only a fearful father gives a child.

I forced my attention back to the woman.'' Bring it over.''

I cringed as the woman stepped back with wide eyes, mouth open in shock.

Something wrapped in cloth was handed to her and from the length of it it looked like it could be a loaf of bread. But, bread doesn't come from outside the walls.

Everyone watched as she unraveled it. She gasped when she saw it, the hand of her son.

I gasped and stared at the horrid sight.ย It was clearly bitten off, but the sad things was that it was bloodied and bruised.

The woman began to cry as she clutched the apendage to her chest.

'' That's all we were able to recover.''

She feel to her knees and hugged the arm. I stepped forward and ran over to her. I stopped at her side and hugged her.She clung to me and I didn't care if there was a hand between us. She needed solice.

''But . . .my sonย  . . carried out his duy, right?''

The soldier knelt to our level and exhaled in shock when she asked that.

''Although it may not have been anything significant,he contributed to mankinds retaliation somehow , didn't he?!''

I flinched and her tone, and felt my father's hand on my shoulder. I took the que and stood up as he handed Eri to me.
He walked back over to his horse. He has to leave.

A deadly silence took the street and sand wafted into the air from the harsh breeze.

''Of course!'' the soldier said. But then he looked down.''No . . .through this mission, we. . .No through all of our missions. . .We've failed to achieve anything! Because of my incompetence, I've gotten soldeirs killed for nothing!''

Everyone looked at him in absolute shock. All this time . . ?

Our eyes shook in shock and horror,''and failed to learn the slightest thing about them!'' he was crying now.

The Survey Corpse moved on as we spectators watched. My father looked back at us with his dark eyes , before turning and keeping his head hung.

Poor Papa.

Eri clung to me with tears running down her face as we watched.

We returned to Eren and Mikasa, who held out her hands for Eri.

This day couldn't possibly get any more depressing . . . .



Trail and error. End of chapter. See you next one.

Starlia the Sungal.
