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ห—ห‹ห sick and twisted หŽหŠ-
real life (first person pov)


"I'D BE RESPECTED IF I COULDN'T BE LOVED," amy march says to laurie in her emerald green velvet ballroom dress. laurie is drunk out of his mind as the two of them argue in the big fancy party. amy is on the verge of tears while jamie yells and walks off, splashing the alcohol in his glass all over the floor as he does so.

here i am laying on the living room couch wrapped in a fuzzy blanket. i'm rewatching little women for the thousandth time, and it's the thousandth time it's making me cry. i jump when i hear multiple loud knocks on the front door of our apartment. with a huff, i stand up from the couch and pause the movie.

i'm shocked to see chris and nick standing at my front door. i haven't seen nick in what feels like forever, but i spoke to chris yesterday. i still don't really know what's going on between us. i'm suffocated into nick's embrace as he holds me tightly in his arms for dear life. "holy fuck, isa. i missed you so much," he mumbles into my hair. i laugh sheepishly before he lets me go. "i missed you too, nick," i say as a faint smile forms on my lips. that is until my eyes lock on chris.

he looks serious, but i know him. by the glint in his blue eyes he somewhat looks sad. my brows furrow together. "what's wrong?" he sighs softly. "we need to talk." that sentence never leads to good news. i nod my head slowly before stepping aside to let them in. "yeah, i think we do."

chris and nick plop down onto the living room couch where i was previously laying. i sit on the loveseat near them two.

chris is the one to open his mouth first. "we saw eliza and niko together in his car." i sigh, and the two guys look surprised to see that i'm not shocked whatsoever. "i know why. eliza sent the screenshot to niko so he could post it anonymously."

"oh my god," nick scoffs. "that's so fucking sick and twisted." chris looks shocked, but i can read him. that's the perks of being a best friend. i squint into his eyes and he looks hurt. a frown forms on my lips. "chris?" chris looks up and meets my sympathetic gaze. he suddenly shakes his head and gets up. "i need air," is all he says before he exits out to the balcony. me and nick share a look. nick huffs exasperatedly. "well, for fuck sakes, go out there!" he says, and so without a word i do so.

chris is leaning against the balcony railing, his jaw clenched as he looks out at the scenery before him. the golden rays of the sun hit his face in the best way possible. he looks... handsome. wait, what? fuck no.

i shake those thoughts out of my head before taking a step closer to him. i stand next to him and also lean my body on the railing. his eyes are still on the buildings and roads below, and mine are on him.

"it's fucked up, izzy. this whole thing is fucked up," he says quietly, his voice barely even audible. but i can hear him. i can't help but feel so sad at his words because of how true they are. "i know," i agree quietly. without another word i rest my head on his shoulder. he gently rests his head on top of mine.

"i love you," i say softly. he hums. "i know." i'm not looking at his face anymore, but i can imagine him smiling.

it feels like the world only contains the both of us sometimes, like now. if i didn't have chris, i don't think i'd be able to even live.


liked by eeyoresbrain , emmathetrain , and 213 others


tags: izzabellazz , yappathon.cs

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eeyoresbrain so we're jst gonna ignore the first photo ?
โ†ณ nickintheportals yeah ๐Ÿ˜

user oh. OH !
โ†ณ user same girl

user amy march forever

user alr dude, what the flip !!

emmathetrain stop this isn't helping the allegations ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ...
โ†ณ nickintheportals well it's a pretty photooo

user that's so cute

user idgaf i will always love chris and isa
โ†ณ user as FRIENDS !


alrrrr lets talkk

i'm so sorry i haven't been updating either one of my stories guys i've been busy all summer ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


dont forget to vote <3
