Roslyn and her missing love

My parents started fighting again.

I stood hidden by the staircase and listened.'' Everything is coming together now and you can't stop it.''

My mother screamed in irritation and pulled at her hair.'' That's the problem , your going to run that child into an early grave! Don't you care!''

My father's voice remained calm and stern.'' I care about humanity, and one child is nothing compared to that.''

The was a frightening silence. The air was suddenly stiff and drained of any love. In fact even though no words were said you could tell that eye contact was maintained.

''What did I marry? 'cause it's not a man or a human.'' My mother said,'' what happened to the man that used to love his child?! did he go off to work and never come back too?!''

''I never loved the child , M/n, you know this.''

My heart shattered.

I could hear the sound of glass breaking and splinters piercing he arteries and viens. Blood spilled everywhere , it's irony value now mixed with the salt of my tears. Children screamed in pain and mothers cried out in vain while father's watched, offering no help.

The pain was so sharp that my heart actually ached. I grabbed my chest in fear, gripping tightly to my night gown and pulling at it , careful not to let out any form of sound.

''Go to hell! and take your ambition and heartlessness with you you piece of shit ,don't you ever think that you'll ever turn that child into any kind of war weapon!''

That seemed to be the last string for my fathher becasue he too started yelling, not like he had a valid reason to.

''You stupid woman, what do you know?'' he said.'' your nothing but and insignificant street whore that escaped the underground. Don't think hat because you escaped that life is better or that your suddenly of use. The only thing your good for is maing babies.''

I don't know how to feel
but some day I might
someday I might

''When did that happen? when did you stop loving me? why? tell my why so I can fix it.'' My mother begged and I could hear the pain in her voice, it was raw and enough to make me cry harder. I knelt to the floor clutching my head , trying to block out the rest of the world. I pressed my lips together tightly to keep my sobs soundless. My body shook as I cried into the air soundless , my heart constricting in my chest adding to my growing pain.

Aren't we just terrified?

''I only used you for the child ,M/n. Love is for children. And since when did you know anything about love?.'' He said and I hear footsteps moving further into the room.''You who was disowned at a young age , you who begged for money and decided to sell your body for it. I chose you because you were easy , you didn't suspect much. You were just so excited by the idea of finally being loved , that you failed to see that you were never given any.''

don't let it fool you
don't let it fool you

I raised my head at his words and turned towards their room door. I pressed my palm against it.

wings wouldn't help you
wings wouldn't help you

I don't how but I could feel warmth from the other side of the door. It was as if mother had her palm against it.

won't let you talk me
won't let you talk me

''It's okay, baby. Mommy will keep you safe.''

I pressed my forehead against the door and sobbed.

if your scared I'm on my way

''Mommy make daddy stop. He's so mean now. Why doesn't he love us anymore?''

The door immediately opened ,and there stood my mother , her eyes drooped with exhaustion and she looked older and lifeless. She grabbed me and started walking down the stairs.

''We're leaving ,okay?'' she asked.'' And we're going to Eren's for some time, is that okay?''

''Far from Daddy?''

''Far from that monster.''


This is where the story really begins.

I hope you guys enjoy. I'll update very soon. I just had to post this , to give a picture of what life really is like. Not every household has smiling parents and happy children.

Starlia the Sungal.
